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Posts posted by rescue_nerd

  1. hi I don't know if im doing something wrong but everytime I try to open the file it says cant open file 'c:program files (x86)\wizardworks\911 - first responders\mods\welfordshire modification.e4od' as archive would should I do any help thanks?

    Maybe the Mod-Installer is broken. Once I had the same problem and the following post in the Steam forum could help me: http://steamcommunity.com/app/323610/discussions/0/616189106451004584/?insideModal=1

    Try it. If you'd still be having issues with it I would seek help in the technical support section of Em-Planet.

  2. going to be intresting to see what the 1.2.0 patch will include/fix. but ye alot is buggy at the moment.

    And at some mechanics it feels like they have taken a step backwards.

    I do however like when the firemen use the heavy firetruck and connect thire hoses to it, but it seems bugged becouse they only do it half the time.

    But tbh i love the new grafics, it looks amazing, but needs some optimization. :)

    Yes, it really does.

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