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Guest RunAwayScientist

Help - OnAskPerson command?

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Guest RunAwayScientist

Alright, I need a little scripting help. I've never had such a bad-headache as I do having to test this thing by loading up the game and going through that in trial and error.

Anyway, this is what I'm trying to do. I'm looking for a OnAskPerson command. When a police officer goes up to someone and talks to them using AskPerson I want the person to switch behaviour to GANGSTER_ATTACK_ACTION_FORCE and then I'll switch his ObjectPath to some sort of flee path and have him shoot the cop and run off. That's the idea.

I could get it to work, if only I knew how to detect if a person has had the AskPerson command used on them. Anyone know of the method I'm looking for?


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Guest RunAwayScientist

No, a person I've already defined in the script. It's just one guy. All I need is the method header, such as OnAskPerson(Object User, Person person) or however it's supposed to go...if there even is a command. If not, I'll just have to find another way to do what I want.


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Here is the new script (askperson.script):

const char NAME_PERSON01[] 	= "badguy01"; 		//name of person
const char NAME_ESCAPE01[] = "escapepath01"; //name of escape path

object AskPerson : CommandScript

bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)
/*if(!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->GetType() != ACTOR_PERSON)
return false;*/
Person c(Caller);
if (c.IsLinkedWithPerson() || c.IsCarryingPerson())
return false;
//return Game::ExistsAskablePerson();
return true;

bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
if(!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() == Caller->GetID() )
return false;

return false;

Person c(Caller);
if (c.GetEnteredCarID() != -1 || c.IsLinkedWithPerson() || c.IsCarryingPerson())
return false;

Person p(Target);
if(p.GetRole() == ROLE_GANGSTER || !p.CanBeAsked())
return false;

return true;

return false;

void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
Caller->PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Target, TARGET_FOLLOW);
Caller->PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, Target);
Person p(Target);
if (p.HasName(NAME_PERSON01))
Caller->PushActionAskPerson(ACTION_APPEND, Target);

The first two lines of the script:

The name of the person who attacks your squad must be: badguy01

The name of the escape path: escapepath01

Then I added this to the script:

if (p.HasName(NAME_PERSON01))









The person role changes to ROLE_GANGSTER, behaviour to BEHAVIOUR_GANGSTER_ATTACKSQUAD.

If the police officer is in range he will attack him, otherwise he will escape. So the escape path is added too.

Last thing:

The ROLE of the bad guy must be civilian, before you are going to "ask" him, because this command doesn't work with ROLE_GANGSTER persons. You can change names and roles in the editor.


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Guest RunAwayScientist

Great! That was exactly what I was looking for. I can finally finish my officer down mission. Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy playing it when I get to releasing it....sometime in the next few days.


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Guest RunAwayScientist

Thanks to Hoppah I've almost got it working. I have to tweak a few settings and play test it some more until I'm sure it's right. So, I think I'll be releasing this in about maybe one more hour. It's pretty much good to go.


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