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Police, Fire, or EMS

Police, Fire, or EMS  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Emergency Services

    • Police
    • Fire
    • EMS

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Out of those 3, which are you currently doing, if you don't have a career in any of these, vote on which one you would like to pursue and explain why if you want.

I'll start it:

I chose EMS, because it feels good to help people when they need it badly, from a little boy that fell and cut his leg to a person having a heart attack, it feels good to help them when they need it, and because my father was also an EMT.

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I'm Marine Engineering Officer, but because of the nature of ships I'm trined in, Advanced Fire Fighting And Command, Advanced First Aid, Sea Survival and Proficiency in Rescue Boats and craft.

Most of our fire training and situations are in enclosed ship mock ups, very small rooms, except engine room where its a couple or few stories with gantries running around it, so watch out for from fire below, large enclosed Class B (Oil) fires are scary as hell and you end up swimming in foam, one time we had to enter through a shaft just big enough to crawl though in BA gear, and I was No. 3 in the team, so third back, in the middle of the shaft tunnel type thing, and i liturally couldn't see anything but foam, would of drowned if i didn't have BA gear!

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I'm Marine Engineering Officer, but because of the nature of ships I'm trined in, Advanced Fire Fighting And Command, Advanced First Aid, Sea Survival and Proficiency in Rescue Boats and craft.

Most of our fire training and situations are in enclosed ship mock ups, very small rooms, except engine room where its a couple or few stories with gantries running around it, so watch out for from fire below, large enclosed Class B (Oil) fires are scary as hell and you end up swimming in foam, one time we had to enter through a shaft just big enough to crawl though in BA gear, and I was No. 3 in the team, so third back, in the middle of the shaft tunnel type thing, and i liturally couldn't see anything but foam, would of drowned if i didn't have BA gear!

Not a bad job tbh!

I am pursuing a carrier in the police service in the UK

Taking a policing course at college

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I am trained in Technical Rescue, primarly confined space rescue. Also one of the top 100 sharp shooters in the U.S. to be specific 53

Cave in my jourstiction (whirlpool cave) shes a real Bitch



If the rains havent filled it yet this is the smallest cavern down there, in case of an emergency we would have to drill out a hole for an adult with a severe injury. Hopefuly we'll never need to do that. (below)


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I choose Fire because I'll be a third generation firefighter in my family. When I was 15 I become an Explorer and by the time i became 17 a considered a volly. Currently I am a EMT in Colorado and trying to get hired on in the local truma center as a ER Tech will i Finsh college to become a career firefighter

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I voted police, as I've just passed the interviews & written tests for my local police service :)

However, I've also registered with LAS (London Ambulance Service) to try and get a job as A+E support- Basically a low-level EMT responding to lower category calls.

Also applying for LFB, as being a firefighter is the main career I want to do. Would ideally love to be a firefighter somewhere in the USA, although it's pretty much impossible to get a permanent resident card.

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