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Posts posted by helljumper51

  1. well i want to clear some things up with some of you all.

    1) i am not stupid and not niave to the game industry. i gave you all the basics of my game. no details. my actual game's detals along with some programming is in tree notebooks that i keep revising and adding stuff to. no one has ever seen this version.

    2)I know how the industry works and all your suggestions are helpful and i am glad to have support. thank you all who gave me ideas.

    3) to a response i saw about making it a generic game, ex. making it about all fire companies, here is what i have to say. the United states and the rest of the world pretty much have 2 different types of vehicles. i live in the US and am more familiar with the US model. and to make a game to have all of that and be able to choose what type of vehicle you want is a tremendous job and would require hundreds of additional models.

    4) i have a demo in progress right no...i might release it for some of you to try..well a select few. and i already have concept art, a power point presentation, sales figures for popular firefighting games and even a sales pitch. and i already copyrighted the games name and the story line.

    5) finally i am no stranger to the gaming world. i have contacts in multiple companies and sites. for example, i tried selling this idea to EA Games. they denied because of security reason but they offered me a job as a Animator/Modeler intern starting at 40 hours a week..paid. so the chance of this game becoming a game looks good. if any of you can help spread the word and help support this game please do so.

    Thank you all for supporting me!

  2. well, I have started work on a demo, sort of like what you have in mind, and I started that a while ago... with one other guy, we are planning on finishing a demo mission to present...

    That is partially off topic. But if you decide to do it alone, you'll be a while. It's better to have a team of dedicated workers, and one person taht knows how to make it... Then you can get started and give a few companies something to look at, and have a much better chance of getting started with one

    are you hinting at somthing? ;p

  3. hey guys. i am currently in the process designing a game about being a firefighter or EMT. its an action rpg thingy. i have been working on it for about 2 years now. and right now i contacted some gaming websites and they want to see support. so here is my idea:

    you can create your own character either a firefighter or EMT. then you go through the "academy" otherwise known as a tutorial. and the game works like this. in story mode you are assigned to a randomly generated station as either the firefighter or EMT. whichever you chose will be your job. obviously the firefighter will be assigned to a engine, or Areal, or rescue. while the EMT will be assigned to the same or an ambulance. you can choose which station and or vehicle assignment you want to join up as. think of it like a job application. you get a screen that has all the info about this "job" like what vehicle you are assigned to and what station and etc. and then it will have a pay grade(you use money to upgrade your equipment and other specials)you can decline or accept any job. and once you are there, say you are a firefighter. you are assigned a locker and a position on the truck(if your just made a character at lvl 1 then you will be either exterior, or interior) and a job. then say a call goes out. structure fire at such and such a place. so you go to your locker, put your gear on and go to your truck. you have to hurry or you will miss it!. and you can choose to drive it(even thought its not your position) or ride. if you drive then you have full control of the truck. lights, sirens, everything. and you will get a way point for the position of the fire. think open world. if you ride in it you will hit a load screen and will automatically arrive on scene. you basicaly do what you told by the captain or lt on the truck. stuff like take the crosslay and attack the fire inside or hook up water supply, then ventilate the roof. etc. and all you equipment you find on your truck. but the trick is you have to know where it is on the truck. and its like that. you get xp for completing a fire call or "mission" and can put it towrds either cash, or points like strength or speed etc. and here is the cool part. with money you can purchase new gear, change colors, better equipment and the best part...BACKUP yes like if you have a bad fire, you can use some money to call in a second company to assist. you cant control them, but the will help make the fire easier to control. and with xp you gain lvls. and with new levels you might get a chance to be promoted, or find a better position at the new station. you can go all the way up to captain..or you can just be like a lvl 40 firefighter. and ways to increase you skill points are like, the station has a weight room to get more strength and you can play mini games like in madden where you can lift weights and etc.

    for EMT you do the exact same except you can play a medical mini game where you treat patients like in real life.

    in free play, you get to have real fun. you can choose a fire station layout design(like how many stories or bays the station has) and then you get a budget to buy vehicles and hire a crew. and the vehicles are full customizable. like you can add crosslays, equipment, lights, etc. change colors too. add text and logo. then once in game you can choose your position or just go free lance and do whatever you want. you can be the captain and give orders, and still go into the building. and you can earn money from different calls to buy new trucks or upgrade your trucks or whatever.

    what do you guys think? any suggestions? how do i convince a game company to make this? any ideas on how to get support?

    -Eric Smith


  4. it is insulation from the frame of the car and the seats.. and no. in the united states for pictures like it is not allowed(i dont think illeagll tho) to show pictures of a human body. trust me for anyone who is curious about "seeing" one. dont. i am only 17 and I saw some crap at a car accident i hope none of you see in your life. somtimes being a firefighter has its bad days....

    anyway. hoppah nice manual. i actually took the time to read it :D. one question though. what truck is the gated wye on? i couldn't find it in the manual. maybe i over looked but i looked twice. thanks.

  5. lol.....yesterday a lonely boy from (insert country here) and now...A STAR!!!! lol. hoppah trust me. dont join. these things are all about "ooohh talk to me" and "how did you do that" except asked in a really annoying leprechaun voice....well maybe not leprechaun but...it gets annoying. you can join if u want, but it is too much hastle to work with.

  6. but his point is, you can still support them. I know with my mod I have some very dedicated supporters and I know they will be excited when release it. what usually will kill a mod is the support and help it gets. it take a helluva long time to do it by one's self. ask hoppah that. he works mostly alone but even he has help from mikey and mikes photos and stan, etc.

  7. here is a question. i noticed in game for la mod there are 4 or 5 ambulances. why do we need that many? i know that i only use one, but why 5?

    also, is the light equipment truck going to be carrying the emts? i know in the 70's, a vehicle like that called teh rescue squad carried paramedics and they also functioned as firefighters. Is that how it is now in la? Cuz i was thinking that make the light equipment vehicle carry all those tools plus the medic bag, and then the paramedics or whichever one heals people, ride in that squad. it would be interesting to see one station to house that squad so that it can get on scene faster before the ambulance.

    i might be completely wrong because i don't know much about recent la fire departments. mike, any suggestions?


  8. I'm actually gonna do that, once I get the dds file open i'll Skin that as well as some other suprises I am working on to maybe present to Hoppah to give the mod some more fun, and less work for him.

    lol, I have some La Country Fire Company vehicles done....but its from the old Tv Show emergency :/

  9. Hey guys. its down to the wire here. we are close to getting a beta out. so far all we need to do is get the vehicles textured and put in game. but I need stuff done that I don't have the skills to do:

    Not Started

    In game


    Model Done


    Squad 51

    Engine 51

    Engine 110

    Engine 108

    Ambulance 1

    Ladder 8

    Squad 110

    Squad 8

    Engine 8

    Battalion 8

    Support 108

    Ambulance 2

    *Response Script

    *Biophone Script

    *Light Script

    *Scripts to be used ingame


    Response Script

    Explanation-it is made for each station. hopefully we will have 3 fire stations. but anyway, what I would like it to do is to spawn all the assigned units for each vehicle, turn on the sirens, and you right click somewhere on the map and it makes them go to that spot. for example, there is a car accident and you want to have station 51 respond to the scene. you click the little icon that looks like station 51 and right click(or left click, whatever) anywhere by the scene and the tones for that station go off and the people spawn in the station and go to the trucks, the trucks lights go on, and the sirens go on and they respond.

    Biophone Script

    Explanation-When your paramedic gets on scene, you have a choice of pulling the Biophone(radio used in the Emergency TV shows) off the squad. when you do, you right click the guy holding the biophone and he sets it up. then you can right click on the screen somewhere and it spawns an ambulance from off screen and brings it to your location with two stretcher guys.

    Lights Script

    Explanation-basically, you turn the lights on and off


    I need someone who can add lights, doors, children, etc. plus someone who can add vehicles and equipment and personnel.


    I am done with all but two I think. and I will texture asap.

    If you guys still want to help, pm me so i know.

    also any questions, comments, or additions, let me know.

    Sincerely yours,

    Eric J. Smith

  10. Hello Everyone,

    I have a couple of questions relating the modding of Emergency 4/911 First Responders,

    Currently im working on a mod with my mates from a clan,

    I just have some questions which i hope someone can answer them

    1. Using zmodeler

    OK so first thing, do i have to use zmodeler to model my vehicles and add them to EM4/911:FR? i have 3D Studio Max & Google Sketch Up 6 PRO & Antics, I don't really know how this thing works so probably some help here too, what i don't understand is what exactly is the process of adding the new vehicle or what's the difference if i use zmodeler, 3d max, antics or even paintshop also whats the format that is needed.

    2.What is textures?

    -I know that textures are basically the views or looks of the vehicle/person/object but where can i get them from, or must i make them?! and how do i use them

    3. Getting vehicles?

    Also where can i get polygon models of cars for free, or any vehicle which i can basically paint job for my mod so it fits the rest of its friendly vehicles!

    These are my questions till now, when answered i will ask more :D

    Thank you very much in advance :)


    well those are all very good questions. lets start with the first one:

    I use 3ds max, and you can use any program that is a modeling program. but zmodeler is the only program that will convert the .3ds files from 3ds max, to .z3d and then to .v3o for emergency files. to import and export, you need to buy the zmodeler program or else you cant export.

    -for textures, you can make them yourself or ask someone else to, but they all ahve to be custom made for the model you made. I use zmodeler to texture my vehicles (or uv-map for the technical term) and there is a tutorial on the main page of this website on how to do that with zmodeler.

    and for vehicles, sorry bud but you either have to make them yourself(somewhat hard) or ask someone else to do it(which there are not many modelers here that are not already tied up with a project)

    hope that helps!


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