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Posts posted by search_destroy

  1. What about this modification?

    Here is a preview of the building, it's more work than I thought.


    I like it! If you can finish it send me the building. Please!

  2. Too bad that wasn't an update and just some picks. But if you insist.

    Ok, so those pics are going to be modeled and that is going to be the rescue truck.

    What do you all think?

  3. Uhm, not to be irritating or something but...

    You say you have no experience at all with creating mods. So how are you going to make the most complicated thing EVER!

    It would be easier to create a whole new game! Think of it, you'll have to create: New vehicles (No problem), New buildings (No problem), New persons... Now that last one is a problem! Try to open a emergency 4 person in a modeling program... Good luck creating something similar... Other things; New map (Not a problem), New animations (Not a problem), New scripts... Now here you got a small problem! You can't use the standard move and get scripts. This because you got new animations. You'll have to change or recreate these scripts...

    Now a normal mod which is released in about 2 years contains only:

    -New vehicles

    -New map

    -New scripts

    -New buildings (Sometimes.)

    That is by very experienced people. You say you have no experience, so good luck creating this mod.

    For experienced people it would take years... For you... I think a decade or more.



    I am gonna try

  4. Just an advise.

    Some people may want to help you with only 1 or 2 items, but take them anyway. It's 1 or 2 items off the list. Wooder didn't steal your idea, i'm sure he just wanted to make you something. Instead of being "Don't steal my idea", why don't you ask wooder nicely if you can use that model in your mod? I mean, my mod gets plenty of help from outside, and it does help on everything. Helpers does not need to be on the team to do some good stuff for a mod.

    Your right

    Wooder, I'm sorry. Can I please use your model for my mod?

  5. ok but send me some pics of how a vehicle needs to look or do you want me to use my fantasy?

    You have to be promoteed first. Show me that you are good as an advertiser and you will be.

    search_destroy what website do you think most people look at far mods for emergency 4? i havn't found too many.

    Any type of emergeny website should do try JER (Joint Emergency Responders) It's a clan for EM4

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