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Status Updates posted by Dakota

  1. Darn fighter jets.. it's too early for your noise

  2. Congrats Mississippi on finally getting around to formally abolishing slavery.

  3. Nobody on family guy blinks..

    1. Voodoo_Operator


      Nor does anyone on Family Guy have 5 fingers. What's your point?

    2. cops


      lol I never notice that :P

  4. Classy speech President Barack Obama, well done. I hope to see the republicans in the House get over themselves and start to work with you on issues that matter. Kudos to the crowd out there too, very happy not to hear any boos at the mention of Romney.I'm pretty confident the final totals will be 332 to 206 tomorrow with Obama also maintaining his lead in the popular vote. Pretty exciting, intense, and at times down right nasty election this year, but in the end it just goes to show that...

  5. I'll bit pretty disappointed if Mourdock wins in Indiana, not gonna lie.

  6. Hate when I hear that "the popular vote doesn't matter in elections." That "only the electoral college matters... so why bother voting?" How do you think a candidate wins a states electoral votes? By its popular vote! Get out and VOTE, people have died so you can.

  7. The President will be stopping by Mentor High School on Saturday, free event with doors opening at 9am.

  8. Best quote of the night: "You mentioned the Navy, for example — that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military’s changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land… we have ships that go underwater — nuclear submarines. And so the question is not a game of ‘Battleship,’ where we’re counting ships.

    1. EmergencyFan97


      Worst quote, because it's so inaccurate its funny.

  9. Finally done with my 48 hour paramedic refresher.

  10. Wants Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Out today)

  11. 3 calls so far, on par with the 4 for yesterday.

  12. "Medic Up!" - Tactical Medic / SWAT Medic class was the best class I've ever taken.

  13. 16 hours of Ashtabula city EMS today

  14. I love Jackalope

  15. When firetrucks and police cars close a road it's usually for a reason, and that reason is not so you can try and be sneaky and drive around it all on the shoulder to get through.. just saying.

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Firetrucks, schmiretrucks. If a big red truck with shiny lights is the only thing standing between me and a late-night Baconator, you're goddamn right I'm going to drive on the friggin' shoulder.

      (True story. Ironically, in the end, turns out they were blocking the road because there had been a triple murder at Wendy's so I still couldn't get my Baconator. Tough luck.)

  16. Must be structure fire day in the county?

  17. <3 5.11 Tactical

  18. Very glad to hear Trump isn't running for president. :)

    1. Grim_Wizard


      Really? We need someone with buisness expertise in office.

    2. Voodoo_Operator


      Which is exactly why you should be glad that Trump won't be running. :)

    3. Grim_Wizard


      Hahahaha i cee wat u did thar

  19. cinco de mayo and no mexican food :(

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Your bowels thank you.

  20. Is wondering how Jackie constantly finds ways to change my status to random things

  21. My Kitty has been taken by an imperialist!

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