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Posts posted by zootoo63

  1. Witch version of em4? > 911/FR ?

    Witch version of em4? > 911/FR ?

    Witch version of em4? > 911/FR ?

    911/FR has a pathfinding problem with my map and I am trying to fix that. And when it will be available? Well when it's finished. I am still wondering if this problem also existed in 1.0 ? (in combinaton with 911/FR)

    emergency4freak and i both use 911 first responders

  2. i was wondering if you could change the spawn point for the police station? what i mean is when i call a police car for example, to the center of the map it goes to the end of the driveway and stops. but when i manually move it to the the main road that the station's front is on it will go anywhere. so maybe instead of it spawning to the end of the driveway could you make it at the road? ty

  3. He didn't mean that in any way. He was simply trying to say that he believes there are still a lot of bugs, which there are some. Maybe not as much as he's saying, but still. I for one have noticed that my fire trucks, police units etc. have not left their stations nor where ever they just so happen to be, to go anywhere on the map. Unless it is like, within a block, which is still stretching it. Any thoughts on why this could be. Thanks in advance.


    i cant seem to find where the download is?

  4. Well, I don't have any pictures, and I will try to get some videos... I will have those released today, but I got school in about 20 minutes, and it takes about 15 minutes to get the editor to open and get the cars out.... Will try for after school though... And I still haven't heard anything from tony about releasing them or not, so I will try to get them out tonight, unless he doesn't want them out before he gets a look.... I'll try to talk to him today, Tony when you see this GET ON MSN

    All I can say about the lights is that they are relatively realistic... I don't have to many lights, so it isn't over the top like a Christmas tree, but once again, I don't have to little... So everywhere where there is a slot for light(like strobes on the side etc.) I put in lights, because you don't set up a lighting system, and then only have some lights that turn on, and the rest just chill there :) ( and yes I know you can do selective lighting in real life, but I mean like when you turn the whole shibang on)

    Stay tuned for videos!

    awsome. and it really takes 15 minutes for your editor? for me it takes about 30 seconds to start up and then about 1-2 minutes to load the mod.

  5. I am getting sick of it to. Reading is hard, don't they teach it anymore at school?? It is just that people are lazy these days, why search, why think, why read? > Asking is so much easier...

    little bit offtopic: I have 150 users at my work that I support (I am a IT Specialist). Today I asked 50 of them only to logoff and logon. Gues how many responded to that question.....

    3 people
    . The rest, "O yeah I saw the message, but ignored it, I was way tobusy".. :wall: or even better "I didn't know what to do.."

    Ontopic: about 1.1 you will have to wait for a few days, alot of changes will be made and that takes time ;)

    np. i am waiting for the bugs to be fixed then iw ill download it for the first time.

  6. Well about the position of the station, we can discuss about that, but I think you will have to see it in practice. I will make an update file as you requested. ( You say freeplay.em4 but it's now dfreeplay.em4, hope that itsn't problem? )

    But about the support, offcourse people shouldn't go to you if things don't work.

    There is only one problem, I DON'T have the time this week to fix anything. I have an big exam ad the end of this week, so I have to study. So I think that it's smarter to release the map on Thursday Night so I can do give the support that people want / need.

    does this mean that is deluxe only or can it be played on the normal 911:fr?

  7. Because it's not realistic. The power or strength of water would be divided by 2 each time you deploy a wye.

    At the end you would get things like watergun toy does.

    It's hard to change the extinguish commands like that and I do not want to make the game even easier than it already is.

    alright. thanks

  8. Please! Just post it in the general topic about the Los Angeles Mod when you have small questions.

    Answer to your questions:

    Each firefighter has a 'Deploy wye' command. Click that command and a small red appliance will appear on the position of that firefighter.

    You can attach 2 fire hoses to it, exactly the same way like would you do with fire engine's.

    i was also wondering why you cannot put 2 wyes on one hose? i mean after you connect a wye to a hose why cant you add another the to extended hose off the wye so you could run 4 firemen off one hose.

  9. There is a switch on the airport terrain somewhere. Use an engineer to switch it. It's not hard to find.

    i have another question about the airport mission. when i try to enter the airport runway there are 2 ways, both barriered by gates. how would i open these? would i need a engineer for this also?

  10. The "traveling lights" or rear warning lights, are the lights that you use for the directional lights. Those amber light bars in the back are what the trucks have on if they are not responding and they are on the road. If a truck doesnt have them they usually have two rotators or strobes on both sides of the truck in the back that flash.

    that is only on ladder trucks. and the aerial truck in the game is not that type of ladder truck to use that. the only time that is used is on a front-mid mounted ladder truck like this: ladder%20truck.JPG

  11. it is insulation from the frame of the car and the seats.. and no. in the united states for pictures like it is not allowed(i dont think illeagll tho) to show pictures of a human body. trust me for anyone who is curious about "seeing" one. dont. i am only 17 and I saw some crap at a car accident i hope none of you see in your life. somtimes being a firefighter has its bad days....

    anyway. hoppah nice manual. i actually took the time to read it :D. one question though. what truck is the gated wye on? i couldn't find it in the manual. maybe i over looked but i looked twice. thanks.

    i dont think its on a specific truck. all the firemen have the option to use it just as the hose.

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