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Map Textures.... ima noob =(

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ok so ive read alot and since lovely EM4 is a foreign game everything confuses me when i try to learn things about it, no offense to my foreign friends, its not a bad thing im just slow lol. ok so ive been tweaking the la mod for a few days to set up my perfect paradise but i keep hitting one major snag (multiple snags but these one is the major one for now) every time i edit a buildings position im left with a stop which naturally would be correct but is no longer correct looking on the floor, for instance the docks, if you remove the crates to say place a building in its place your left with 2 out of place yellow boxs and some white lines acting as guides for vehicles to follow. so my question is is there a way, from the editor, to fix these. ive seen alot of post talking about using and outside editor like paint or photoshop to edit the base map but is the the only thing you can do? Now dont everyone tell me how dumb i am and god cant you read like i half expect lol i just want 100% clarification on the matter. I can mess with the files that should contain the ways to do it such as the texture files but when i go to load or import one my comp says no thank you and closes the editor. so please correct my noobliness and give me a straight answer =).

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