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Posts posted by admntrs

  1. @ CFD

    I don't really get what you're trying to say here...I think everyone here knows, especially those of us who have been following since pretty much day 1, how dedicated you guys are to realism and how that requires more work on your guys' part. In fairness though, I don't think anybody could have anticipated you guys would take it to this high of a level. Most of us were expecting (and probably would have been satisfied with) a basic reskin project and it has grown into what is looking more and more like a stand alone mod.

    Why should there be any finger pointing...I think the community has offered tremendous support to you guys...

    And its not just LIFE that makes things slower...you guys are obviously choosing to constantly upgrade and improve the quality of your skins and lights...nobody here is asking you to do that. That's not to say its not appreciated...but it seems kind of hypocritical to tell us not to take this too seriously when you're the one adding hundreds of lights to each unit.

    Maybe I'm just speaking for myself but I think the quality of this mod has long surpassed what most of us would expect for a submod. As in you've gone past the "standard" for submods without a release which might be making some people impatient. And its only taking longer because of what you decide to add onto it. But at the end of the day that just it- its your guys' mod so you can do whatever you want to it. Sure add all the lights you want and even go to town on a new map. Maybe I'll check back in another seven months to see how things are coming along.

    Not sure what your last paragraph means. Why the hell should you be worried about offending the 'big shots'. You've impressed plenty of us with your work.

  2. First off it's not an O.P.P. mod,just a few re-skins and added child's(like the la police upgrade). The units are still in the shop,we are but a 2 man team,both with real life issues that find time here and there to work on these projects.

    We will get the la mod police upgrade finished first,then the O.P.P. will follow and the RCMP mod will be further down that road.

    There is no timeline for the last 2,we will do all the work and it will take the time it takes...we will, as always, keep you updated.

    Does this mean you'll be working on the submods exclusively in that order, or at the same time? Also, maybe its just me but it seems the OPP and LA police upgrade submods, as promising as they are, seem to be distracting from your original submod, the RCMP. Im just saying I hope you guys do actually get to releasing this and don't get overwhelmed/tired out from the other submods. But you guys are doing a great job so far, so hopefully we'll have 3 great submods to play...even if it does mean waiting longer :happy:

  3. Im bored so i decided to make this thread :P

    What does everyone think of the politics in their country, state, province, etc.?

    Coming from Canada I think our politics can be horrendously boring...

    What do you think are important issues and how well do you think your governments deal with them?

    And of course, what do you anticipate for the American 2012 presidential election?

    Just some fuel to get everyone talking...

    *****Please keep comments respectful and tolerant of others' views!!*****

  4. First of all the woods map is too buggy,traffic problems ect so no,I will not use it and I don't know if you've been to Canada, but it's more similar(roads and buildings) to an american city as opposed to a european one

    Secondly elaborate more on what you mean by your second comment by the skins looking like crap?

    "SWEETNESS!!!! :D

    Okay, I saw your in game video at FS1, but I think that you should use the w00ds map for this because I think that that map will go over better for Canada, and your skins look like crap in that map for a Downtown scene. "

    I dont think woods map would look better. The beauty of the LA map is that it could pretty much be a suburban area of any city. It is definately the closest map out there to something resembling the lower mainland. Aside from having to deal with the same incidents which get boring after a while, LA would be the best imo. I dont know what he means about the skins looking like crap, I think they would look great on the LA map (which isnt really a downtown map at all btw)

  5. I'm so impressed by your guys' dedication and work with this submod, as you can see you've attracted the attention of players from all over. This will be so much fun to playprop.gif

    Those officers with traffic vests- are they completely different units or just normal officers with the traffic vest on? Can't wait to see the rest of the personnel...feels like we're getting closer and closer to playing tongue.gif

  6. hey this is looking really good. i was really impressed with the initial release of this submod and it looks like you've only improved on that so great work!

    i know dysons taken lots of flak but your work and dedication is awesome- keep it up. tbh i was more impressed with your submod than the new ny mod, considering i thought your was just a reskin. your mod feels more like ny and i think this next version will be a total blast to play.

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