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Posts posted by chrisblaalid

  1. Ok.. I can see that the need for information is larger :P

    So here are some information goodies:

    1. Release date: Unknown, when I have fixed the problem I guess.. There have been to many delays... So As soon as I fixed this, I will release it.. Becouse it is so to speak DONE... just need to fix theese last details...

    2. I don't really know how long it would take to fix this, it depends on the cooperation with the script files and the infotext... I will also not set a date.. It is done when it's done...

    Hoppah said to me, and I quote: "Just take your time to test the mod yourself and do not hurry."

    So I will not release it before I have tested it properly.

    3. I can also see that some wonder why I created that geländerwagen.. And the answer to that is easy..

    Here it is:



    The Armored GW is a Delta/Beredskapstroppen/Special Weapons And Tactics vehicle. And since the first release will be dedicated to the 22.07 victims, this vehicle will be a tribute to the police.

    If there are more questions, feel fre to ask.. Do not ask for release date, becouse I really don't know :/ And I will answer the same as I have written now..

  2. Info Feed:

    Well, the mod was allmost done... Then the problems started.. Due to terror attacks I made a Black Geländerwagen as a tribute to the police.. And I wanted to add the MP5 to this vehicle... Then the script startet to argue with me... Then the script turned and got the Geländerwagen with police colours on its side.. So if I release this mod now, the Geländerwagens will not have the possibillity to equip the MP5..

    And to top it, I had rewritten the whole infotext file, to make the units look more professional. BUT again, this "renowation" was not good for the mod.. and all the units will be shown with the ID_TOOLTIP_ etc etc..

    So again, if I release the mod now.. this will also be a issue..

    I hope you all understand my frustration, and I am working on fixing this issue..

    But it takes time, since I am working so much extra shifts theese last weeks...

    If some of you have some tips, please let me know.. Becouse I am really stuck :P When I say I am fixing it, it means that I am trying, failing, trying, failing, trying, succeeding and then failing some more :P So any help will be good to get..

    Thanx for your patience..



  3. A bit sadic, right?

    Some day ago I was walking down street and by casuality, I heard two guys talk; one was telling to the other, really seriously, that the Third World War is feeding and would be soon... Maybe another clue about the world's end or maybe another conspiracy theory fan? just had to see his look... :stupid:

    I do belive it is comming too, but when? I don't know, maybe not even in my lifetime..

    Some sadistic mofo is gonna wanna rule the world... there allways is..

  4. gad this sucks... now I have the same problem...

    I mailed it to my work pc, change the whole thing and mailed it back... there is nothing wrong with the actual text file...

    So I bet this is corrupted to... sooooo this actually really sucks... have to rewrite the whole damn thing...

  5. Hm :) I would it change, but i don't have a actually pic from the deeper layed R-Version from VW in Oslo, and your last photo here is the "normal" in Norway too.

    As I said, your models looks great.. So there is actually no reason to change it... Yes the orange stripe is a new rule, but there are still at least 50 police cars that does not have this stripe.. So it is not actually nessesary

  6. chris, you let me show a normal police car in norway, but i'm make the tuned version from oslo

    http://bos-fahrzeuge...liti_-_FuStW_10 .

    Yes.. I know you were making a capitol police car.. But the new rules for police vehicles requires the orange stripe..

    Here is a picture of a police car outside Anders Behring Breivik's mothers apartment in oslo... The vehicle is stationed in oslo, but as you can see it has the orange stripe..


    I can guarantee that this is a 100% fact since I work close with the police here in Norway, and they have confirmed that the orange stripe is required on all new police vehicles..

    But if you don't want to change your texture, I will not argue with you ;) With or without the orange stripe, the model looks great ^^ you deliver as always ! keep up the good work *thumbs up*

  7. as information:

    my vehicles looking origin./ a lil. bit more realistic (Norway too)




    Hey BAS...

    Did not see your pictures until now... Have to blame it on the internet connection..

    BUT theese are very good models, I espesially love the lightbars! One detail though, I can see the MP has the orange stripe (retroflector / glow in the dark thing) but the politi also has theese orange stripes..

    Picture proof:


    I know how you like to have your models as detailed as possible ;)

    One moore thing too, we (with that I mean me and Alex03) would not mind to have a good skinner in the team? hint hint ;)

    Just to throw that out there.. hehe

    Feel free to decline, but also feel a need to contribute :P

    We in the beta team, are we still going to work with the new version?

    The next version will most likely be the version we release... but that is not 100% decided yet

  8. do you use notepad2?

    It shows when the string is corrupt with colours...

    Can't really see what'is wrong...

    If it where me I would try the following:

    <unit id="dpl01"> change it in to <unit id="DPL01">

    Or maybe you could check if the prototype is wrong? Just saying :P

  9. Actually, I believe those statements, no matter which game is cited, aren't valid. Otherwise, you then have to also believe the statements according to which other shooting sprees have been caused by GTA, Call of Duty, Doom and the likes.

    My point was that I don't believe that games such as GTA or Call of Duty, which are played casually, cause any change in a person's behavior. However, games like WoW, which incite players to become dependant in order to level up their characters, really cause harm to a people's behavior by isolating them from the world that surrounds them. The results are not going on a shooting spree, but rather failing to fulfill your needs and obligations in the real work, such as seeing your loved ones, going to/looking for work, and eventually cleaning up your house, managing your personal hygiene and eating. We've all heard of the horrible stories of people who died or caused the death of their infant childs by lack of attention, after playing WoW or Farmville for 50 hours straight.

    It's interesting that you would bring up the case of the Norway shooter, though. From what I've heard, he wasn't actually playing WoW, but rather PRETENDED to be an intensive WoW player, in order to give him an excuse to be distant from his friends while he was working on his horrible plan. It goes to show the reputation of WoW players as being social outcasts.

    gah.. missread your first post :P

    sorry ...

    What I read was that he played it on a regular basis... But it wasnt the reason why he did it, or why he became unstable.. but I do belive WoW had a small part in his story

  10. thanks for reply i did an edit in the unit folder under "Unit ID" to fire-engine. Now in-game instead of "ID_NAME_example1" it says "ID_NAME_fire-engine" so the unit name has changed the the ID_NAME still remains and i have compared with another mod and the original game and there seems to be no typo. i dont no if there is another folder or file that needs to be edited or added into mods.

    Does the infotext look like this?

    <string name="ID_NAME_FIRE_ENGINE">Fire Engine 1</string>
    <string name="ID_PURPOSE_FIRE_ENGINE">A standard fire engine.</string>
    <string name="ID_TOOLTIP_CV_LAPD_ST">Fire Engine 1</string>

  11. I've never tried the game - not interested at all by the subject matter, or by having to pay a monthly subscription to a game that I already paid full price. To me, that amounts to idiocy.

    However, I do know some people who play the game and... wow (no pun intended). Strangely enough, what sets them aside is that they all seem to have strong social deficiencies. And I'm not saying that to be mean or anything, I say it because it's true. They all have a questionnable social behavior while interacting with others. However, when they interact between fellow WOW players, they suddenly become very sociable, as long as you can get over the fact that their only topic of discussion is WOW.

    I think this is one of the only games that really screw up with people's minds and behaviors. Forget GTA or CoD, if there's a game that actually harms people, I think it's WOW.

    I really have to agree on that fact..

    And here is a true story:

    Anders Behring Breivik (the one responsible after the Norway attacks this summer) actually played WoW on a regular basis... enough said...

  12. Hey everyone...

    Anyone good at animation? If you are, do you know any programs that are easy to use to recommend?

    Or a good place to learn? :P

    I want to add a animation to a project... Not to reveal to much info, I want to have a large object to "unfold".. like a door... but to stay that way, until I want to "close" it again...

  13. its funny, cause you actualy do more work sending people away from the fire to water-bomb the area, than just calling fire trucks

    no, there are no civilians in the part of the forest where I use to waterbomb... so it isnt much work actually..

  14. Yes but safety of your firefighters and civilians is the highest priority. You would rather let the fire spread than kill everyone on the fireground. (Well don't know about you)

    no no no... I clear the area.. for both civilians AND firefighter... THEN I let the fireplane brigade do the work ;)

  15. and you do realise that the water from the air tanker can damage cars and hurt people, yes?

    a small sacrifice to make, to save the world :P

    However, aren't you supposed to close the streets when a whole area is on fire? :P

    People can get hurt for getting to close to you know ;)

  16. @RedHawk504: Warmer! :P

    @chrisblaalid: No worries! This won't go on forever because RedHawk504 is REALLY CLOSE to the Unit # so I'm guessing my turn should end by either tomorrow or the day after. Next time, when it's my turn, I'll take out guessing the Unit #. :)

    allrighty then :P

    I'll give it a go:

    Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, U.S. Navy

    Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam Fire Department

    Engine 109

  17. @Redhawk504: Almost there! Just a littler higher!

    @chrisblaalid: Oh, was I only suppose to let them guess the Location and Department only? :o

    It is not my place to say so, just quoted what you said :P

    But my oppinion is that this was to hard, and now they are all just guessing :P and that guess can go on forever ;)

    But hey, it was your turn.. if you want the unit number, it is your choice.. but next time, go for the unit name, not the number... just an advice :P or it will end up with neverending guessing

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