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Posts posted by mercurygrandmarquis1

  1. On 5/1/2024 at 10:00 AM, Johhnnyy said:

    I heard EMTs can't do shit without mee control doc on the phone. At least thats what Fire Department Chronicles said on YouTube.

    Fun fact: Nurses in the Philippines, where I'm originally from, are the paramedics. We don't have paramedics there, so the nurses are the next best thing. We do have EMTs. Nurses and EMTs can call deaths. PNP cops can't call deaths, but PNP-SOCO (Scene of the Crime Operatives) can.


    Depends on the state. NY is big on standing orders so I can do a lot more in NY then other states that Ive worked (NJ and PA) so I don't need to call telemetry unless its something sketch or for a repeat dose of albuterol

  2. On 4/24/2024 at 12:45 PM, Johhnnyy said:

    Could an EMT in Montana call a death? I'm trying to look this up but nothing so far.

    I'm speaking solely for NY BLS. Other states have a tendency for being a lot more restrictive even with signs of obvious death

  3. On 4/16/2024 at 9:20 PM, Johhnnyy said:

    Quick question, out of curiosity. Can EMS personnel legally declare a person dead, not like make certificates or anything that wild, just saying "Yo this dude ain't comin back to us, we should stop", things like that. If so, who? Can an EMT or AEMT do it, or is it for Paramedics only? I think EMRs are out of the queation.

    Yes I have declared people dead before as an EMT in certain circumstances. DNR present, obvious signs of death. I have worked jobs with medics and they can terminate CPR with medical control approval. (They have to call the doc.) On one occasion I got to call the doc myself for termination orders but that was a situation that I doubt will repeat itself

  4. 1 hour ago, AwesomeFireman2500 said:

    The 1993 World Trade Center bombing was a terrorist attack that had been carried out on February 26, 1993 when a van bomb had been detonated below the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in the parking garage killing six people in the process of it all. 

    Oh no is the building still there?

    • Upvote 3
  5. On 4/2/2024 at 11:26 AM, AwesomeFireman2500 said:

    I have a suggestion, considering the mod is going to take place in the 80's and 90's like LA Nostalgia I was thinking not only that the uniforms and vehicles be changed depending on which decade you play in, but the weapons that are used as well. For example, in the 1980s the NYPD has used Model 10 and 60 revolvers, but for 1993, it would make sense to change to the Beretta or the Glock, and for ESU in the 1980s I would suggest M16's and for the 90s, the MP5. If you would like me to send some 80s and 90s ESU stuff i'll definitely give it a shot.

    So the mod takes place in 1993, At least as a starting off point. In 1987 the NYPD switched to DAO stainless steel revolvers (Smith and Wesson Model 64 with a bobbed hammer) which were used until 1993 The NYPD field tested ruger semi autos  prior to 1993 with special units getting them before patrol. These were all recalled prior to the roll out of Semi autos (Sig, Glock and S&W) which were rolled out in the July 1993 police academy class which hit the streets in January of 1994. During this time ESU had Mini14s and MP5s.

    No NYC agency ever issued a Beretta pistol to police officers.


    Transit is a different story. The chief of police for transit who later became the commissioner for the NYPD and the Chief for the LAPD modernized Transit faster then most agencies in the NYC area, Introducing Glocks in 1990 which caused a disagreement between Transit and the NYPD and as a result the NYPD denied them use of the department range

    • Upvote 1
  6. 23 hours ago, itchboy said:

    Now here's something more macho. It turns out there's no less than 6 variations of this Ford ambulance that NYC*EMS used. I'll try to make as many of them as I can. The other team members will be doing livery work on this, unless there's any takers looking to help.

    So for those at home wondering NYC EMS purchased off the shelf fords in 1989 after the EMS fleet was falling apart at the seams. These 89s were mainly Collins and Wheeled coaches and there were a handful of variations. At the time NYPD Motor Transport Division (the precursor to modern day Fleet Service Division) took on a lot of the EMS overflow because EMS fleet services couldn't keep up with the work. The fleet situation in EMS was so bad that in 1987 a citation bar was issued to anyone working during the ambulance shortage. Below are a handful of 1989 Ford Buses



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  7. Hey everyone. I want to take the time to introduce myself. Ive been a member on EMP since 2007, Longer than most of you have been alive. But I wouldn't say I'm an active poster until now. I am the primary researcher for the NYPD and EMS side of this mod as well as doing some of the skins for the vehicles. Aside from being a member of the mod team here I have been a first responder in NYC for many years. I am also in the process of restoring several police cars and I collect and restore vintage emergency lights and sirens some of my collection may make it into the mod.


    If anyone has any questions about NYC police or EMS vehicles from the 70s to now feel free to ask in this thread!

    • Like 4
  8. On 11/29/2021 at 1:01 AM, itchboy said:

    Some really good news. The LAPD Caprice wagon has been found. Based on news articles, it was in service in 1988, but I'd like to imagine it made it to the early 90's.

    I'll be including this in the upcoming updates, along with more LAX airport police units, and the previously mentioned LAPD Bronco.


    From my understand of the LAPD at this time they had a very old fleet. I know of one 1986 caprice that was in service until around 2000. It would not be out of the realm of possibility for a late 70s wagon to still be in use in the early 90s

  9. This is my NYPD streethawk, Fully restored by me. This was suspected to be at ground zero because during the breakdown process a white debris was found. When I showed my mother who was a 9/11 survivor she confirmed that it looked exactly the the debris found in her office located across the street from the WTC. This particular bar also had a date code of early 1997.


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  10. First off I love the mod. I have a few suggestions for this mod.


    • Change the sirens for the later LAPD cars. When they switched from the Aerodynic to the MX7000 they switched siren from the 480k to the Unitrol Omega
    • Can you implement the shotgun script from the Montana Mod. The LAPD used shotguns in this era
    • Bring in a random vehicle script for spawning in patrol cars. IIRC Newfoundkings NYC Mod did this
    • The Caltrans van is a late 90s/early 2000s model
    • Can you add LASD deputies and CHP officers for the unmarked car?
    • The LAPD fleet was a mess up until the late 90s and during the time period of the 80s there would be some B body furies and the rare AMC matador  left in the fleet are these going to be included in the mod?
    • LAPD Supervisors station wagons?
    • Can you put the Unmarked impala from colors in lol


    • Upvote 2
  11. On 8/1/2018 at 11:02 PM, itchboy said:

    BLS because its the most likely training they would have for the area. Beaverhead county also have a private EMS agency that has ALS qualified medics so it would seem redundant to have both as ALS.

    Will beaverhead be on map or off?

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