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Status Updates posted by FDNYpower

  1. got a kindle fire for Christmas! this will probably be my last update from my lab top for a while:D

  2. got a vehicle fire call be back in a few

  3. got in a car crash today some girl rearended my car and i'm leaving newyork i was ordered to leave my appartment because of irene on the way i'm goin to meriden even though it's gonna be worse there but i can refreash my memory of the town so that will be good for my mod i'm leavin tonight i rented a trailer to take most of my thing and i have another relalitive

    1. FDNYpower


      sorry computer froze i'll finnish it here i have a relative in watertown ny so there gonna go pick it up i'm ridin with some of my firends to ct

  4. got Manhattan mod free play to work i have to use a different map:( but i love it at least i can play it but i'm very confused because the reason it ctd's when loading free play is because of the Manhattan map so if anyone knows how i can get the original map to work plz let me know but amazing job Manhattan mod team i love it:)

    1. erfd


      What map you use?

    2. TacticalRooster22


      I have the exact same problem...

    3. Marshall8946


      I had a feeling it was the map. When I get home Im going to go over the map and check it out. When I loaded the mod up in the editor it loaded fine, but when I went to open the map, it still crashed. There may be a misspelled word in the name or some something small like that.

  5. grant and crown street engine 3 involved in minor mva down the street from a celing colapse which they were returning from no reported-meriden

  6. GTA 5 trailer comes out NOV.2nd yessssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. njboy13


      Very excited for it. Just speculation, and complete guess on my part. But don't you think the V looks kinda Las Vegas? Sorta has an almost money look to it

    2. FDNYpower


      yea i was reading online and a lot of people said that there's a possibility that it could take place in vegas and have to do with rich people and stuff :P

    3. Unit 42

  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!

  9. haven't worked on meriden submod in a while due to life and work starting again since i got memorial day off also thank you to all who gave there lives and all those who are still serving R.I.P uncle Kenny thank you for serving our country

  10. hay is anyone on multyplayer cause i realy want to play it on 911fr la mod

  11. Help save meriden engine 3! contact them if you want to find out what you can do to keep the firehouse open https://www.emergency-planet.com/pages/Meriden-Engine-3-The-Uptown-Express/169969506697?fref=ts

  12. heres a video of the house fire i was talking about before in meriden

  13. hey CRFD i pm'd you about the meriden CT mod i didn't ask hoppah yet but i will

  14. hey everyone check out the meriden sub mod topic at the bottom of the topic post there is a pic of the first complete work for the meriden submod let me know what you think it's just a beta skin and it was not made by me it was made by our only skinner;) so give full credit to him

    1. FDNYpower


      located in submods private or WIP

  15. Hey everyone check this out!!! as much support as possible would be appreciated!!!!! http://meridenmod.webs.com/

  16. hey everyone go to www.meridenmod.webs.com and go to photos to see a new building made by unit 42 and me

  17. hey everyone i added some pictures on to my meriden mod topic page there are pictures of all of the fire department and a few other things the MFD hase five engine companies engine 1 engine 2 engine 3 engine 4 and engine 5 and many other units like truck 1 and car 3 but to find my submod in progress go to the submods private or wip and it's in there its called meriden ct mod :P

  18. hey everyone i added some pictures on to my meriden mod topic page there are pictures of all of the fire department and a few other things the MFD hase five engine companies engine 1 engine 2 engine 3 engine 4 and engine 5 and many other units like truck 1 and car 3 but to find my submod in progress go to the submods private or wip and it's in there its called meriden ct mod :P

  19. hey everyone im hosting a multiplayer server on la mod 2.0 the name is fdny it says micheal cause im playin on my moms file cause mine isnt workin so if you want to join please do

  20. hey everyone what i would like for Christmas is for some people to comment on my meriden sub mod topic please!

  21. hey guys at a working house fire in meriden ct e4 e3 e2 truck 1 and car 3 are there now and soulth meriden volunteer fd is manned fire is spreading to the second floor

  22. hey guys check out meriden mod topic new pic up ;)

  23. hey guys check out meriden submod topic i updated the topic page but it's still under construction also i posted a little update

  24. hey guys check out the meriden submod topic in submod WIP section first pic of work located at bottom

  25. hey guys i'm looking for someone who can work with specs and removing vehicles pm me if interested and i'll give you more detail

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