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Status Updates posted by Reaper

  1. 12:37, 1:30, 2:35, 3:30, 4:15, 5:00 ..... Yea those seem like perfect times to wake up and see what freakin time it is .... WTF

  2. Just hit that moment when you are sick of the pain, the inability to do what you want, the fact that simply standing up hurts beyond belief. Just tired of it all, tired of the aches, pains, and all the other bullshit.

  3. Getting really tired of not sleeping right ... Really tired indeed

  4. And so it begins .......... Bring it!!!!!!

  5. Watching Duck Dynasty with the wifey & thanks to Phil Robinson I just realized there are 46 buttons on my tv remote. Why are there 46 buttons on a tv remote ??????

  6. Ok folks I just got a new phone annnnd its an iphone ..... Pray for me and be patient

  7. I am getting really sick of this half to no sleep thing.

  8. It would be really awesome if I coukd actually sleep

  9. Lets see ... Woke up at 12:34, 2:05, 3:39, 4:15, 5:13 then I finally gave up. Tired is not a word that I would use right now.

  10. Dont know why but feeling really angry and just not right. No rhyme or reason

  11. Ok boys and girls this isnt Georgia ..... Its not snowing, only an 1" or 2 has fallen you have drive on this before so lets get OVER 30 MPH ALREADY WTF !!!!!

  12. Feel like smashing my face with a tack hammer

  13. Bob said it was raining sp time to be in the boat

  14. Parmesan Red Potatoes, Steak Tips with Sauteed Mushrooms and Onion, Garlic Shrimp hope everyone likes tonight supper.

  15. Happy Birthday to my wife and best friend. Babe I Love You hope you enjoy your day

  16. Yea we got a little snow ....

    1. FDNYEMS22


      In Cleveland he have tons. Along with the negative temps.

  17. Well that drive in was .... Interesting

  18. Today the All mighty Battalion Chief has requested more manpower to respond & help him in fighting the Inferno of Hell. 2 Brothers from Toledo have answered that call, may we take a moment to remember these men for their efforts, courage, & sacrifice. May we take a moment & yell their names into the wind so all shall know & remember them. Brothers ...... Sisters ........ join me in wishing these braves souls Peace, & Thank them for their Service, Courage, & Sacrifice this day. Rest In Peace B...

  19. Nice start to the day have a cup of coffee ... Eat a bagel ... Have the snowblower auger explode and shake itself apart .... Awesome

  20. Happy anniversary texans

  21. Boys and me enjoying a frut salad and some xbox ... Awesome night and delightful end to my day

  22. Just spent 3 hours building lego stuff for the boys and it gets destroyed before they can even enjoy it ..... I am beyond pissed right now

    1. sgtmatt325


      OHHH can i build too, i built the Twin Towers 3 times

    2. C.F.D


      are they grounded haha

    3. Ace


      I know that feeling!

  23. Struggling to get through the day. Very hard to do I might add

  24. Pretty Awesome Day with the family enjoying Bobbies birthday. Love ya little man you are growing so fast cant believe you are already 5 !!!

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