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Status Updates posted by RedHawk504

  1. Does anyone know's what kind of letter fonts they have in washington dc for fire trucks?

  2. Im thinking about a american mod but i dont know if Washintom D.C. Mod is available? Or is the existing mod cancelled? Im now bored and want my own mod caus BoZ mod has too dificult cars :0 Anyone who already wants to help me (I do make later a topic about this information)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedHawk504


      But i would cancel it because i do all the work i havent a UV mapper so the skinners can do their job

      And i think that in america or other country's enoguh people are intrested to help a mod with some advanced skills :0

    3. MikeyPI


      DC Metro PD Police car Decal Set is probrably too complicated for even a vet skinner to happilly do... Look em up the old ones aint rough but the new Schemes are miserable at best.

    4. RedHawk504


      LoL ok :0 but im still going to try to make that skin ;)

  3. I have a question what kind of specs do i need to run gta IV smootly with some big mods like lcpdfr and crown vic cars i was planning to buy a new pc and think about what kind of specs do i need with buying my new pc :) long story

  4. Much recuperation !!

  5. it is a really nice mod

  6. Is now going in-game playing the best mod: NY submod

  7. having trouble with em4 this is the easy'st way to fix that just reinstall it ;)

  8. then is this the easly'st way to fix that just reinstall that

  9. If u have some trouble with your Em4/3

  10. Happy birthday cptchilphi!

  11. Is listening to Bumy Ride

  12. Is redoing 2 models TAS 7234 and the HV

  13. everyone look at the boz mod and give some comments on the new ambulance thanks

  14. BoZ mod has done a Ambulance please look at the topic!

  15. Stan is it alright if i post here a link of the Bergen Op Zoom mod forum (its only for questions)

    1. Stan


      Send me the link by pm first :)

  16. Stan is it alright if u post a link of the Bergen Op Zoom mod forum?

  17. I have one but i dont gonna buy red dead redemtion because im gonna buy on sept. 24 Formula 2010

  18. There is not happening very much today, i cant also play samp im banned from my favorite server :(

    1. CultziBolzi


      lol u haxor sobeit lololo vogelz omg hax0r max0r

  19. His dad has buyd a new Crown Victoria :):):)

  20. Is working today on 2 models

  21. His internet is working finally

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