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Posts posted by JimmyKid

  1. Lol, almost got me there haha also it couldn't be blue because in the state of NY, front facing blue lights are illegal.

    Not anymore, Our state senate said "F*** it!" and got rid of that law (Although, if they where illegal before, how did volunteers get away with it? :P)

    It's probably green, I know that in some places (Don't know about NY) the green light means that there is a doctor in that vehicle.

    Not in NY. There might have been in ~80's - 90's, but not nowadays. (Does FDNY even have EMT/PM FFs on a engine or a truck?)

  2. ..... Really? Sounds like your telling me that if you where ordered to guard a door, with your life when your surrounded by enemies, you'll wait until they are INSIDE to shoot so that you can "Correctly Identify?" Most people in that situation would probably be pissing themselves out of fear, shooting at anything, so that they can live a few more minutes.

  3. Even if both get approved by the respective houses, Obama has said publically he isn't letting them pass in their current state. And if they did, the government would be forced to take them down, or face a violent overthrowing, similar to those we have seen all around the world. People are getting fed up with the government as is, and if they start censoring the internet, they'll lose their minds. Everything else that is censored has always been, but we're in a time where people don't mindlessly accept the government and usually demand their views be put to law, and are usually much more politically aware. If they did pass SOPA, quiet frankly, the US would collapse. Government officials killed, the government would be overthrown, and capitalism would all but be kicked out of america, since it's what led to the creation of these bills*

    *Companies are pushing for these, so they have a monopoly on their products, and they are the only ones profitting from it. Legally, they are required to do whatever possible to profit. Even break laws.. Paradox, hey, break the law, to comply with the law. (If a fine for doing something is less than it would cost to not do it, then you're legally bound to do it, to make more money). They are then forced to create pressure for complete control, so they can profit the most, and have less negative feedback towards them, (yeah that's right, the government is the corporation's bitch, always will be in a capitalist society)So remember, this isn't really the government, it's the government pressured by companies. Let's start attacking Hollywood for this, since they're the ones responsible! ;)

    I don't find it reassuring that you know more about American politics than a lot of Americans. Just shows how people will believe the internet will save us all. :Oo

  4. Really? I never said that they won the war, I said they had a big part. Plus, the Bin Laden bit was NOT intended to be retailiation, its showing what the US has done, and was never implied that it was better, just happened close to each other. Plus, you are showing the face that you really hate the US, Also, my friend has recently gone through my area's police training course, and they aren't taught "Shoot to Kill," instead, its shoot to incapacitate, if needed, and that they should use the taser that is deployed, instead of the pistol.

    Also if your inept military had noticed the invasion force heading towards pearl harbour ( see how I spell harbour correctly) then as a country you would have stayed neutral.

    Funny how the two biggest attacks on US soil were missed by your military and intelligence until it was too late.

    Really? The two biggest SURPRISE attacks you use? I have a pretty good idea what your hinting at about the second, and I think you shouldn't, because how would you feel if you knew a few people involved? Hmmm?

    In my mind, you are trying to piss a lot of people off, thinking your better than them. :wall:

  5. To the dismay of many, the american army is out numbered by millions in some countries... Think the koreas, last time I checked, both had compulsory military service.

    Also, I typed up a large explanation before, but it didn't post, so I'll sum it up. The americans did not win WWII, they joined halfway through it, and spent most of it fighting the japanese, the Nazis were bet by the British colonies, and the (un)occupied countries. Hitler got his ass handed to him by Churchill and Stalin, not the US... mind you, America did participate, but even if they didn't, the nazis still would've lost. The japanese, well, who knows. Considering most of that war was taken by the americans, well that's up to them. As for the USSR, they were doomed to fail from day one... Americans didn't overthrow them, they kinda went down on their own... Mind you, the americans did fight them a lot, and hold them back, but didn't directly cause the collapse, instead they were just another pawn.. Remember, the soviet leaders didn't care about the people, and therefore would waste and spend lives and money like it was going out of style, this led to their demise..

    Not trying to be a >:| , but the US had 2 beaches alone on D Day, the Brits had 1 (with people from occupied countries, and escaped aka Poland, France), and the Canadians had 1... So, yes they had a significant part, "plus Pointe - du - hoc" (correct if wrong) was the most defended area on the 5 beaches.

  6. And of course I'm using we, I'm a fat lazy American and I'm too lazy to keep putting "The United States of America" to talk about all of my points.


    Anyway, may catch flak from some UK users. but,

    This is how the SEALS outdo a royal wedding.


    But hey!

    The US isn't the strongest. Look at China, N Korea. Both are Militarized, and can kick our @$$es in a JUST INFANTRY war. The US only can win with the USAF, USN. US with Navy/Air Force = Win. US with no navy/AF = Epic loss.

    How 'bout them Chevys? ;)

    US guys! How about SOPA/PIPA? -_-

  7. Well I think in terms of numbers Russia does have more, but in terms of operational nukes the United States is still on top, we have more long-range ICBMs than Russia and have nuclear subs that sail the globe

    I think you all completely breezed over what I am saying, we have the strongest military, strategically, technologically, everything else except maybe quantitatively. That was my point, however I also was trying to say that my country is not one that should be applauded. We wage wars for purely political reasons and we are powerful because of it. When I hear the word American I think of a very powerful entity, but one with very dark motives.

    Not really helping with the "Lets make everyone not hate the US" idea here..

  8. We have a nuclear arsenal stronger than any other planet? I wasn't aware of the fact we've found sentient life on another planet.

    Nuclear weapons aren't even that much of a threat anymore. Any nut in the world can make a supervirus that spreads far more quickly and does more damage to life, property, and spirit than anything nuclear. Hell, even I could breed botulism in my garage at any time I wanted to, or grow some plants far more deadly than a Castor Bean Plant (and that are completely undetectable). This all being due to the amount of information available on the net (i.e. "The Anarchist's Cookbook", Uncle Fester's "Silent Death", etc.).

    In fact, if I had even a single, stable, isolated atom of strange matter, I could effectively hold the entire world for ransom if I so pleased.

    Ignorance truly is bliss I guess. Pax Americana is long over; dead, and gone forever. We can't be so arrogant as to think that we own the world. No one can. It is not our planet to own - that honor would fall to time and the cosmos. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the only way to continue to thrive as a species, and keep our current home, is to put aside petty nationalistic disputes and come together to work through the problems we face together as a species. History has proven again and again that when humanity comes together, it can accomplish anything it sets out to achieve.

    ^ Looks like people can still think logically nowadays. :D

  9. The funny thing is this guy wont acknowledge my posts...he knows I am right and my posts come from my criminal law classes I took in college...The mod will come out as is....they wont change anything...If Rockstar does sue they wont be able to get any money because of the fact that they can only sue the Company aka Manhattan Mod Team...since the company has no money and is making no money so if they did happen to win they would win $0....No comercial revenue is being made from this mod so the use of the buildings and the credit the mod team is giving Rock Star is well within the copyright laws and they have the ability to use those buildings. Rockstar wont even care...lol...

    Rockstar would lose money by pursuing a lawsuit because of them hiring a lawyer would cost thousands of dollars and they wouldn't get any money because the Manhattan mod team hasn't made any income off of this mod. They gave credit to rockstar in the read me and they even gave credit to Rockstar on earlier posts on the forums.

    Just stop!!

    Can everyone just stop with the nonsense! It's getting annoying, and its ruining the first look someone could have about this mod.

  10. A much more peacful world after all you must of done something right to piss off osama, remember you wouldn't have had to kill him if you hadn't of pissed him off in the first place. And as for the gulf war, you really think it was to stop kuwait being invaded! Everyone knows (apart from Americans like yourself) that the 1st and 2nd gulf war was and always will be about oil.

    Yeah, Oil....... :ph34r:

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