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Everything posted by anto.fra88

  1. hoppah I read the manual, when will the final version you must add that the mod is also compatible with Real Danger: Operazioni ad Alto Rischio --> is the italian version of emergency 4
  2. ahahahah thanks excuse we hadn't seen the other posts I didn't know existed
  3. do you think that hoppah would help us?
  4. ok but, we are looking for someone that can do that or, at least, that can explain us how
  5. Hi all! it is possible to use the horses that are in the game to create a unit with a policeman riding a horse?
  6. I not succeed do other prospects. :(
  7. :D in the tutorial does not explain how to create models with blueprints
  8. yes, I do not know much English and it is very difficult for me
  9. yes, after how to make the model?
  10. hi all, knows someone tell me how to create models in zmodeler with blueprints? thx
  11. ah ok :( I put hours to read the code doma do I see it, however, there was a parenthesis in +
  12. see if it do object DummyCheckParkedSub : CommandScript { DummyCheckParkedSub() { SetGroupID(DummyGroup); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) { } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) { bool ParkinglotFound = false; Vehicle v(Caller); if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE02) == 0) { GameObjectList l3; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_ENGINE05, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0) { Mission::PlayHint(HINT_NOSPACE); v.PushActionReturnToBase(ACTION_NEWLIST); return; } else { ParkinglotFound = true; ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_ENGINE05); v.AssignCommand(DUMMY_ENGINE); } } if(ParkinglotFound) { if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0) Vector Park = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED)) v.RemoveCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED); if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE02) { v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 10.0f); v.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, Park); v.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f); PersonList passengers = v.GetPassengers(); if (passengers.GetNumPersons() > 0) v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_SUBSTATION, Caller, 0, false); } } };
  13. hi all, knows someone tell me how to export. v3o with zmodeler 1? :(
  14. How long have you made to learn all c++?
  15. c++ is not easy to learn and it takes time you must first learn the basic functions and after the object-oriented programming that is the most complex, however, the scripting language is inherited from c++. I'm a programmer c++ and c#, if you need help send me a pm
  16. Yes, you are right. I was seeing the script of the arrest hoppah, want that the gangster lies down on the ground when the officer points him with the gun instead of he kneels.
  17. yes, there are functions that are not in the script but in the game and in the script are called. I just do not understand that for the rest of the script I understand everything.
  18. I do not know, in general, the various functions
  19. hello to everyone, someone I can explain how a script? I know the c, c + + and c #. ps: sorry for my bad english
  20. I have an idea of the next version of the mod, create units of CTU(Counter Terrorist Unit) and the CIA(Central Intelligent Agency).
  21. we ciao ti do il mio contatto รจ anto.fra88@hotmail.it
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