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Everything posted by UME

  1. UME

    Madrid Mod

    All Fire Department Units renovated and finished: http://madridmod.jimdo.com/unidades/bomberos/
  2. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Fire Department (vehicles and personal):
  3. UME

    Madrid Mod

    New Fire Department Unit: Support Unit in long-term interventions to equip and recharge air tanks for firefighters.
  4. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Renovated and finished all the EMS units of Samur-Civil Protection (24 units) To see each one with detail, you can go to the official page: http://madridmod.jim...dades/samur-pc/
  5. UME

    Madrid Mod

    EMS Samur-Civil Protection personal: Each person can insert or remove the vest in the vehicle (doctors, nurses, paramedics). Quebec has two uniforms, NRBQ level II, and Fireproof, both two it may put staff on vehicle Quebec. The Depas can put on a helmet and vest in the van of Depas.
  6. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Yes, when we finish the departaments, we will make the pictures of all the department
  7. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Thanks for your coments New unit, rapid response vehicle of Samur-Civil Protection (EMS service of Madrid city):
  8. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Not, at total are about 150 vehicles, with real sirens, real code number, and real plate (about 130 units are done and the rest are started)
  9. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Renovated all the units of the Regional EMS, and three new units of it service: Renovated units: http://madridmod.jimdo.com/unidades/summa-112/ BMW X5 (for the service chief): VEC (logistic unit for emergency): Medical helicopter:
  10. UME

    Madrid Mod

    They put sometimes the light there because its more easy for them Other times they put it in the car, near the personal
  11. UME

    Madrid Mod

    If we put all the authors of all the things of each model, the image will be 95% text and 5% the unit. All the autors appear at the readme. Greetings
  12. UME

    Madrid Mod

    New local police patrol:
  13. UME

    Madrid Mod

    New local police unit:
  14. UME

    Madrid Mod

    More new units of the national police of spain: K9 unit: Crime Scene Investigation: Special force unit of spain (GEO):
  15. UME

    Madrid Mod

    New and renovated units of the national police of spain: Patrol car: Fast response unit: Explosive unit (TEDAX):
  16. UME

    Madrid Mod

    New units and modificated some old units of the local police of Madrid: New unit: Renovated units: Real images and more info of these units: http://madridmod.jimdo.com/unidades/polic%C3%ADa-municipal/
  17. UME

    Madrid Mod

    New ligtbars and better skin for some local police units; and a new unit, who can transport arrest persons: Renovated: New:
  18. UME

    Madrid Mod

    its about 70% made Thanks!
  19. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Thanks for all your coments 99madtom, we have edited all campaing maps, including the two airport mission. In the freeplay Map and multiplayer, these units will be for help the city units. Greetings.
  20. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Madrid-Barajas Airport Fire Department: More info about the units and de service: http://madridmod.jimdo.com/unidades/bomberos-aena/
  21. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Social Emergency service (SAMUR SOCIAL): Last unit, personal transport vehicle: Samur Social personal: All unit of Samur Social (in the Mod):
  22. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Advanced Medic Post of Samur-Protección Civil:
  23. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Not at the moment
  24. UME

    Madrid Mod

    Yes, we are working in scripts and other things like that
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