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Posts posted by rescue_nerd

  1. Some of you mod, some of you don't. almost no one understands. EM5 was a huge step for the companies that worked on this game. A literal start from scratch to create something we've never seen before, and they achieved it. If you feel the need to say its disappointing or mad please, step up and create your own game from scratch with 0 bugs, 0 issues. Its why patching systems exist. When a large product is made, it's very rarely going to be flawless.


    Tl;dr: give it time

    Only because it's the only game of its kind I'm not allowed to dislike it? And it has nothing to do with hate I have no idea why you came up with that. These are just opinios. Don't get me wrong I'm not angry at your comment or mad at the game. I just think Em5 is not great.

  2. A really interesting mod, I like the rural feel and realism; you can tell a lot of time was put into just the fire station itself. A major bug (In my eyes) is that the firefighter who attaches/removes a supply line will lose the command to undress. When back at station I usually mask him up and take it off, but then after he undresses he "forgets" what vehicle was his. Anyone else having this issue?


    I also got bored, and made some edits :happy:

    attachicon.gifEm4 2014-11-28 16-25-35-55.png

    Nicely done. That's much better!

  3. Hey everyone, thanks for so many replies I read them.

    Yes, the automatic siren is good but if you could control it that would be even better. And did you notice that the siren is also switched on when the vehicle returns to the base which is pretty weird.

    the automated siren they put in is actually pretty good. it sounds only when around vehicles. in europe they dont keep the siren on all the time like america.

    That's not really true. During the day they always use their sirens but in the night time they only switch it on when there is a junction or traffic. They don't want to wake up everyone who lives near the roads.

  4. I want be the first who made new engine. I need attach hose to engine like in EM4.

    Good luck with that.

    Yeah it will be a while though before mods start coming out. I've read a few people where disappointed with the game, meh I'm on the fence tbh as I can't run it on my system so I can only watch gameplay videos.

    Ah, ok.

  5. I think its because its a small(ish) team and they would rather see what the modding communities can made with the new engine etc. Its always been like that since the 1st Emergency game.

    Yes, that's nice to hear (read ;) ) and I'm looking forward to mods. But I'm still disappointed. Do you like it?

  6. maybe, we should wait till mods come out?

    I think we'd definitely do that. Until then I don't play it.

    But I think even Em4 without mods is better than Em5.

    You do realize that cones, siren control etc were only made in the mods, none of the Emergency games have had these in the base game, like marcoclusius1 said wait until mods come out.

    Yes. But why didn't the developers put it in the game? They just had to look at the mods that people love to play and they'd know what we wanted. Besides Em5 doesn't even have "open houses".

  7. I'm pretty disappointed with the game. There are not many new features but a lot of necessary commands are missing (e.g. cones, firefighter/ medical equipment, siren control...) :WTF: In addition it is very unrealistic.


    What do you think about it?


    Overall I find Emergency 4 with mods (like Los Angeles, Copenhagen....) much better than Emergency 5.

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