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  1. I did a quick search but didn't find anything -- Having an issue where the map just keeps scrolling and scrolling and i cant do anything to stop it. Anyone else?
  2. Hey guys, Sorry to bump the topic, but I wasn't sure where else I could ask to get an adequate answer. I'm having a small camera problem that's actually becoming quite annoying In like corners or edges of the map where most of the fire departments are, I cant get the camera to move far enough over to gain access to those area's, and if i finally can its because I played with rotating and zooming on the camera to finally get it to pan to where I'd like it to Any idea's?
  3. When I play (either version) of the mod, I don't get any supervisor audio AT ALL i'm not sure if this is because I had Enhanced Supervisor audio installed before I installed Manhattan mod, or not. Does anyone have any idea's? cause I dont have any backups of the files
  4. Won't download ERS2 until there's an English language version, but it says German only on the site so we'll have to be patient
  5. You know what kind of friends I have ? The kind ill drop anything to be there for, but when I ask for a simple favor they just ignore me and leave me hanging. Never fails

    1. aitor


      You're not the only...

  6. Loud explosion type noses in new Columbia? No surprise here

  7. Snuggling with my pillows

  8. Sleep All day unless work wants me to come in sick

  9. Having the most miserable morning of my life

  10. I was just having an AMAZING Epiphany... A spiritual moments..And Jaime Shultz completely took it away from me..Sigh... :)

  11. I've been a walking heartache, ive made a mess of me, the person that I've been lately, aint who I wanna be.. but, you stay here right beside me, watch as the storm blows through, and i need you..

  12. Cant go back to sleep, head is so congested, still got a fever, cant see straight. just ran into a damn wall.... ima do some homework

  13. Baby, there ain't nothin' not affectedWhen two hearts get connectedAll that is, will be, or ever wasI'm glad your dad could not resistYour mama's charms and you existAll because two people fell in love

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