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map size

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hi for emergency4 is there a limit for the map size, and my question is, how many metre is the map long and broad(largesd size posible)

i need to know this for my map

greetings. carlo

Undergrounds need to be able to be dived through 512. So for example a 1024x1024 texture can be accepted as an underground, while a 1024x1260 texture won't be accepted.

I believe there is a maximum standard for the maps and that you can set map borders in the editor (somewhere at the bottom of the screen). But I'm doing this by heart so I would have to check it out for you if you need more specifics. Or off course, maybe someone else has the answers handy.


Edited by pyrothijs
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thanks, but i need to know in metre, like how much metre is 1024 pixel?

i need to know this because i want create a map of a real place

That depends on the resolution you are using. With a high resolution more pixels will fit on a meter then with a low resolution.

If you have a resolution of 102 dots per inch. Then 102 pixels will fit one inch (about 2,5 centimeters). So that's about 41 pixels per centimeter. On one meter you would be able to fit 4100 pixels then.

I'm not really sure though if the size of the underground texture (in meters) matters. I thought that as long as the number is dividable by 512, it shouldn't be a problem. I don't think it works out to start measuring in real meters. Your map will always be scaled down in the game (else the houses wouldn't even fit the screen). But again I would have to check it out in the editor for you. I won't have time for that untill about 23:00 hours (dutch time). Or else tomorrow.

Maybe you could check out Tymadds 'making a map' tutorial to see how he imports the texture and what size he uses.


Edited by pyrothijs
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