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Everything posted by helljumper51

  1. you should just have to copy over the files in the patch. like, go to the directory of the la mod c:/computer/programfiles/wizardworks/911firstresponders/mods/LA Mod and over wright the files there with the ones on the patch
  2. well if you can find them..GREAT! but odds are you wont be able to and you will have to make them from scratch. honestly it is not as hard as it seems. it would take me like an hour to do a 2800 polygon model. btw, i would make one over 2500 because the game doesn't like models that high.
  3. well those are all very good questions. lets start with the first one: I use 3ds max, and you can use any program that is a modeling program. but zmodeler is the only program that will convert the .3ds files from 3ds max, to .z3d and then to .v3o for emergency files. to import and export, you need to buy the zmodeler program or else you cant export. -for textures, you can make them yourself or ask someone else to, but they all ahve to be custom made for the model you made. I use zmodeler to texture my vehicles (or uv-map for the technical term) and there is a tutorial on the main page of this website on how to do that with zmodeler. and for vehicles, sorry bud but you either have to make them yourself(somewhat hard) or ask someone else to do it(which there are not many modelers here that are not already tied up with a project) hope that helps! -Eric
  4. I will pm you with what i would like done
  5. Hi guys, I am Eric. Creator of the Emergency Mod for EM4. I am looking for someone who knows how to script in EM4 and would be willing to help me make custom scripts. you will get full credit and rights to the work you do as well as the ability to test the mod when it gets to Beta stages. Thanks!
  6. i have to say though, it looks good so far
  7. what programming language is EM4 in? it looks like C++, but my friend says no its not. does anyone know what it is?
  8. hey, if your interested, pm me.
  9. well what you could do is make it so they are considered a different vehicle. its not hard to add a vehicle ingame so why not just make a new name and call it a different vehicle.
  10. i guess i can help in my free time. i can model..but the models are in 3ds max so you will need z modeler to convert them. give me a shout at helljumper51@aol.com if you need any help. i can also do uv mapping in z modeler but i will need the textures for it.
  11. not really, its just trial an error. took em about 2 hours to do it for one guys. but once i did that, it was cake for the rest of em.
  12. also, if its for someone else's mod, be sure to ask permission first. even if its for personal use, its still polite to ask.
  13. i have to say that what really won me over was the sirens. you can have the best visuals in the world, but qwhat make you think you are actualy there are the sirens. when i first sent my engine to a fire, i actually thought i was sitting in the back of my fire company's engine getting an air pack on. this mod is great. also, i like how the medics can get hoses and fight the fires too
  14. hoppah you are awsome. i dedicate my Emergency MOD to u!
  15. maybe change a skin on one of the swat vehicles or add a sign or flag ingame for it at the police station.
  16. i am currently in the process of making a mod about the American TV Show, Emergency. will feature about 5-6 different fire trucks form the 60's and 70's. almost out with beta version.
  17. i know. i actually tuaght myself today. so right now i am trying to make a good enough texture for the model. probably by friday i will have one vehicle done.
  18. what exactly do you want(as in types of engines, ladders etc)
  19. actually i really like it. if you want, i have nothign to do for the next few weeks, want me to make up some models for ya? it takes me about an hour a model and depends on how detailed u want em. but i would gladly make some for ya. what do you say?
  20. kinda looks like a backdraft mod....
  21. well the whole point was becuase it was an arguement between adding hose lines on the back of the engine
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