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13 files

  1. FD&PD Skins for itchboy's 2016 Ford Explorer / Police Interceptor Utility

    This is a skin package for itchboy's 2016+ 2016 Ford Explorer / Police Interceptor Utility
    These skins are initially for my private modification, but unfortunately I don't have enough time to complete it
    so I decided to upload them to this site.
    This pack includes
    NYPD Skin
    FDNY EMS Div. Skin
    FDNY Commissioner Liaison Skin
    LAPD Skin
    Original Model by itchboy and EA Games
    Hope You Like It .



  2. German badges for number plates (all 16 federal states)

    Hello, this is a package for german number plates.Federal States (badges):- Bayern- Baden-Wuerttemberg- Berlin- Brandenburg- Bremen- Nordrhein Westfalen- Niedersachsen- Schleswig-Holstein- Sachsen-Anhalt- Sachsen- Saarland- Hamburg- Hessen- Rheinland-Pfalz- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern- Thueringenspecial:- Badge for US-Forces, living in Germany (Barracks, etc.)german federal forces:- THW (Technisches Hilfswerk/ Federal Police (the same)- german Customs (Zoll)- Bundeswehr/ german Armygraphical informations inside - sorry, only in german



  3. PS-Tutorial Number Plates (GB, D & NL)

    ENPP (European Number Plate Package) for Photoshop or FireworksLanguages (UK) Sprachen (D) Talen (NL)- english - Englisch - Engels- german - Deutsch - Duits- dutch - Holländisch - Nederlandsextracts readmeENGLISH__________________________________________________________________________________Included are (old & new style):- Great Britain (GB) - yellow / white- Germany (D) - white- Netherland (NL) - yellowInstructions:1st You need a graphics program for PSD files (Adobe Photoshop or Fireworks)2nd Install fonts (FE-Font,alte DIN 1451, Kenteken & UKnumberplate)3rd Click on the PSD format, or PS or FW to open4th Simply click to choose colors is to use the pre-installed fonts, and select the desired type5th If results achieved, then save as a PNG file (interlaced)Please one entry in the ReadMe for publication is a modification!© 2010 BASTIAN



  4. Rare PD Skins

    Hi everyone is me
    The Volume - I'm here for you my own skins that I had used in my initial modifications to this unfortunately nothing came of it so I think that maybe some of you will do something with this pack of skins
    My pack includes skins such as
    2013 Dodge Charger Police NFS Rivals Skin
    2013 Dodge Charger Police NFS No Limits Skin
    Ford Taurus SHO NFS The Run Police Skin
    Dodge Charger SRT8 US the Special Police Skin 2 Verse
    Dodge Magnum Hemi US the Special Police Skin
    " Note before you use you have to credit me as the author - if you are going to publish "
    These are my skins for cars made by another authors "
    [itchboy] and [Hoppah]
    If you like my skins police please write me a message like I had to do more
    I Hope You Like It .



  5. Alpha Reflections Tutorial

    This is a tutorial on how to make alpha reflections on textures in Emergency 4!For contact information see last page of the tutorial pdf.greetz rettungstier



  6. Freeplay Events Tutorial

    This is a tutorial on how to create specific freeplay events in Emergency 4!For contact information see last page of the tutorial pdf.greetz rettungstier



  7. Path Tutorial

    This is a tutorial on how to create paths and spawn points in Emergency 4!For contact information see last page of the tutorial pdf.greetz rettungstier



  8. NL Modification

    This modification is all about the Dutch emergency services. All emergency services in the game are being updated with a new model and skin to represent the Dutch emergency services. Commercial vehicles will also get a new skin and in some occasions new models. On top of this the environment will be re-skinned like traffic-signs for example and buildings. In the final state of the mod a new playable map will be introduced which will be inspired by some typical Dutch cities. In addition I will upgrade the scripts to make the game more fun, more realistic and more playable overall.
    Version 1.0.6 adds the following content (change log):
    Dutch police support van represented by new avatars in-game
    Dutch EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) van represented by new avatars in-game
    Added fire extinguisher to police patrol car which is usable by police officers
    Dutch Water tender represented by new avatars in-game
    Removed sirens for all technical units (using empty siren-file)
    First draft improved department avatars (further improvement to be implemented in next update)
    Provided most NPC cars with Dutch license plates
    Fixed installation
    Version 1.0.6 additionally consists out of the following:
    Dutch police patrol car represented by new avatars in-game
    Dutch police officers
    Dutch police siren which will constantly play while driving
    Search and Rescue vehicle replaced to police department
    Dutch police skin for Search and Rescue vehicle represented by new avatars in-game
    Dutch police skin for rescue dog handler
    Dutch police skin for rescue dog
    Police officers are now able to run a little bit faster
    Police officers are now able to equip and use handguns
    Dutch emergency doctor car represented by new avatars in-game
    Dutch emergency doctor outfit
    Dutch ambulance represented by new avatars in-game
    Dutch paramedic outfit
    Dutch ambulance siren which will constantly play while driving
    Added doctor to ambulance [original mod from Robin Uppgren]
    Dutch air ambulance represented by new avatars in-game
    Firefighter’s siren will now constantly play while driving
    Dutch ladder truck represented by new avatars in-game
    Dutch Heavy Rescue Vehicle represented by new avatars in-game
    New department avatars on left side of the screen
    Police update
    Ambulance update
    Firefighters update
    General update
    Tech update



  9. Landrover Defender 110 Camel Trophy

    Sprachen: deutsch, englisch und polnisch
    Languages​​: german, english and polish
    W językach: niemieckim, angielskim i polskim
    ------------------------------------------ DE ------------------------------------------
    Das Fahrzeug ist rundum voll beleuchtet im Stil von "BERLIN at the 90's Modification"
    Fahrzeug: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn, Mainzibaer
    Seilwinde: BASTIAN, Jonathan_S
    Dachtraeger: BASTIAN, SvenB112
    Sandbleche: BASTIAN, Feuer!!!
    Kanister: mibblitz
    Rammschutz: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Alukisten: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Spitzhacke & Schaufel: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Räder: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer
    Beleuchtung: BASTIAN
    ------------------------------------------ ENG -----------------------------------------
    The vehicle is completely illuminated in the style of "BERLIN at the 90's Modification"
    vehicle: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn, Mainzibaer
    winch: BASTIAN, Jonathan_S
    roof rack: BASTIAN, SvenB112
    sand sheets: BASTIAN, Feuer!!!
    canister: mibblitz
    impact protection: BASTIAN & Pixel
    aluminum boxes: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Pickaxe and shovel: BASTIAN & Pixel
    wheels: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer
    lightning: BASTIAN
    ------------------------------------------ PL ------------------------------------------
    Pojazd jest w pełni oświetlone w stylu "BERLIN at the 90's Modification"
    pojazdu: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn, Mainzibaer
    Wyciągarka: BASTIAN, Jonathan_S
    Bagażnik dachowy: BASTIAN, SvenB112
    arkusze piasek: BASTIAN, Feuer!!!
    kanister: mibblitz
    ochrona przed uderzeniem: BASTIAN & Pixel
    skrzynki aluminiowe: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Kilof i łopata: BASTIAN & Pixel
    koła: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer
    Oświetlenie: BASTIAN



  10. Landrover Defender 110 Comité International Genève

    Sprachen: deutsch, englisch und polnisch
    Languages: german, english and polish
    W językach: niemieckim, angielskim i polskim
    ------------------------------------------ DE ------------------------------------------
    Du brauchst das Ausgangsmodell mit Inhalten vom Land Rover Defender 110 Camel Trophy-Paket!
    Fahrzeug: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn, Mainzibaer
    Seilwinde: BASTIAN, Jonathan_S
    Dachtraeger: BASTIAN, SvenB112
    Sandbleche: BASTIAN, Feuer!!!
    Kanister: mibblitz
    Rammschutz: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Alukisten: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Spitzhacke & Schaufel: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Räder: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer
    ------------------------------------------ ENG -----------------------------------------
    You need the basics of the model with content from the Land Rover Defender 110 Camel Trophy package!
    vehicle: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn, Mainzibaer
    winch: BASTIAN, Jonathan_S
    roof rack: BASTIAN, SvenB112
    sand sheets: BASTIAN, Feuer!!!
    canister: mibblitz
    impact protection: BASTIAN & Pixel
    aluminum boxes: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Pickaxe and shovel: BASTIAN & Pixel
    wheels: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer
    ------------------------------------------ PL ------------------------------------------
    Trzeba ten pakiet z Land Rover Defender 110 Camel Trophy pobierz!
    pojazdu: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn, Mainzibaer
    Wyciągarka: BASTIAN, Jonathan_S
    Bagażnik dachowy: BASTIAN, SvenB112
    arkusze piasek: BASTIAN, Feuer!!!
    kanister: mibblitz
    ochrona przed uderzeniem: BASTIAN & Pixel
    skrzynki aluminiowe: BASTIAN & Pixel
    Kilof i łopata: BASTIAN & Pixel
    koła: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer



  11. Landrover Defender 110 Comité International Genève²

    Sprachen: deutsch, englisch und polnisch
    Languages: german, english and polish
    W językach: niemieckim, angielskim i polskim
    ------------------------------------------ DE ------------------------------------------
    Komplettpaket (ohne Beleuchtung)!
    Fahrzeug: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn & Mainzibaer
    Dachtraeger: BASTIAN & SvenB112
    Sandbleche: BASTIAN & Feuer!!!
    Räder: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer
    Blaulicht: BASTIAN & MadMonk
    ------------------------------------------ ENG -----------------------------------------
    Complete package (without lightning)!
    Vehicle: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn & Mainzibaer
    Roof rack: BASTIAN & SvenB112
    Sand sheets: BASTIAN &Feuer!!!
    Wheels: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer
    Blue light: BASTIAN & MadMonk
    ------------------------------------------ PL ------------------------------------------
    Kompletny pakiet (bez oświetlenia)!
    Pojazdu: BASTIAN, Kai Hahn & Mainzibaer
    Bagażnik dachowy: BASTIAN & SvenB112
    Arkusze piasek: BASTIAN & Feuer!!!
    Koła: BASTIAN & Mainzibaer
    Niebieskie światło: BASTIAN & MadMonk



  12. CHP - Crown Vic 2008

    Ein Interceptor der California Highway Patrol (CHP). Der Download enthält das eingebundene Fahrzeug inklusive Lights von Boeing.
    A Interceptor of the California Highway Patrol (CHP). The download contains the integrated vehicle including Lights of Boeing.
    -> see ReadMe!



  13. LAPD - Crown Vic 2008

    Ein Motor Patrol Vehicle (MPV) des Los Angeles Police Departments. Der Download enthält das eingebundene Fahrzeug inklusive Lights von LAMA.
    A Motor Patrol Vehicle (MPV) of the Los Angeles Police Department. The download contains the integrated vehicle including Lights of LAMA.
    -> see ReadMe!



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