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Everything posted by mariuswww

  1. How? Manhattan mod is just like playing multiplayer on any other mods.
  2. I think the ambulances (some of them ones in London atleast) use Whelen Alpha.
  3. Materials.xml is probably a better file to edit.
  4. Open the .cfg file in notepad, then find "x_res" and "y_res". Then change those to the value your screen is.
  5. Although if anyone know if there is a script released somewhere i can try and put it in. But i'm not able to write a script myself.
  6. I ban OP for starting another one of this!
  7. Release Date: TBA = To Be Announced
  8. Is it possible to make for example "Red Lights" category (or any other) to flash while the unit moves and stop flashing when the unit stop? Here is the move script I want to edit. (From LA Mod edited by Manhattan Mod) const char DUMMY_NEED_EX[] = "DummyChange"; object MoveTo : CommandScript{MoveResult mr;bool TankCanMove;MoveTo(){SetValidTargets(ACTOR_FLOOR | ACTOR_OBJECT | ACTOR_VIRTUAL | ACTOR_HOUSE | ACTOR_OPEN_HOUSE);SetHighlightingEnabled(false);SetDeselectCaller(false);//SetActivationByLeftClick(true);} bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller){if (!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->HasCommand("DummySniper"))return false; if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE){ Vehicle v(Caller);if (v.GetNumPassengers() == 0)return false; if (v.HasCommand("EngineOns"))return false;if (StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/01 US Army Camo/abrams.e4p") == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/01 US Army Camo/bradley.e4p") == 0){PersonList l1 = v.GetPassengers();TankCanMove = false;for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumPersons(); i++){if (!TankCanMove && StrCompare(l1.GetPerson(i)->GetPrototypeFileName(), "mod:Prototypes/Persons/01 US Army/tank_crew.e4p") == 0)TankCanMove = true;}if (!TankCanMove)return false;}} return true;} bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID){mr = Commands::CheckMoveConditions(Caller, Target, childID);if(mr.Mode == MOVE_ABORT)return false; if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE){ Vehicle v(Caller);if (v.GetNumPassengers() == 0 && StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/01 US Army Camo/us_army_supply_truck.e4p") != 0)return false;} return true;} void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID){if(mr.Mode == MOVE_ABORT)return; switch(mr.Mode){case MOVE_TO_POSITION: // directly to target{if(Caller->GetFirehoseID() > 0){Caller->PushActionMoveWithHose(ACTION_NEWLIST, mr.Target);return;}Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, mr.Target, true);break;} case MOVE_INTO_HOUSE: // into house, to target{Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, mr.Intermediate1, true);Caller->PushActionEnterHouse(ACTION_APPEND, &mr.EnterHouse);Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, mr.Target, true);break;} case MOVE_HOUSE_TO_HOUSE: // out of house, into other house, to target{Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, mr.Intermediate1, true);Caller->PushActionLeaveHouse(ACTION_APPEND, &mr.LeaveHouse);Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, mr.Intermediate2, true);Caller->PushActionEnterHouse(ACTION_APPEND, &mr.EnterHouse);Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, mr.Target, true);break;} case MOVE_HOUSE_TO_POSITION: // out of house{Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, mr.Intermediate1, true);Caller->PushActionLeaveHouse(ACTION_APPEND, &mr.LeaveHouse);Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, mr.Target, true);break;}} if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE){Vehicle v(Caller); //if (v.IsLightOn())//Caller->PushActionLightOn(ACTION_INSERT,false); if ((v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_RTW || v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_ITW) && !v.IsBlueLightEnabled() && v.GetNumTransported() > 0)v.EnableBlueLights(true); if (!v.HasCommand("DummyHasSiren") && v.HasCommand("VcmdSiren") && v.HasCommand("VcmdAutoSirenOff") && !Input::LShiftPressed() && !Input::RShiftPressed())Game::ExecuteCommand("VcmdSiren", &v, &v); else if (!v.HasCommand("DummyHasEngine") && !v.HasCommand("DummyHasSiren"))Game::ExecuteCommand("DummyEngine", &v, &v); else if(v.HasCommand("DUMMYNeedsHose"));v.SetChildEnabled("hose", true);v.RemoveCommand("DUMMYNeedsHose"); } else if (Caller->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON){Person p(Caller);if(p.GetEquipment() == EQUIP_RIFLE && p.IsAiming() || p.IsCurrentAnimation("shootrifle")){p.PushActionAimEnd(ACTION_INSERT);} } // Special code for fgrr (Bergefahrzeug). Deinstalls itself automaticallyif (mr.UnInstall) {Vehicle v(Caller);if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_THW_FGRR_BKF){//System::Print("FGRR: Mode 1 - DeInstall");Caller->PushActionDeinstall(ACTION_INSERT);}else if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_FIREFIGHTERS_DLK){if (mr.BasketDown && mr.UnInstall){Caller->PushActionDeinstall(ACTION_INSERT);Caller->PushActionBasketDown(ACTION_INSERT, Vector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));}else if (mr.BasketDown) Caller->PushActionBasketDown(ACTION_INSERT, Vector(0.f, 0.f, 0.f));else if (mr.UnInstall) Caller->PushActionDeinstall(ACTION_INSERT);}}}}; All inputs are appreciated.
  9. Really cool! Are you able to make a brown version?
  10. Edit: More pics and info might be posted within the next few days. (hopefully)
  11. Manhattan mod 1, 2 and 3.
  12. I managed to get the wyes working, but now when I use it the vehicle doesnt loose any water.
  13. Im not an expert but I have a feeling this is human error. The helicopter hit powerlines then went down. Cant (in my eyes) blame the heli for that. Video can be seen here
  14. mariuswww

    San Francisco Mod

    Are you serious? This thread died in 2011....
  15. They dont do anything. I get the + Hose option but nothing happends. I've tried to import the attachfirehose script straight from Limited Water Test mod and La mod but no good.
  16. I also got it working with the Vcmd for the vehicles, but only issue i have now is that I can't connect to gated wyes, any suggestion?
  17. Wow fast reply! Thank you very much, I cant test right now but ill try asap when I get home
  18. I would like to make the BMA script (AFA script) play a random sound file (from a list of "Const char" ) when the BMA is triggered. How would I go about doing that? For now its like this My question is basicly what do I put to make it select a random sound of the Const char list?
  19. As off now we got your limited water supply script, BMA script, all of the script that came with LA mod (mod based off LA Mod) and many other small scripts. If you (anyone) want to help me im usually on Meru teamspeak Im gonna start getting a model of a quint going *Update* I've found a model of a quint! The model package the Helljumper51 uploaded here on the forum contained a really cool one. So thats sorted
  20. Other than connecting a supply line to it, no (as far as I know). Which comes with Hoppahs Limited water supply script.
  21. Hello! I'm currently working on the Stillwater modification and i've been playing with the idea about making a quint type of rig. At first it seems unlikley to happend, but I know there are some badass scripters out there that might just be able to help me out. I'm thinking of having the "engine" set as a GTF. Then when you install the "ladder", the model would switch to a DLK. But that will obviously present issues such as, DLK messing with the hoses attached to the engine (GTF) and it would change the water level in the rig to a fully filled DLK when installed. So for me, with extremly limited scripting "skills", its not gonna happend. But if anyone could give me a hand I would be so happy. In other news the Stillwater is starting to come together pretty nicely. Gameplay is improving everyday with loads of new scripts and features. And hopefully a quint Any tips or inputs are appriciated! Happy new year! Marius Waskaas - Leader of Stillwater Mod
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