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Everything posted by MerrittLong_14378

  1. With getting older I have found that I wonder how I should be "dealt with" when I die. I have decided that I want to be buried with my ass sticking out so that others will have a place to park their bike.

    1. Unit 42

      Unit 42

      Hahaha, I think that would stink horribly after you die lol! Good idea though rofl

  2. So no sleep at all for the past two days which puts me in that just so chipper mood. I am pretty sure I am going to stab someone with a spoon

  3. ATTENTION PEOPLE OF AMHERST.....that little red ball that changes colors is not a majic trick! It means you can go so stop looking at it in aww and freakin go already

  4. This message is for the Mayor of NYC and his staff.............. GO F@#* YOURSELF......signed yours trully. First Responders

    1. Grim_Wizard


      For the people wanting to know why this guy is complaining...

      Firemen, Cops, and PA workers in NYC aren't invited to the 10th anniversary because of "lack of room" I find it amusing that in 2001 they weren't invited either, they just showed up.

    2. TacticalRooster22


      Yeah, so just show up! It'll be just like old times!

  5. Yes this year is the 10th anniversary of 9-11 so please take a moment to remember. Remember all the med and womes who lost their live, remember all those that are sick from helping there, remember they way that everone ONLY remembers one day a year IF THAT!

  6. Ahh day 2 of not being able to put weight on my left leg without extreme pain and to top it off a full blown teeth aching migrane......awesome just awesome

  7. WWE Network coming in 2012 hellllll yea

  8. Ok so I am going to carry on a little thing me and a buddy were talking about...... List here stuff that when you were a kid was normal but today would be unheard of.

  9. Hey wait that's a really good idea that or cotton balls

  10. Some of the things that took you to that level that I hope you return add the relaism. * Fire Buffs outside the station * Person arguing with getng the ticket Some other items mights be a traffic stop with pd lightup (stationary just for looks) Fire Call Boxes (ny diesnt have many but there are a few) Police Officers on foot patrol in Time Square cabs linedup waiting for fairs and talking to each other Police Officer in middle of intersection directing traffic just a few things I could think of off hand
  11. Looks great if you want any pictures to compare to the real thing i have qute a few from this region (bflo,ny) Let me know
  12. This submod is awesome, I always thought Rescue 1 needed some work though to make her look more like the real thing.
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