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Everything posted by Five_Motor_Three

  1. Motocross is by far harder than football along with 95% of any other sports. In all team sports, if a player is playing bad, or get tired they get a sub and the game goes on. in motocross its a one man show. if you get tired or arent doing well you have to tough it out unlike all those other sports. Re-post if you get tired of people saying motocross is easy

  2. hm.. good idea maybe ill just reskin the lapd motorcycle into looking like one of chp's new bmw's...
  3. thank you...if u have any ideas or suggestions please tell me..
  4. (ok, heres the link to the all white (commercial enforcement) chp car: White chp cv . its just a preview and there will probably be alot of edits (due to realism)
  5. I finished the reskining the All white chp crown vic but it still needs new lights and my computer is not lettin gme upload a picture of it...
  6. Update: ok so i've been working on reskining for the All white chp cv and im about done...i just need help with how to get it to work in Em4 so i can see if it turned out well (or in the editor, either one would be good)
  7. Okay, im working on white chp cv right now and thanks to Ale I wont have to reskin anything for the command post unit, ill just be including HIS Chp Command post in my pack. Ill be posting pics. of the All white cv within 2 days.
  8. yes, I would just like to include a vehicle like that in my pack, if i want to use the one in Additional Units Submod i'll have to get permission. If not I can always reskin the FBI command post.
  9. Yes, I know that but what I mean is to make a slicktop version of the Dodge Charger (perferbally white)
  10. Hmh, good ideas.. now i just need someone to help me with the reskining.
  11. Im making a Chp pack. Im new to this, so im gonna need all the help I can get. Im good with lights. Not so great at modeling, or anything else haha. I intend on putting in this pack: (chp crown vic, chp slicktop, a white chp crown vic, a command post(for checkpoints or big occasions/accidents, and a white dodge charger(with a vector or L.e.d bar) and possibly an all white slicktop dodge charger). If you can help me or have any ideas with this project please say so. Update: i added 3 pics. down there, to show what my main models are going to be.
  12. Hey Dyson, um I have a suggestion... why not use mediafire.com or megaupload.com for your upload site?
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