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  1. first of all thanks for replying, also so quickly, i am using intel hd card, it does seem to be london and kent, other mods like LA and new york are fine. im thinking its to do with the maps maybe since i just did kent mod on deluxe version map and it was fine. it can play for 20-30mins and be fine. it has a mind of its own tbh, i was thinking its a mission or incident causing it ive tried changing capabilities
  2. everytime i play kent and london mod it plays but when suddenly has a mind of its own and just shuts off any help please, logfile below just ater crash on kent mod?? logfile.txt
  3. any help with ths please. comes with error, saying runtime error, contact owner DxDiag.txt logfile (1).txt
  4. sorry for long reply hope you can find the solution. logfile.txt logfile.txt
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