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Posts posted by Ami89E1234

  1. Hi guys.

    I need a little help with translation i the Winterberg mod.

    There are some buttons and commands that i need translated and described what they do, so if someone is kind and help me it would be wonderful?

    Units and commands at the stations:

    • 8-85-1 KTW Wib
    • GW-atemschutz alamieren - fire fighters with breathing apparatus
    • Grosstanklöschfarhzeug nachfordern
    • Inselloeschtrupp
    • GW-nachschub alarmieren - GW supply alarm
    • Alamierung FAE - appears to alarm a certain unit
    • Gefahrgutzug
    • Freies FZ Alarmieren
    • Kripo Alarmieren
    • Wasserverk alarmieren

    Commands in one of the firetrucks

    • Funkmast aus- und einfahren

    Commands in every truck

    • Der Status 1 FREI AUF Funk wurde der leitstelle übermittult

  2. hit print screen, then hit control-alt-delete. minimize the task manager, open mspaint and paste your screen to see how it looks.

    exactly how i do i ;)

    usually with most of my programs, i just use hit Print Scr button and then press the return to windows button; doesnt seen to work with em: might be that damn $800 million lawsuit the EU (European Union) filed against microsoft. :1046276128_motz:

  3. hi. i think i can be of some help with the police horse unit.

    in the em3 editor are three horses under scene-people-animals. 1 is black, 1 is white, and 1 is brown. i think the brown one would work nicely.

    animations: the horses come with animations like attack, run, walk, etc and theyd be perfect. however, for th erider,do what hoppah did in the em3 lamod with the motorcycle cop. the rider was a child that was removed once you pressed the 'get off' command. it would reappear if you had the rider go back on it. it might be possible to do this and put a 'child' rider on the horse. you may want to ask Hoppah.

    hope it helps


  4. ok, i shouldve rephrased that. i meant i know to copy the files into a diff folder and put them back in once its reinstalled. editor data: mods, STLMod, etc. sorry, maybe i shouldntve posted. please delete this topic admin :sporty:

  5. i contacted 16T support and they gave me a FAQ. i download it and search for the problem i have. apperetnly it has something to do with corrupt files, which there are. the only solution is to reinstall the game. i want to be able to play em3 again, but i dont want to lose any data, but if I have to the only thing i cant lose is the data to the editor. pretty stupid question, but would the uninstall get rid of ALL the data? im pretty sure it would, and im gonna have to copy the files into a different folder and then put them back in after i do the reinstall. can anyone kinda reassure me?

  6. As I continue progress into the mod, I realize that I will need much more help than originally planned. Therefore, I will need everyone who is able and willing's help. All staff members already, you are STILL in. Please to anyone who is interested in helping me, please put what you can do, whether it be modding, modling, UV Mapping, or even scripting so that this can be among the great mods and one that everyone will enjoy. Thank you.






    Beta-Testers- *NOTE:I will send out notifications soon. If you receive a PM, check the list.













  7. my school starts tomorrow :dry::angry::mad22: :6: :6:

    my school's really nice(not neccesarily all the teachers) but it looks like a prison(minus the chain link fence and barbed wire)

    still hot here but cooling down as autumn draws near.

  8. you might want to try messing with the freeplay parameters. it might have a parameter you need to change.

    does anyone have the original freeplay parameters? i forgot to save the originals when i messed around with them, and i messed freeplay up. theres no problem, only it RAINS CONSTANTLY 24/7 and i get maybe 1 car and 1-2 ppl walking in like 20 min. thanks

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