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Posts posted by admntrs

  1. Forget all of that,I will staff paramedic(emt)/ff's on the 3 rescue units we have and the remaining engines will be strictly ff's...I forgot about the rescue rigs,I was too busy thinking about skinning a paramedic(emt)/ff.

    These will be different from the BCAS medics pictured right? ie ambos will be exclusively BCAS paramedics, rescues will be ff medics. (I guess im trying to say it won't be like LA...)

  2. Personnel are looking awesome! I like how you included the old BCAS uniforms, I think they look better and easier to distinguish from police/fire.

    Don't know if you guys are looking to mod Dispatch like I've seen some mods do, very odd having a Scot/Brit dispatch for the NY mod, haha. But I was just looking for scanner feeds online, and found one for Surrey --> http://ltr.tac9.ca:8...ecommsurrey.m3u Surrey Fire, New Westminster Fire & Rescue, Coquitlam Fire & Rescue, Delta Fire

    Best scanning site around here- http://scanbc.com you can listen from itunes.

    Also if you haven't already reskinned the FBI, it would be cool to make them like Gang Task Force or somethin :D

  3. Ohh this is the exciting part :P Used to live in Surrey, can't believe we're gona have a mod about it ;)

    It sounds like you guys are trying to make a variety of calls which is great. I hate having calls that you know exactly how to handle and it just becomes routine.

    -I think it would be cool to have like a domestic disturbance call where you could arrive to find a variety of situations at a residence ie injured person, person with a gun, fight, drugs etc.

    -I dont know if its possible, but it would be fun to have more traffic calls like people speeding or something, or just make the process of traffic stops more realistic (something like the LCPD First responders mod for GTA4, if you know what that is).

    -Maybe include knives as a less lethal weapon? they seem to be popular in surrey lol.

    -I'm sure you've probably considered this but I'd love to have the RCMP supervisor have additional, police specific commands (call K9, ERT, etc)

    -I wonder if its possible to have a 'search' command, like a pat down to look for contraband??

    -Ability for police to call for backup, etc when in vehicle

    Also have you guys considered doing a sort of generic 'canadian' map as opposed to specifically Surrey, just wondering since you have all those other police units...

    Killerxcop has a good point, 'multifaceted' and random events are the best, hopefully we can make it happen!

  4. The light coronas become smaller as you zoom in, the poly's quality gets better as you do it. If you're zoomed out far enough, all the lights will appear to be a bit foggy, which is okay, because that's realism, and the polys will stay unaffected awesome either way.

    We may possibly develop a script that will allow the ground member to brandish a flashlight and turn it on. This purpose may not be really useful but it's all eye candy as you said.

    We're also going to have siren scripts, which will allow you to choose siren tones and maybe different light modes ( Parked, Code 3, Traffic mode) etc. Details on this will eventually prevail later on this month or so.

    Ok nice, both of those ideas sound cool.

    As for the video- I think you have achieved lighting perfection! They really look amazingly lifelike.

    *bows before lighting god*

  5. yes you are right,the cost right now to start up city police or provincial would be massive province wide.I think this is just Ottawa playing hardball in the negotiations...do you seriously think that the federal government or the RCMP will scrap roughly 10,000 RCMP and civilian connected jobs in British Columbia??but then again politicians aren't a bright bunch!!

    Absolutely- its just Harpo and Co. playing hardball for some reason. They basically said the only option is sign a 20 yr contract or we're packing up. They didn't give any wiggle room for negotiating how resources are spent and other urgent issues facing the force. I think the RCMP should stay, but there needs to be some substantial changes. Small towns are their bread and butter, and they do a great job at that. Its bigger cities like Surrey that should really look at a municipal force.

    But as you said, thats politics for ya! I think we'll all be watching this one, it will probably get really interesting pretty soon.

    Question about the mod: Not that they're necessary, but are you thinking of any scripting changes/alterations/additions? I think there was a flashlight in the last video, are you hoping for that to be in game or was it just editor eye candy?

    PFD- I think gang violence has gone down quite a bit since a few years ago. I think the few things that have happened in the last few months are all courtesy of Jon Bacon's assassination. Just retaliatory back and forth stuff that is nearly impossible for the police to prevent. Also, crime is down as a whole but you raise an interesting point about the transition period. I think if they do switch over, they will make the transition as smooth as possible but I'm sure there will be some lapse and the criminals will take advantage of it.

  6. Better realease this mod before 2014

    I don't think you'll have to worry about that. They want to release it by the new year.

    As for the rest, a provincial force would be hugely costly, and probably less effective at least for the first few years. Yet the RCMP are going through some seriously tough times, and their trust and morale are in rough shape. It will be interesting to see what happens, and if the feds will give us some wiggle room in their offer.

  7. Nice video... :WTF:

    Thought this was kind of cool- the very same units in action at a drug raid yesterday in Surrey. No bears or sheep were reported to be involved in this one.


    Great work guys, seems like you've been getting a lot done recently. And ya that police tape did work in the NY submod, fairly well actually :P

  8. ...I had to cut a lot of the units I had done earlier just to keep the file size down.

    Which units are those, all those umpc's from a while back?

    Sorry this is random and I know you said no more suggestions :sorrysign: but I think the police tape from the NY submod would be cool in this mod. Just throwing it out there.

    Also, send me a pm when you start the map if you're looking for help. I'd be starting out like you with minimal experience but I'd be willing to give it a shot.

  9. Guys he's already gone over this-

    why would I redo all those again dave? BCAS and SFS are done if you read back (page 23 to the present)you would know this...I will complete the last few cars for police then CFD can light them all and I can jump onto a map.

    I still got BCAS personnel to skin,but the rest are complete.

    There haven't been any details on the content of the map because it hasn't been started. Patience! :)

  10. Nice traffic unit- I for one will be all over that when we get close to release :)

    Im a little confused with the BCAS units...The only fords they use are the e-350s, the smaller ones with curved boxes. Are you just using the e-450s to differentiate easily between ALS and BLS? Also did you say you were working on a chevy demers model? That would be awesome and in terms of realism I believe BCAS is transitioning all their ambos to the chevys. A nitty gritty detail for ya- BCAS changed their uniforms from white shirts to dark blue. I personally dont like them as much but hey whatever works.

  11. Thanks man,yes I did see only parts of it(about the ERT) I probably will check out the whole thing one of theses days.No lack of inspiration yet,C.F.D. and myself just want to be proud of and present everybody with a mod that represents our great country's emergency services.

    My hopes are that when it is finally released,the guys like you who have been here from the beginning will say"wow,that was worth the wait"

    keep hanging in there guys!!!

    ...and the fan banner,work of art!! great job by C.F.D. on that.

    Ya the ERT one is great but I really loved the other episodes too and actually learned a ton. If you liked that one you should check out the rest for sure. I don't think many people realize what a world class police force we have...makes me even more excited for this mod (if thats possible :P)

    Anyway I think you're right and this thing will really surprise us all- we know you guys do top quality work :12:

    Also it would be cool to see some pics of the personnel if they are done. I know you did post some a while back but I think they got removed...

  12. Air 1 looks good. Also nice fan banner- embodies the essence of the RCMP in BC nicely.

    As a side note, I found a cool series on the RCMP on Youtube called Courage In Red. I highly recommend to anyone wanting to find out more about the RCMP, it made me proud to have such a great police force :police: . It even features the Surrey Detachment in the Frontline policing episode. Maybe you've seen it already Goog, but if not it might provide some inspiration :P (not that you need it, keep up the good work!!)

  13. Did you know that the Netherlands is a country? not freakin' Amsterdam.

    Amsterdam is it's CAPITAL. Not a COUNTRY!

    Remember that. ;)

    (This is not a reply to admntrs, about that parts of the Netherlands. Canada liberated the most of the Netherlands. And Zwolle, the city where I live, was liberated by ONE Canadian soldier, Leo Major! :) )

    Thanks...I've been to the Netherlands including Amsterdam so I know a bit about it. I also know it was mostly Amsterdam they liberated, but there were other parts like you said.

    Adding to Newfoundking- Did you know Canada's head of state and commander in chief is the Governor General, not Prime Minister?

  14. Did you know...

    Canada has the busiest highway in North America

    Canada invented peacekeeping and basketball

    Every year the Netherlands sends tulips to Parliament Hill as a thanks to the Canadian troops who liberated their country in WWII

    Canada's entire military budget is equal to what the USA spends repairing rust on their military vehicles :happy:


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