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Status Updates posted by Dakota

  1. The President will be stopping by Mentor High School on Saturday, free event with doors opening at 9am.

  2. Very glad to hear Trump isn't running for president. :)

    1. Grim_Wizard


      Really? We need someone with buisness expertise in office.

    2. Voodoo_Operator


      Which is exactly why you should be glad that Trump won't be running. :)

    3. Grim_Wizard


      Hahahaha i cee wat u did thar

  3. Wants Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Out today)

  4. When firetrucks and police cars close a road it's usually for a reason, and that reason is not so you can try and be sneaky and drive around it all on the shoulder to get through.. just saying.

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Firetrucks, schmiretrucks. If a big red truck with shiny lights is the only thing standing between me and a late-night Baconator, you're goddamn right I'm going to drive on the friggin' shoulder.

      (True story. Ironically, in the end, turns out they were blocking the road because there had been a triple murder at Wendy's so I still couldn't get my Baconator. Tough luck.)

  5. Whoever came up with the change your profile pic to a cartoon thing must be pretty proud of themselves.

  6. woke up to a show on cartoon network in which two girl characters were fighting over one showing her boobs to the other character's boyfriend.... why is that in a kids cartoon? No wonder kids act the way they do

  7. Working at MFD today

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