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Everything posted by arkfirefighter

  1. I'm banning you because you need to share that snow so I don't have class tomorrow! (prob gonna get 5 inches here)
  2. I ban you again for having two many exams! (2 bans for same thing....one more strike and your outta here)
  3. Ya about an hour and a half on the same engine kinda made me realize how patience this is gonna be. I tried to reskin a little but nope not for me lol. I think doin the lighting is really fun. But finally getting one vehicle done, you come to realize there are 40 more of them lol
  4. Well that's pretty dumb. Thats probably what i did. I don't even feel like messing with anymore lights after that one hahaha. Thanks
  5. I understand what your saying but i fixed up the ambulance and an engine. When i went back into to editor, the ambulance had everything that i changed and edited. The engine however, had none of the lights i added or the lights i messed with. Are you suppose to save anything or does it just keep it the same?
  6. So I worked on some lights in the editor and exit out of it. When i went back into it, only one out of the two was still like i fixed it. Am i suppose to save something? What was i suppose to do? Sorry if this has been answered. I looked in the search engine and looked through the topics but didn't find anything.
  7. I'm banning you two because Lady Gaga is my idol! Stop mouthing Lady Gaga! (haha i hate her too)
  8. Okay thanks a lot. I'll probably go back on to youtube and watch some more videos
  9. So would you recommend buying? I just need something new to play. Im getting bored of 911 FR
  10. Ya that would be like my dream game haha. Plus you can rank up. You can't add units or bigger stations till your chief. Would be bad...
  11. I ban you because you can't ban anyone you want to
  12. Dang. Looked like a cool game but guess not now. Thanks for the info. It looked fun but I saw another bad review on youtube. Figured I'll ask anyways hunter42, did you like it?
  13. I ban you because i have to get up in a couple of hours (haven't went to sleep yet) and drive two hours to help one of my family members move.
  14. Has anyone played Police Simulator for pc?
  15. I ban you for having too many exams. (Should never have exams)
  16. I think i liked the first one better hahaha. I have the Motorola Droid X. Pretty cool phone. It seems like every Motorola Droid phone is the same though. I had the first droid that came out but I upgraded to the X. It seems like the same phone but faster. I miss my original droid with the slide out qwerty keyboard
  17. It would show some respect right? I mean it would be saying that he is THE man hahaha
  18. Well you must be doing something wrong. If you installed it into the mods folder then in game it should say LA Mod 2.0 Did you go into the folder of wizard works and see if LA Mod 2.0 is in your mods folder?
  19. People are just too drunk to realize not to drive. I have friends that tell me they're great drivers when they drink. Coming from my own friends....its pretty sad. It's like impossible to talk them out of it. They think nothing can happen to them.
  20. Ya I got it for Christmas too. I really wished they would have added more to the drive around. Like the cop car could have a radar and you could catch cars speeding. Make it a little realistic. It's the same as the old one
  21. Ya those are pretty fun games. The cheats are fun hahaha. I can play em for like 30 minutes and get bored. I mean the game is fun at first but gets boring.
  22. I ban you for only having 2 good votes on your 3D models.
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