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What does "&Vehicle" and "TARGET_ANY" mean?

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Hey guys,


I've found above statements in the LAFireStation script in the LA mod, but I assume this works for every mod.


The statements are used in a dummy and  command where the target vehicle is random, namely the dummy that spawns personnel for vehicles that are empty in the firestation, and a command that repairs any damaged vehicles in the fire station (by spawning an engineer and making it repair them).


Considering above bit of text, I assume the & thingy is something like a location finder? It finds where the vehicle is so it can send the personnel to the right spot?


And the TARGET_ANY thingy, is that something like Actors, Roles and Behaviors? If so, how does it work? If not, how does it work?


Hope you can help



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TARGET_ANY just means that the person can run to any place at the target.
If you for example use TARGET_EQUIPMENTDOOR the person will run to the equipment doors or TARGET_PASSENGERDOOR will make the person run to the passenger doors :)


Possible targets: 

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All the sdk's for emergency4 can be downloaded here: http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=1771 

They are a must have for scripters! 


And the & usually means that they refer to an already named object 

so if it says: 

Dog.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, &Evi, TARGET_ANY);

the dog moves to the already specified object called Evi 

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And the & usually means that they refer to an already named object 

so if it says: 

Dog.PushActionMove(ACTION_APPEND, &Evi, TARGET_ANY);

the dog moves to the already specified object called Evi 


Not exactly true. The ampersand '&' simply denotes a pass by reference as opposed to a pass by value.


The difference?


&Evi means you are passing the entire object into the function. Any modification to the value of Evi inside of the function will also take effect outside of the function.

Without the &, a copy of Evi is passed into the function so that any modification made to Evi inside of the function will have no effect on its value outside of the function.


Its sort of like sharing your sandwich with your friend (whatever he does to it, also effects you) [Pass by reference] versus making your friend his own sandwich (whatever he does to his 'copy' of the sandwich does not effect your own sandwich) [ pass by value].


The sandwich analogy is a bit lame but hey...I was winging it :P


More information about pass by value and pass by reference.

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I think I get it, but could you explain to me why that's used in below bit of code?

p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn, 250);p.SetPosition(Spawn);p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, &v, TARGET_ANY);p.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &v);p.PushActionEnterCar(ACTION_APPEND, &v);

Entire script if you need it:

//******************************************************************************************// #Version 1.5#//// 		Includes: All command for the fire station.////	- VcmdAlarm//	- VcmdRoof//	- VcmdGarageDoorsUp//	- VcmdGarageDoorsDown//	- VcmdCallEMT//	- VcmdCallEMTSCBA//	- VcmdCallEMTStretcher//	- VcmdCallPM//	- VcmdCallPMSCBA//	- VcmdCallPMStretcher//	- VcmdCallDiver//	- VcmdCallHazmat//	- VcmdCallUSARFF//	- VcmdEmptyFireStation//	- DummyDisableAlarm//	- DummyCallCrew//	- DummyGates//	- VcmdAutoStaffOn//	- VcmdAutoStaffOff//	- VcmdRepairVehicles////		Script by Hoppah//		//		Usage of this script in other mods is NOT allowed without permission of Hoppah////******************************************************************************************const char NAME_FIRESTATION[]			= "fire_station";const char NAME_FIRESTATION_ROOF[]		= "fire_station_roof";const char NAME_FIRESTATION2[]			= "fire_station2";const char NAME_FIRESTATION2_ROOF[]		= "fire_station2_roof";const char NAME_CONTROLPANEL[]			= "fire_station_controlpanel";const char NAME_CONTROLPANEL2[]			= "fire_station_controlpanel2";const char OBJ_BATTALION[]			= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/battalion_chief_vehicle.e4p";const char OBJ_AMBULANCE01[]		= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/01 LA Ambulance/ambulance01.e4p";const char OBJ_AMBULANCE02[]		= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/01 LA Ambulance/ambulance02.e4p";const char OBJ_USAR[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/usar_squad.e4p";const char OBJ_LADDER[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/aerial_ladder.e4p";const char OBJ_TILLER[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/tiller_cabin.e4p";const char OBJ_ENGINE01[]			= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fire_engine1.e4p";const char OBJ_ENGINE02[]			= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/fire_engine2.e4p";const char OBJ_HAZMATSQUAD[]		= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/heavy_rescue_crane.e4p";const char OBJ_CHIEF[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/02 LA Fire Department/battalion_chief.e4p";const char OBJ_EMT[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/02 LA Fire Department/ff_emt.e4p";const char OBJ_EMT_SCBA[]			= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/02 LA Fire Department/ff_emt_scba.e4p";const char OBJ_EMT_STRETCHER[]		= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/02 LA Fire Department/ff_emt_stretcher.e4p";const char OBJ_PM[]					= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/01 LA Ambulance/ff_paramedic.e4p";const char OBJ_PM_SCBA[]			= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/01 LA Ambulance/ff_paramedic_scba.e4p";const char OBJ_PM_STRETCHER[]		= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/01 LA Ambulance/ff_paramedic_stretcher.e4p";const char OBJ_HAZMAT[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/02 LA Fire Department/ff_hazmat.e4p";const char OBJ_USARFF[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/02 LA Fire Department/usar_ff.e4p";const char OBJ_DIVER[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/02 LA Fire Department/ff_diver.e4p";const char OBJ_ENGINEER[]			= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/04 LA Tec/engineer.e4p";const char NAME_GATE01A[]			= "fs_gate01a";const char NAME_GATE02A[]			= "fs_gate02a";const char NAME_GATE03A[]			= "fs_gate03a";const char NAME_GATE04A[]			= "fs_gate04a";const char NAME_GATE05A[]			= "fs_gate05a";const char NAME_GATE06A[]			= "fs_gate06a";const char NAME_GATE07A[]			= "fs_gate07a";const char NAME_GATE08A[]			= "fs_gate08a";const char NAME_GATE01B[]			= "fs_gate01b";const char NAME_GATE02B[]			= "fs_gate02b";const char NAME_GATE03B[]			= "fs_gate03b";const char NAME_GATE04B[]			= "fs_gate04b";const char NAME_GATE05B[]			= "fs_gate05b";const char NAME_GATE06B[]			= "fs_gate06b";const char NAME_GATE07B[]			= "fs_gate07b";const char NAME_GATE08B[]			= "fs_gate08b";const char VO_GATE01A[]				= "fs_vogate01a";const char VO_GATE02A[]				= "fs_vogate02a";const char VO_GATE03A[]				= "fs_vogate03a";const char VO_GATE04A[]				= "fs_vogate04a";const char VO_GATE05A[]				= "fs_vogate05a";const char VO_GATE06A[]				= "fs_vogate06a";const char VO_GATE07A[]				= "fs_vogate07a";const char VO_GATE08A[]				= "fs_vogate08a";const char VO_GATE01B[]				= "fs_vogate01b";const char VO_GATE02B[]				= "fs_vogate02b";const char VO_GATE03B[]				= "fs_vogate03b";const char VO_GATE04B[]				= "fs_vogate04b";const char VO_GATE05B[]				= "fs_vogate05b";const char VO_GATE06B[]				= "fs_vogate06b";const char VO_GATE07B[]				= "fs_vogate07b";const char VO_GATE08B[]				= "fs_vogate08b";const char DUMMY_GATES[]			= "DummyGates";const char DUMMY_ALARM[]			= "DummyDisableAlarm";const char DUMMY_CALLCREW[]			= "DummyCallCrew";const char DUMMY_VCALLED[]			= "DummyVehicleCalled";const char VO_BATTALION[]			= "fs_battalion";const char VO_AMBULANCE01[]			= "fs_ambulance01";const char VO_AMBULANCE02[]			= "fs_ambulance02";const char VO_AMBULANCE03[]			= "fs_ambulance03";const char VO_AMBULANCE04[]			= "fs_ambulance04";const char VO_USAR[]				= "fs_usar";const char VO_LADDER[]				= "fs_ladder";const char VO_ENGINE01[]			= "fs_engine01";const char VO_ENGINE02[]			= "fs_engine02";const char VO_ENGINE03[]			= "fs_engine03";const char VO_ENGINE04[]			= "fs_engine04";const char VO_ENGINE05[]			= "fs_engine05";const char VO_HAZMAT[]				= "fs_hazmat";const char VO_SPAWN01[]				= "fs_spawn01";const char VO_SPAWN02[]				= "fs_spawn02";const char VO_SPAWN03[]				= "fs_spawn03";const char VO_MOVETO01[]			= "fs_moveto01";const char VO_MOVETO02[]			= "fs_moveto02";const char VO_SQUAD01[]				= "fs_squad01";const char VO_SQUAD02[]				= "fs_squad02";const char SND_ALARM[]				= "mod:Audio/FX/Misc/fire_alarm.wav";const char SND_GATE[]				= "mod:Audio/FX/Misc/fire_gate.wav";const char ANI_CLOSE[]				= "close";const char ANI_OPEN[]				= "open";const char VOSET_ROAD[]				= "Freely Accessible";const char VOSET_BARRICADE[]		= "Barricade";const char UNNAMED[]				= "Unnamed";const char HINT_NO_REPAIR[] 		= "There are no vehicles to repair!";const char HINT_REPAIRED[] 			= "All vehicles repaired!";int PRICE_REPAIR 					= 1000;int DummyGroup = 20;//******************************************************************************************// Police Station//******************************************************************************************const char NAME_CONTROLPANEL3[]				= "police_station_controlpanel";const char NAME_POLICESTATION[]				= "police_station";const char OBJ_CRUISER01[]					= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03 LA Police/cv_lapd.e4p";const char OBJ_CRUISER02[]					= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03 LA Police/dodge_charger_lapd.e4p";const char OBJ_CRUISER03[]					= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03 LA Police/cv_chp.e4p";const char OBJ_CRUISER04[]					= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03 LA Police/dodge_charger_chp.e4p";const char OBJ_VAN[]						= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03 LA Police/lasd_van.e4p";const char OBJ_SUV[]						= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03 LA Police/suv_lapd.e4p";const char OBJ_MOTOR[]						= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/03 LA Police/motorcycle_lapd.e4p";const char OBJ_DEPUTY[]						= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/03 LA Police/lasd_officer.e4p";const char OBJ_CHP[]						= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/03 LA Police/chp_officer.e4p";const char OBJ_OFFICER[]					= "mod:Prototypes/Persons/03 LA Police/lapd_officer_m.e4p";const char VO_FRONT01[]						= "policestation_park01";const char VO_FRONT02[]						= "policestation_park02";const char VO_FRONT03[]						= "policestation_park03";const char VO_BACK01[]						= "policestation_park04";const char VO_BACK02[]						= "policestation_park05";const char VO_BACK03[]						= "policestation_park06";const char VO_BACK04[]						= "policestation_park07";const char VO_DONUT01[]						= "policestation_donut01";const char VO_DONUT02[]						= "policestation_donut02";const char VO_SPAWN_FRONT[]					= "policestation_spawn";const char VO_SPAWN_BACK[]					= "spawn_police1";const char VO_SPAWN_DONUT[]					= "policestation_spawn2";const char VO_MOVETO_FRONT[]				= "policestation_moveto1";const char VO_MOVETO_BACK[]					= "spawn_police1r";const char VO_MOVETO_DONUT[]				= "policestation_moveto2";const char VO_SQUAD01_PD[]					= "police_squad01";const char VO_SQUAD02_PD[]					= "police_squad02";const char VO_SQUAD03_PD[]					= "police_squad03";//******************************************************************************************// Tech Station//******************************************************************************************const char NAME_CONTROLPANEL4[]			= "tech_station_controlpanel";const char NAME_TECHSTATION[]			= "tech_station";const char NAME_TECHSTATION_ROOF[]		= "tech_station_roof";const char OBJ_TECVAN[]					= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/04 LA Tec/engineer_vehicle.e4p";const char OBJ_ROLLBACK[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/04 LA Tec/rollback.e4p";const char OBJ_ROLLBACK2[]				= "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/04 LA Tec/tow_truck.e4p";const char VO_SPAWN_TT[]				= "TT_spawn";const char VO_SPAWN2_TT[]				= "TT_spawn2";const char VO_MOVETO_TT[]				= "TT_moveto";const char VO_PARK01[]					= "TT_park01";const char VO_PARK02[]					= "TT_park02";const char VO_PARK03[]					= "TT_park03";const char VO_PARK04[]					= "TT_park04";const char VO_PARK05[]					= "TT_park05";const char VO_PARK06[]					= "TT_park06";const char VO_PARK07[]					= "TT_park07";const char VO_PARK01_TT[]				= "TT_park01_tt";const char VO_PARK02_TT[]				= "TT_park02_tt";const char VO_PARK03_TT[]				= "TT_park03_tt";const char VO_PARK04_TT[]				= "TT_park04_tt";const char VO_PARK05_TT[]				= "TT_park05_tt";const char VO_PARK06_TT[]				= "TT_park06_tt";const char VO_PARK07_TT[]				= "TT_park07_tt";const char VO_DROPOFF1[]				= "TT_dropoff01";const char VO_DROPOFF2[]				= "TT_dropoff02";const char VO_DROPOFF1_TT[]				= "TT_dropoff01_tt";const char VO_DROPOFF2_TT[]				= "TT_dropoff02_tt";	const char NAME_GATE01T[]				= "TT_gate01";const char NAME_GATE02T[]				= "TT_gate02";const char NAME_GATE03T[]				= "TT_gate03";const char VO_GATE01T[]					= "TT_vogate01";const char VO_GATE02T[]					= "TT_vogate02";const char VO_GATE03T[]					= "TT_vogate03";const char VO_SQUAD01_TT[]				= "TT_squad01";//******************************************************************************************object VcmdAlarm : CommandScript{	VcmdAlarm()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("alarm");		SetPriority(200);	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			Caller->AssignCommand(DUMMY_ALARM);			Caller->PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.5f);			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 1, false);			Caller->PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 13.0f);			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ALARM, Caller, 1, false);			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_FIRESTATION);			for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l1.GetObject(i);				if (!obj->IsSpecialLightEnabled())				{					obj->EnableSpecialLights(true);					Vector AlarmSnd = obj->GetPosition();					int soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_ALARM, AlarmSnd, true);					obj->SetUserData(soundID);					obj->AttachSound(soundID);				}			}			GameObjectList l2; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_BATTALION, l2, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l2.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l2.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 4, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l3; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_AMBULANCE01, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l3.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					if(StrCompare(m.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_AMBULANCE01) == 0)					{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					} else					{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					}				}			}			GameObjectList l4; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_AMBULANCE02, l4, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l4.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l4.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					if(StrCompare(m.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_AMBULANCE01) == 0)					{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					} else					{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					}				}			}			GameObjectList l5; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_AMBULANCE03, l5, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l5.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l5.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					if(StrCompare(m.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_AMBULANCE01) == 0)					{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					} else					{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					}				}			}			GameObjectList l6; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_LADDER, l6, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l6.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l6.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.4f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l7; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_USAR, l7, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l7.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l7.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 6, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 6, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 6, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 6, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l8; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_ENGINE01, l8, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l8.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l8.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					if(StrCompare(m.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0)					{						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					} else					{						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					}				}			}			GameObjectList l9; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_ENGINE02, l9, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l9.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l9.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					if(StrCompare(m.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0)					{						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					} else					{						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					}				}			}			GameObjectList l10; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_ENGINE03, l10, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l10.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l10.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					if(StrCompare(m.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0)					{						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					} else					{						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					}				}			}			GameObjectList l11; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_ENGINE04, l11, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l11.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l11.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					if(StrCompare(m.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0)					{						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					} else					{						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					}				}			}		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			Caller->AssignCommand(DUMMY_ALARM);			Caller->PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.5f);			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 3, false);			Caller->PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 14.0f);			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ALARM, Caller, 1, false);			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_POLICESTATION);			for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l1.GetObject(i);				if (!obj->IsSpecialLightEnabled())				{					obj->EnableSpecialLights(false);					Vector AlarmSnd = obj->GetPosition();					int soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_ALARM, AlarmSnd, true);					obj->SetUserData(soundID);					obj->AttachSound(soundID);				}			}			GameObjectList l2; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_AMBULANCE04, l2, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l2.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l2.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					if(StrCompare(m.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_AMBULANCE01) == 0)					{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					} else					{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 2, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					}				}			}			GameObjectList l3; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_ENGINE05, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l3.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 2.0f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l4; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_HAZMAT, l4, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l4.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l4.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 1, false);				}			}		}//******************************************************************************************// Police Station//******************************************************************************************		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL3)) //= police station		{			Caller->AssignCommand(DUMMY_ALARM);			Caller->PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 15.0f);			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ALARM, Caller, 1, false);			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_POLICESTATION);			for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l1.GetObject(i);				if (!obj->IsSpecialLightEnabled())				{					obj->EnableSpecialLights(false);					Vector AlarmSnd = obj->GetPosition();					int soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_ALARM, AlarmSnd, true);					obj->SetUserData(soundID);					obj->AttachSound(soundID);				}			}			GameObjectList l2; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_BACK01, l2, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l2.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l2.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.4f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 12, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 12, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l3; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_BACK02, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l3.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.4f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 12, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 12, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l4; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_BACK03, l4, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l4.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l4.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.4f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 13, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 13, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 13, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 13, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l5; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_BACK04, l5, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l5.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l5.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.4f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 11, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 11, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l6; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_DONUT01, l6, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l6.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l6.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.4f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 13, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 13, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l7; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_DONUT02, l7, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l7.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l7.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.4f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 13, false);					m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);					m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 13, false);				}			}		}//******************************************************************************************// Tech Station//******************************************************************************************		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL4)) //= tech station		{			Caller->PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 1.5f);			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 11, false);			GameObjectList l2; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK01, l2, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l2.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l2.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 21, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 21, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l3; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK02, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l3.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 21, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 21, false);				}			}			GameObjectList l4; 			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_PARK03, l4, ACTOR_VEHICLE);			if(l4.GetNumObjects() > 0)			{				Vehicle m = l4.GetObject(0);				PersonList passengers = m.GetPassengers();				if (passengers.GetNumPersons() == 0)				{						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 21, false);						m.PushActionWait(ACTION_APPEND, 0.5f);						m.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 21, false);				}			}		}//******************************************************************************************	}};object VcmdRoof : CommandScript{	VcmdRoof()	{		SetCursor("roof");		SetIcon("roof");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_FIRESTATION_ROOF);			for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l1.GetObject(i);				if(obj->GetUserData() == 0)				{					obj->Hide(); 					obj->SetUserData(1);				} else				{					obj->Show(); 					obj->SetUserData(0);				} 			}		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_FIRESTATION2_ROOF);			for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l1.GetObject(i);				if(obj->GetUserData() == 0)				{					obj->Hide(); 					obj->SetUserData(1);				} else				{					obj->Show(); 					obj->SetUserData(0);				} 			}		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL4)) //= tech station		{			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_TECHSTATION_ROOF);			for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l1.GetObject(i);				if(obj->GetUserData() == 0)				{					obj->Hide(); 					obj->SetUserData(1);				} else				{					obj->Show(); 					obj->SetUserData(0);				} 			}		}	}};object VcmdGarageDoorsUp : CommandScript{	VcmdGarageDoorsUp()	{		SetCursor("garagedoorup");		SetIcon("garagedoorup");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 1, false);		else if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 3, false);		else if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL4)) //= tech station 			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 11, false);		else			Mission::Playhint("Which garage doors should open then?");		return;	}};object VcmdGarageDoorsDown : CommandScript{	VcmdGarageDoorsDown()	{		SetCursor("garagedoordown");		SetIcon("garagedoordown");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 2, false);		else if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 4, false);		else if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL4)) //= tech station 			Caller->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_GATES, Caller, 12, false);		else			Mission::Playhint("Which garage doors should close then?");		return;	}};object VcmdCallEMT : CommandScript{	VcmdCallEMT()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("callemt");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallEMTSCBA : CommandScript{	VcmdCallEMTSCBA()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("callemtscba");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT_SCBA, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallEMTStretcher : CommandScript{	VcmdCallEMTStretcher()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("callemtstretcher");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT_STRETCHER, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			//p.SetAutoHealDistance(0.1f);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallPM : CommandScript{	VcmdCallPM()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("callpm");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_EMERGENCY_CASE);			//p.SetAutoHealDistance(1000.f);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallPMSCBA : CommandScript{	VcmdCallPMSCBA()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("callpmscba");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM_SCBA, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			//p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_EMERGENCY_CASE);			//p.SetAutoHealDistance(0.1f);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallPMStretcher : CommandScript{	VcmdCallPMStretcher()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("callpmstretcher");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();						Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM_STRETCHER, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			//p.SetAutoHealDistance(0.1f);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallDiver : CommandScript{	VcmdCallDiver()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("calldiver");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();						Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_DIVER, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallHazmat : CommandScript{	VcmdCallHazmat()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("callhazmat");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();						Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_HAZMAT, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallUSARFF : CommandScript{	VcmdCallUSARFF()	{		SetCursor("alarm");		SetIcon("callusar");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();						Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_USARFF, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};//******************************************************************************************// Police Station//******************************************************************************************object VcmdCallDeputy : CommandScript{	VcmdCallDeputy()	{		SetCursor("calldeputy");		SetIcon("calldeputy");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL3)) //= policestation		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN_FRONT);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO_FRONT);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_DEPUTY, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallCHP : CommandScript{	VcmdCallCHP()	{		SetCursor("callchp");		SetIcon("callchp");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL3)) //= policestation		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN_FRONT);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO_FRONT);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_CHP, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};object VcmdCallOfficer : CommandScript{	VcmdCallOfficer()	{		SetCursor("callofficer");		SetIcon("callofficer");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL3)) //= policestation		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN_FRONT);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO_FRONT);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_OFFICER, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}		}};//******************************************************************************************// Tech Station//******************************************************************************************object VcmdCallEngineer : CommandScript{	VcmdCallEngineer()	{		SetCursor("callengineer");		SetIcon("callengineer");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL4)) //= tech station		{//			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN_TT);			ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO_TT);			ActorList l3 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN2_TT);		}		if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector Spawn = l3.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		else			Vector Spawn = l3.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();		if(l2.GetNumActors() > 0)			Vector MoveTo = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();				Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_ENGINEER, UNNAMED);		if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))		{			p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);			Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);			p.SetPosition(Spawn);			p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);		}	}};//******************************************************************************************object VcmdEmptyFireStation : CommandScript{	VcmdEmptyFireStation()	{		SetIcon("enterhouse");		SetCursor("enterhouse");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay())			return false;		return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL)) //= fire station 1		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			GameObjectList l2;			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD01, l2, ACTOR_PERSON);			for(int i = 0; i < l2.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l2.GetObject(i);				if (obj->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON)				{					Person p(obj);					p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Spawn);					p.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_APPEND);				}			}		}		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2)) //= fire station 2		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			GameObjectList l2;			Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD02, l2, ACTOR_PERSON);			for(int i = 0; i < l2.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l2.GetObject(i);				if (obj->GetType() == ACTOR_PERSON)				{					Person p(obj);					p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Spawn);					p.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_APPEND);				}			}		}	}};object DummyDisableAlarm : CommandScript{	DummyDisableAlarm()	{ 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup);	} 	bool CheckGroupVisibility(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		return false; 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		return false; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			v.RemoveCommand(DUMMY_ALARM);		if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL) || Caller->HasName(NAME_FIRESTATION)) //= fire Station 1			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_FIRESTATION);		else if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2) || Caller->HasName(NAME_FIRESTATION2)) //= fire Station 2			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_FIRESTATION2);		else if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL3) || Caller->HasName(NAME_POLICESTATION)) //= Police Station			GameObjectList l1 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_POLICESTATION);		else			Mission::PlayHint("No Station at all!");			System::Log("No Station at all!");			return;		for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)		{			GameObject *obj = l1.GetObject(i);			obj->EnableSpecialLights(false);			int ref = obj->GetUserData();			obj->UnattachSound(ref);			Audio::StopSample(ref);		}	}};object DummyCallCrew : CommandScript{	DummyCallCrew()	{ 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup);	} 	bool CheckGroupVisibility(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		return false; 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		return false; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		Vehicle v(Caller);		if(v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD01))		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			GameObjectList l2 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_FIRESTATION);			for(int i=0; i < l2.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l2.GetObject(i);				if (!obj->IsSpecialLightEnabled())				{					obj->EnableSpecialLights(true);					obj->PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 16.0f);					obj->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ALARM, Caller, 1, false);					Vector AlarmSnd = obj->GetPosition();					int soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_ALARM, AlarmSnd, true);					obj->SetUserData(soundID);					obj->AttachSound(soundID);				}			}		}		else if(v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD02))		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN03);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			GameObjectList l2 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_FIRESTATION2);			for(int i=0; i < l2.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l2.GetObject(i);				if (!obj->IsSpecialLightEnabled())				{					obj->EnableSpecialLights(true);					obj->PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 16.0f);					obj->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ALARM, Caller, 1, false);					Vector AlarmSnd = obj->GetPosition();					int soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_ALARM, AlarmSnd, true);					obj->SetUserData(soundID);					obj->AttachSound(soundID);				}			}		} 		else if(v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD01_PD))		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN_FRONT);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			GameObjectList l2 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_POLICESTATION);			for(int i=0; i < l2.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *obj = l2.GetObject(i);				if (!obj->IsSpecialLightEnabled())				{					obj->EnableSpecialLights(false);					obj->PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 16.0f);					obj->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ALARM, Caller, 1, false);					Vector AlarmSnd = obj->GetPosition();					int soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_ALARM, AlarmSnd, true);					obj->SetUserData(soundID);					obj->AttachSound(soundID);				}			}		}		else if(v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD02_PD))		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN_BACK);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			{				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			}		}		else if(v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD03_PD))		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN_DONUT);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			{				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			}		} 		else if(v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD01_TT))		{  			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN_TT);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			{				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			}		}		else		{			ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN02);			if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0)			{				Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			}		}		PersonList passengers = v.GetPassengers();		if (ChildID == 1)		{			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM, UNNAMED);			p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_EMERGENCY_CASE);		}		else if (ChildID == 2)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM_STRETCHER, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 3)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 4)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_CHIEF, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 5)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_HAZMAT, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 6)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_USARFF, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 7)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT_STRETCHER, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 11)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_DEPUTY, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 12)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_CHP, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 13)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_OFFICER, UNNAMED);		else if (ChildID == 21)			Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_ENGINEER, UNNAMED);		else			return;		p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);		Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn, 250);		p.SetPosition(Spawn);		p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, &v, TARGET_ANY);		p.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &v);		p.PushActionEnterCar(ACTION_APPEND, &v);	}};object DummyGates : CommandScript{	DummyGates()	{ 		SetGroupID(DummyGroup);	} 	bool CheckGroupVisibility(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		return false; 	}  	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller) 	{ 		return false; 	} 	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		GameObjectList gate01a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE01A);		GameObjectList gate02a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE02A);		GameObjectList gate03a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE03A);		GameObjectList gate04a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE04A);		GameObjectList gate05a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE05A);		GameObjectList gate06a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE06A);		GameObjectList gate07a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE07A);		GameObjectList gate08a = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE08A);		GameObjectList gate01b = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE01B);		GameObjectList gate02b = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE02B);		GameObjectList gate03b = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE03B);		GameObjectList gate04b = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE04B);		GameObjectList gate05b = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE05B); 		GameObjectList gate06b = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE06B);		GameObjectList gate07b = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE07B);		GameObjectList gate08b = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE08B); 		GameObjectList gate01t = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE01T); 		GameObjectList gate02t = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE02T); 		GameObjectList gate03t = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_GATE03T); 		ActorList vogate01a = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE01A); 		ActorList vogate02a = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE02A);		ActorList vogate03a = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE03A); 		ActorList vogate04a = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE04A);		ActorList vogate05a = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE05A); 		ActorList vogate06a = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE06A); 		ActorList vogate07a = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE07A);		ActorList vogate08a = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE08A);  		ActorList vogate01b = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE01B);		ActorList vogate02b = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE02B);		ActorList vogate03b = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE03B);		ActorList vogate04b = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE04B);		ActorList vogate05b = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE05B);		ActorList vogate06b = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE06B);		ActorList vogate07b = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE07B);		ActorList vogate08b = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE08B);		ActorList vogate01t = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE01T);		ActorList vogate02t = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE02T);		ActorList vogate03t = Game::GetActors(VO_GATE03T);		if(ChildID == 1) //= Open front gates fire station 1		{			for(int i=0; i < gate01a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate01a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate01a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate02a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate02a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate02a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate03a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate03a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate03a.GetActor(i);				Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);					Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate04a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate04a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate04a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate05a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate05a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate05a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 2) //= Close all opened gates fire station 1		{			for(int i=0; i < gate01a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate01a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate01a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate02a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate02a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate02a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate03a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate03a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate03a.GetActor(i);				Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);					Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate04a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate04a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate04a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate05a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate05a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate05a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate01b.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate01b.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate01b.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate02b.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate02b.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate02b.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate03b.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate03b.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate03b.GetActor(i);				Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);					Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate04b.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate04b.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate04b.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate05b.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate05b.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate05b.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 3) //= Open front gates fire station 2		{			for(int i=0; i < gate06a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate06a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate06a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate07a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate07a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate07a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate08a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate08a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate08a.GetActor(i);				Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);					Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 4) //= Close all opened gates fire station 2		{			for(int i=0; i < gate06a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate06a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate06a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate07a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate07a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate07a.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate08a.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate08a.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate08a.GetActor(i);				Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);					Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate06b.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate06b.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate06b.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate07b.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate07b.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate07b.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate08b.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate08b.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate08b.GetActor(i);				Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);					Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 5) //= Battalion chief 'calls vehicle cmds' for opening/closing front gates fire station 1		{			Vehicle v(Caller);			if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_RTW) 			{				for(int i=0; i < gate01a.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate01a.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate01a.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					} else					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_USAR) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate02a.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate02a.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate02a.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					} else					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_LADDER) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_TILLER) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate03a.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate03a.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate03a.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					} else					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate04a.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate04a.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate04a.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					} else					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}				}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE02) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate05a.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate05a.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate05a.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					} else					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 6) //= Battalion chief 'calls vehicle cmds' for opening/closing front gates fire station 2		{			Vehicle v(Caller);			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_HAZMATSQUAD) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate06a.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate06a.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate06a.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					} else					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE02) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate07a.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate07a.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate07a.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					} else					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}				}			if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_RTW) 			{				for(int i=0; i < gate08a.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate08a.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate08a.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					} else					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 7) //To fire station cmd to open rear gates fire station 1		{			Vehicle v(Caller);			if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_RTW) 			{				for(int i=0; i < gate01b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate01b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate01b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_USAR) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate02b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate02b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate02b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_LADDER) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_TILLER) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate03b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate03b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate03b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate04b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate04b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate04b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}				}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE02) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate05b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate05b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate05b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 8) //To fire station cmd to open rear gates fire station 2		{			Vehicle v(Caller);			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_HAZMATSQUAD) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate06b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate06b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate06b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE02) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate07b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate07b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate07b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}				}			if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_RTW) 			{				for(int i=0; i < gate08b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate08b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate08b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)					{						gate->SetUserData(1);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 9) //To fire station cmd to close rear gates fire station 1		{			Vehicle v(Caller);			if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_RTW) 			{				for(int i=0; i < gate01b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate01b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate01b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_USAR) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate02b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate02b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate02b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_LADDER) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_TILLER) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate03b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate03b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate03b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate04b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate04b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate04b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE02) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate05b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate05b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate05b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 10) //To fire station cmd to close rear gates fire station 2		{			Vehicle v(Caller);			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_HAZMATSQUAD) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate06b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate06b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate06b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE01) == 0 || StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_ENGINE02) == 0)			{				for(int i=0; i < gate07b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate07b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate07b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}			if (v.GetVehicleType() == VT_AMBULANCE_RTW) 			{				for(int i=0; i < gate08b.GetNumObjects(); i++)				{					GameObject *gate = gate08b.GetObject(i);					Actor *vogate = vogate08b.GetActor(i);					Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();					if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)					{						gate->SetUserData(0);						gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);						vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);						Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);					}				}			}		}//******************************************************************************************// Tech Station//******************************************************************************************		if(ChildID == 11) //= Open gates tech station		{			for(int i=0; i < gate01t.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate01t.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate01t.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate02t.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate02t.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate02t.GetActor(i);				Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);					Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate03t.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate03t.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate03t.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 0)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(1);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_OPEN);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_ROAD);				}			}		}		if(ChildID == 12) //= Close all opened gates tech station		{			for(int i=0; i < gate01t.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate01t.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate01t.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate02t.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate02t.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate02t.GetActor(i);				Vector GateSnd = gate->GetPosition();				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);					Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_GATE, GateSnd);				}			}			for(int i=0; i < gate03t.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				GameObject *gate = gate03t.GetObject(i);				Actor *vogate = vogate03t.GetActor(i);				if (gate->GetUserData() == 1)				{ 					gate->SetUserData(0);					gate->SetAnimation(ANI_CLOSE);					vogate->SetVirtualObjectTerrain(VOSET_BARRICADE);				}			}		}//******************************************************************************************	}};object VcmdAutoStaffOn : CommandScript{	VcmdAutoStaffOn()	{		SetIcon("autostaffon");		SetCursor("autostaffon");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Game::IsFreeplay())			return false;					return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		Caller->RemoveCommand("VcmdAutoStaffOn");		Caller->AssignCommand("VcmdAutoStaffOff");	}};object VcmdAutoStaffOff : CommandScript{	VcmdAutoStaffOff()	{		SetIcon("autostaffoff");		SetCursor("autostaffoff");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Game::IsFreeplay())			return false;					return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || (Caller->GetID() != Target->GetID()))			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		Caller->RemoveCommand("VcmdAutoStaffOff");		Caller->AssignCommand("VcmdAutoStaffOn");	}};object VcmdRepairVehicles : CommandScript{	VcmdRepairVehicles()	{		SetCursor("repair");		SetIcon("repair");	}	bool CheckPossible(GameObject *Caller)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid())			return false;		if (!Game::IsFreeplay() && !Game::IsMultiplayer())			return false;					int Money = Mission::GetMoneyLeft();		if (Money < PRICE_REPAIR)			return false;								Vehicle v(Caller);		if (v.HasCommand(DUMMY_ALARM))			return false;			return true;	}	bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)	{		if (!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid())			return false;		return true;	}	void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID)	{		if (ChildID == 0)		{			Vehicle cp(Caller);			GameObjectList l1;			ActorList l2, l3;			if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL))			{				Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD01, l1, ACTOR_VEHICLE);				l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);				l3 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO01);			}			else if(Caller->HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2))			{				Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD02, l1, ACTOR_VEHICLE);				l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN02);				l3 = Game::GetActors(VO_MOVETO02);			}						Vector Spawn = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			Vector MoveTo = l3.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();			bool repair = false;			for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				if (!repair)				{					Vehicle obj = l1.GetObject(i);					if (!obj.HasCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED) && obj.GetEnergy() < obj.GetMaxEnergy())						repair = true;				}			}			if (repair)			{				int Money = Mission::GetMoneyLeft();				if (Money >= PRICE_REPAIR)				{					int NewMoney = Money - PRICE_REPAIR;					Mission::SetMoney(NewMoney);							}							Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_ENGINEER, UNNAMED);				if (Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn))				{					p.SetUpgradeLevel(3);					p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_THW_CASE);					Game::FindFreePosition(&p, Spawn);					p.SetPosition(Spawn);					p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, MoveTo);					p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VcmdRepairVehicles", &cp, 1, false);				}			} else				Mission::PlayHint(HINT_NO_REPAIR);		}		if (ChildID == 1)		{			Person p(Caller);			Vehicle cp(Target);			GameObjectList l1;			ActorList l2;			bool repair = false;						if(cp.HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL))			{				Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD01, l1, ACTOR_VEHICLE);				l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN01);			}				if(cp.HasName(NAME_CONTROLPANEL2))			{				Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD02, l1, ACTOR_VEHICLE);				l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN02);			}						Vector Delete = l2.GetActor(0)->GetPosition();						for(int i=0; i < l1.GetNumObjects(); i++)			{				if (!repair)				{					Vehicle obj = l1.GetObject(i);					if (!obj.HasCommand(DUMMY_VCALLED) && obj.GetEnergy() < obj.GetMaxEnergy())						repair = true;				}			}			if (repair)			{				p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, &obj, TARGET_ANY);				p.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &obj);				p.PushActionRepair(ACTION_APPEND, &obj);				p.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, "VcmdRepairVehicles", &cp, 1, false);			} else			{				Mission::PlayHint(HINT_REPAIRED);				p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, Delete);				p.PushActionDeleteOwner(ACTION_APPEND);			}					}	}}; 

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p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, &v, TARGET_ANY);p.PushActionTurnTo(ACTION_APPEND, &v);p.PushActionEnterCar(ACTION_APPEND, &v);

Each of these functions are written to require that a reference to the Vehicle object be passed in. If you try and take the '&' out and just pass the 'v', we'll probably get an error.


Since you're passing in the actual Vehicle object (as denoted by &v) instead of just a copy, the function is able to directly modify the Vehicle's properties, which allows it to change position (move), change orientation (TurnTo) or edit the content information such as passengers (EnterCar).


If you were to just pass v instead of &v, the functions would be modifying a COPY of the Vehicle Object...leaving the original Vehicle object unchanged. For example:

p.PushActionMove(ACTION_NEWLIST, v, TARGET_ANY); //Note the 'v' and not '&v'

You would be telling PuchActionMove() function: "Hey! I don't want you touching the vehicle object directly...instead, I want you to have your own copy of it to do as you please."

So the language interpreter makes a copy of the vehicle object in memory, and passes that copy into the function.

In that case, the function would change THE COPY's position, leaving your vehicle in-game unchanged since it's data was never altered.


Pass by Value....Pass by Reference....It's all a method of controlling data access in a program.


Hope that helps.

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