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Everything posted by jusa123

  1. this mod issss soooo sexyyy!!!! Thanks for you!! <3
  2. okay i need scripters and all what need to make mod
  3. come this mod that system, when mans are in station and then comes alarm. can i hear? This : Hälytysilmoius p3 Helsinki 21, 25 rakennuspalo sekä helsinki 191 Bertta tehtävä ? And sorry my bad english!
  4. i love aarhus mod. i think you must put that system in this mod do you make new missions?
  5. monta modii sul on tekeil täl hetkel

  6. we have volunteer Fire department in Nurmo. So when comes alarm the fire fighters come to station from home. Is it possible to put this kind of command to game ??
  7. Hei hieno modi tulossa! tuleeko tähän modiin VPK palokuntia?
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