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About Tian318

  • Birthday 12/05/1985

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    Tilburg, Netherlands
  • Interests
    Pc games.

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  1. yeah i know that being the issue for games like EM4, just 4GB will be supported in that game, as well as just 1 core of the CPU. But this is not the game that gives me memory crashes, new(er) games like: - Divinity Dragon Commander - Wargame Red Dragon - Total War Rome II - COD. - Saints row: 4 Usually work fine for about 3hours without stopping the game and restarting it. But i'm not to worried, i know it has to do with everything running on the background while i play games; - Mod tools - Spreadsheats - 3D-Moddeling software - Photoshop - E-mail program - Browser with flash objects running. - Converting movies - Converting music - Burning Disks - Having a 24/7 NAS back up copying - Using the PC as server for 4 websites - Using a TV card hooked to a 54" screen to watch TV while i play and all things like that Xd.....what can i say?....just love multi tasking at any rate, that leaves me with about ±8GB free ram to play on games with everything running and doing its thing. Then at some point after a intense game session i get the (in)famous blue screen with a memory dump. So all fine...just knowing that 8GB for OS + new game can be a little short.
  2. Personally i'm not a big fan of Gigabyte motherboards, burned trough 3 myself in a very short time(less then 6months). I'm sticking with Asus boards for now, and for 7$ more you could do the same with: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-m5a99xevor20 Little faster support(on memory and CPU's), Onboard vid(should your PCI-E burn out), and Crossfire support(should you later on want to expand) using a GTX760 myself and already very pleased with that. everything looks fine besides the motherboard... am slightly doubting about your power supply though, Since when i upgraded to a I5, with the GTX760, i needed to stash a 950Watt power unit(but that might as well be because i have 4other hard disks) 2x your memory size could not hurt either(16GB), i'm running on 32GB and some games do fail to acces memory due to it being full.
  3. Well there are already a lot of mods in progress. so i doubt if there are any free once left at this time. But perhaps people can help you part-time in modding. all you can do is post a request on that. to see if you can find people who are willing, and have the time to help you.
  4. then your in the wrong file. or you have not got the rights to overwrite the file. because when you change your em4.cfg file. you manually and hard change the settings of the game. EDIT: Your file should look something like this: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <config> <var name="a_2dvolume" value="0.25278967618942261" /> <var name="a_3dvolume" value="0.50557935237884521" /> <var name="a_mixbitrate" value="16" /> <var name="a_mixchannels" value="2" /> <var name="a_mixfrequency" value="22050" /> <var name="a_musicvolume" value="0." /> <var name="a_videovolume" value="0.50786852836608887" /> <var name="as_speedadaption" value="1" /> <var name="cam_collisions" value="0" /> <var name="cam_inertia" value="0" /> <var name="cl_gameport" value="59331" /> <var name="cl_mcastgroups" value="," /> <var name="e4_ambientsound" value="1" /> <var name="e4_animtranstime" value="0.25" /> <var name="e4_atishadowscale" value="0.40000000596046448" /> <var name="e4_autosave_filepath" value="mod:/Maps/autosave.e4m" /> <var name="e4_bandwidthadaptionmethod" value="1" /> <var name="e4_blackbar_fadetime" value="3." /> <var name="e4_blackbar_height" value="128." /> <var name="e4_bloom" value="0" /> <var name="e4_chatcolor0" value="ff8080" /> <var name="e4_chatcolor1" value="80ff80" /> <var name="e4_chatcolor2" value="8080ff" /> <var name="e4_chatcolor3" value="dbc965" /> <var name="e4_dbgpbuffer" value="0" /> <var name="e4_defaultbasepos_x" value="219." /> <var name="e4_defaultbasepos_y" value="70." /> <var name="e4_depthfill" value="1" /> <var name="e4_detaillevel" value="2" /> <var name="e4_difficulty" value="1" /> <var name="e4_doocclusion" value="0" /> <var name="e4_fakeshadow" value="0" /> <var name="e4_firststart" value="0" /> <var name="e4_footprints" value="1" /> <var name="e4_footprinttime" value="20" /> <var name="e4_gamma" value="1.0472973585128784" /> <var name="e4_highlightnewvehicles" value="0" /> <var name="e4_lightfactor" value="1." /> <var name="e4_make_screenshot" value="1" /> <var name="e4_matchmakingmode" value="1" /> <var name="e4_maxcampitch" value="80." /> <var name="e4_maxcamz" value="3500" /> <var name="e4_maxvideotextures" value="4" /> <var name="e4_mbfastcopy" value="1" /> <var name="e4_mincampitch" value="15." /> <var name="e4_mincamz" value="100." /> <var name="e4_minfiretemp" value="-30000." /> <var name="e4_moviefps" value="20." /> <var name="e4_moviepath" value="base:" /> <var name="e4_mptimeout" value="15." /> <var name="e4_particledetail" value="2" /> <var name="e4_playername" value="Tian318" /> <var name="e4_scrollspeed" value="1." /> <var name="e4_shadow" value="1" /> <var name="e4_shadow_fading" value="1" /> <var name="e4_shadow_object" value="56" /> <var name="e4_shadow_terrain" value="145" /> <var name="e4_shadowdist" value="10000" /> <var name="e4_shadowheight" value="50000" /> <var name="e4_shadowupdate" value="1" /> <var name="e4_sharpshooter_idletime" value="2." /> <var name="e4_shooter_idletime" value="1." /> <var name="e4_shooter_power" value="200." /> <var name="e4_shooter_range" value="750." /> <var name="e4_shooter_spread" value="9." /> <var name="e4_showcampos" value="0" /> <var name="e4_showobjnames" value="0" /> <var name="e4_smoothdistance" value="150." /> <var name="e4_smoothmovement" value="1" /> <var name="e4_sun" value="1" /> <var name="e4_sunheight" value="20000" /> <var name="e4_sunrise" value="5." /> <var name="e4_sunrise_duration" value="3." /> <var name="e4_sunset" value="21." /> <var name="e4_sunset_duration" value="2." /> <var name="e4_sunx" value="28000" /> <var name="e4_suny" value="20000" /> <var name="e4_sunz" value="3000" /> <var name="e4_tagmarker" value="Objects/Misc/3dcursor.e3p" /> <var name="e4_texcompr" value="1" /> <var name="e4_tutorialenabled" value="0" /> <var name="e4_undomemory" value="32768" /> <var name="e4_use_zbr" value="1" /> <var name="e4_voiceenabled" value="1" /> <var name="e4_voicevolume" value="-1." /> <var name="editor_innerborderdist" value="500." /> <var name="fs_basepath" value="Data/" /> <var name="fs_langpath" value="lang/" /> <var name="fs_logfile" value="logfile.txt" /> <var name="fs_modpath" value="mods/" /> <var name="fs_nomissingmsg" value=".v3s" /> <var name="fs_savepath" value="base:/save" /> <var name="fs_sshotpath" value="base:Screenshots\" /> <var name="fx_bloomBias" value="0.20000000298023224" /> <var name="fx_bloomExp" value="5.0000004768371582" /> <var name="fx_bloomOffset" value="1.1999999284744263" /> <var name="fx_bloomPasses" value="1" /> <var name="fx_bloomScale" value="0.20000000298023224" /> <var name="game_server_port" value="58282" /> <var name="in_viewsmoothing" value="0.10000000149011612" /> <var name="master_server_addr" value="" /> <var name="master_server_port" value="54321" /> <var name="match_making_port" value="12345" /> <var name="p_showfps" value="0" /> <var name="p_showtricount" value="0" /> <var name="ph_angdamp" value="0.25" /> <var name="ph_debug" value="0" /> <var name="ph_defaultfriction" value="300." /> <var name="ph_defaultrollingfriction" value="5." /> <var name="ph_drawbbs" value="1" /> <var name="ph_gravity" value="-9.81" /> <var name="ph_lindamp" value="0.25" /> <var name="ph_maxsteps" value="4" /> <var name="ph_rbmobnet_masshigh" value="2." /> <var name="ph_rbmobnet_masslow" value="0.3" /> <var name="ph_rbmobnet_priohigh" value="5" /> <var name="ph_rbmobnet_priolow" value="1" /> <var name="ph_stepsize" value="0.03" /> <var name="pl_pushstrength" value="25." /> <var name="r_clearscreen" value="1" /> <var name="r_clipfar" value="32000" /> <var name="r_clipnear" value="100" /> <var name="r_colorbits" value="32" /> <var name="r_cs_collisionaccuracy" value="2" /> <var name="r_cs_detail" value="2" /> <var name="r_cs_enabled" value="0" /> <var name="r_cs_lightingdetail" value="2" /> <var name="r_cs_morphing" value="0" /> <var name="r_debug" value="0" /> <var name="r_depthbits" value="24" /> <var name="r_ds_alpha_treshold" value="0.60000002384185791" /> <var name="r_ds_centerx" value="0.5" /> <var name="r_ds_centery" value="0.5" /> <var name="r_ds_far" value="12000" /> <var name="r_ds_fovscale" value="1" /> <var name="r_ds_near" value="6000" /> <var name="r_ds_nearoffset" value="0." /> <var name="r_ds_size" value="1024" /> <var name="r_ds_zoffs" value="2" /> <var name="r_ds_zscale" value="4" /> <var name="r_fov" value="350" /> <var name="r_fullscreen" value="1" /> <var name="r_geomem_loc" value="2" /> <var name="r_geomem_size" value="16" /> <var name="r_hf_collisionaccuracy" value="3" /> <var name="r_hf_detail" value="3" /> <var name="r_hf_uselod" value="1" /> <var name="r_hwocclusion" value="0" /> <var name="r_light_specdetail" value="0" /> <var name="r_light_specular" value="0" /> <var name="r_light_volumetric" value="0" /> <var name="r_modellight_detail" value="1" /> <var name="r_modellight_perpixel" value="0" /> <var name="r_obj_detail" value="4" /> <var name="r_obj_selfshadowing" value="1" /> <var name="r_obj_shadowing" value="1" /> <var name="r_obj_shadows" value="1" /> <var name="r_particlebounce" value="0.3" /> <var name="r_shader_exclusion" value="" /> <var name="r_stencil" value="0" /> <var name="r_tex_anisotropic" value="1." /> <var name="r_tex_bits" value="32" /> <var name="r_tex_compression" value="1" /> <var name="r_tex_detail" value="2" /> <var name="r_tex_filter" value="1" /> <var name="r_tex_mipbias" value="-0.5" /> <var name="r_usevbo" value="1" /> <var name="r_world_shadows" value="0" /> <var name="r_worldlight_perpixel" value="0" /> <var name="r_xres" value="800" /> <var name="r_yres" value="600" /> <var name="s_debug" value="0" /> <var name="s_debuglevel" value="0" /> <var name="s_guikey" value="Keyboard0.Pause" /> <var name="s_language" value="en" /> <var name="s_lastDefaultSuccessVideo" value="Unnamed" /> <var name="s_mousespeed" value="60" /> <var name="s_sshotkey" value="Keyboard0.PrintScreen" /> <var name="s_startupconsole" value="0" /> <var name="s_visionlog" value="1" /> <var name="soundMaxDistance" value="6000." /> <var name="ui_hardwarecursor" value="0" /> <var name="ui_novideostream" value="0" /> <var name="ui_showvehicleaddinfo" value="1" /> <var name="ui_tooltipfadetime" value="1." /> <var name="ui_tooltips" value="1" /> </config> If you want to you can use this file. it contains the the 800x600 resolution. The "camera hack" from LA mod and the green shadow remover "patch"
  5. load your em4.cfg file from the main folder of Em4 and change these lines: <var name="r_xres" value="*" /> <var name="r_yres" value="*" /> To: <var name="r_xres" value="800" /> <var name="r_yres" value="600" /> And you have the default screen resolution for EM4 again. the * is just a filler. your should contain numbers. The logfile is just a log, not the settings holder.
  6. Tis mod will close for the time being due to unauthorized use of scripts and models, that make up 75% of the heart of the mod. Permission was given to keep the V1.0 on-line. But a rebuild was not permitted at this time. I will therefore stop all work on the rebuild, and ask a moderator/admin to close the topic. When things have been resolved the mod perhaps can continue. Sorry for the crushing blow. But it is what is is.
  7. Happy new year to you guys 2. May it be a good year with lots of fun, health and off course good mods.
  8. This mod has not died. But it seems that the owner has atm other stuff to work/worry on. Be patient, it will still come.
  9. [NL] Eenmaal alles goed gezet dan krijg je hem zo in de editor(was alleen de skin vergeten). [EN] Once you placed it all corectly, you get it like this in the editor.(i forgot the skin) [NL] Hoe doen we dit?(stappen plan) We zetten 1 view op links(of rechts) We zetten 1 view op top(of bottom) We selecteren move We klikken op het vierkante blokje achter move We zetten de optie; "move pivot only" We selecteren eerst de X en de Y as. We zorgen dat we in de "object" mode zitten. We gaan naar het linker of rechter view. We klikken op het model en slepen de pivot onder de auto in het midden. Nu de pivot in het midden staat, gaan we naar de top view. We zetten de Y as uit. En slepen de pivot ook weer naar het midden van die view. Sla het bestand op Exporteer het bestand Test het in de editor [EN] How do we do this?(in steps) We put a view on left(or right) We put a view on Top(or bottom) We select move We click on the square behind move. We tick the box; "move pivot only" on We select the X en de Y axis first. We make sure that we are in "object" mode. We go to the left(or right) view. We click on the model and drag the pivot to the center of the model, just under the car. Now that the pivot is in the center, we move to the Top view(or bottom view) We deselect the Y axis. Now in the top(or bottom) view, And drag the pivot to the center of that view again Save the file Export the file Test the file in the editor.
  10. [EN] you need(if you look at my picture). the green circle, that is the pivot of the truck itself. so that pivot needs to be under the truck. a pivot should always be centered on the truck/car [NL] Je moet(als je naar die foto kijkt). Het groene rondje hebben, daar zit de pivot van de vrachtwagen(ALP). Dus die pivot moet onder de vrachtwagen. Een pivot moet altijd gecentreerd onder de wagen. [NL] Edit: Bedankt voor het sturen van het bestand. Hier staat jou pivot. [EN] Edit: Thanks for sending the file to me. Here is your pivot. And that needs to be under the car. I will modify the file and send it back to you. Then you can see what and where.
  11. well since your car drops below the ground you would need to place the pivot somewhere allong the line of where i have placed the pivot of the ALP.
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