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Posts posted by Ami89E1234

  1. sorry, i finished that mission the same day, just having a little trouble

    it still doesnt work. i tell the guys in the fire engine to get out, then i tell them to get hoses, i enable water connections, and then what? the connectors dont work, and i cliicked on the truck. still nothing

  2. hi,

    i have v 1.3 and when i want a fire engine to enable hose connections it does it but when i click on a fire fighter w/ hose and move my cursor over the connector, it doesnt show the sign to connect. it works with water tenders, but not with fire engines. any1 no the prob and can help?

  3. ok. typed in hocus and it said cheats activated or something. i now have 100% on all missions. :P (dont worry; ill go back and do all the missions i couldnt do)

    i also unzipped youre walkthrough yesterday, and i have to say, youre english is really good, and the walkthroughs are really detailed. :1046275747_biggthumpup:

    once in the german campaign i had all missions on 100% except m13. i wanted to replace the files with the onces that gave you 100% on all missions and all medals, but after i did that, all the german campaign files were deleted(but luckily the LAmod wasnt). oh well, now i have 100% on all missions. :rolleyes::sporty:

  4. Hi,

    can someone help me with m13.

    i evacuate most ppl from the station and have my units ready.

    get lots of injured to hospital-but it always says mission failed-too many casualties. What am i doing wrong? is it because i cant multitask so well or im not so fast? all ppl cut out of train cars just too many other ppl to take care of so i dont get to some ppl in time. i use rescue dog to track down ppl and i rescue all ppl under debris. also fire in donut shop doesnt want to go out no matter how many units i have- have given it 3 water tenders and 4 firemen with hoses- it just doesnt go out

  5. im making a site to upload my pics to. but it says links dont work right now on this site. then again, it wont be possible to see my site for 7 days because of 2 things: one: sites newer than 7 days are provisional and cant upload anything bigger than 750K. two: provisional users cant upload exe. files. i could change the format, but ill wait. the only wait to get out of provisional without waiting is to upgrade to premium but that costs money.

    so for now, no pics :(

  6. wierd: in early morning (5:30 6:45) sky is purple, blue and pink. from about 7:20 on sky is grey for most of day; is still warm, with brief glimpes of sun (and pool in 80's :cool:) but the sky is acting REALLY wierd out here

  7. we had BAD thunderstorms last week with thunder as loud as an f ing 20.6 earthquake with 50 hiroshima bombs, LOTS of rain and really bright lightning.

    this week its of course hot and sunny 99% of the time with a low number of gray clouds(only big, fluffy white clouds) and really beautiful blue skies and no signs whatsoever of ANY storms or even a shower

  8. i hope it doesnt end up like firefighter fd18. that game was quite good but boss fires that can make fire cars and burning shirts at you? that was just weird...

    i think i played that game-- i absolutely HATED the second mission in that huge office building. i mean, i was multiple missions in one place. it just kept going on and on and it got really boring and tough. boss fires like the one in a conference room in that office building were tricky and wierd.

    the one im talking about is a ring of fire around a conference table with several fire 'tornadoes' circling around the ring. the tornadoes would pull you in towards the fire and some boss fires would actually scream and screech when you put them out or were "hurting" them with water.

  9. Screen from mission 3 LA Mod 1.3f, got the bad guys surrounded!


    Cleaning up after the suicide bomber on mission 1 LA Mod 1.3f Featuring my 2 favourite LA Mod units the LAPD SUV & the Coroners Van


    Keeping a multiple car crash scene clear in freeplay again with LA Mod 1.3f ;)



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