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Guest KMG365

EM4 Crash to Desktop after a few minutes of play

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Guest KMG365

I play the game for sometimes ten or fifteen minutes at a time, and then the game just crashes to desktop. Total novice as far as diagnostics go, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry, I didn't upload the diagnostic file, so here it is.

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Guest towboss71

i have the same problem, randomly crashes from freeplay to desktop, i dont know how to post up or put a diagnostic link onto this site, i got this game for my kids who love the la fire dept mod, but we cant even bother to load and play the game, the kids disappointed highly, we only bought the game because the hoppah mod, its best thing ever for fire truck fans, but the 10 minute load time kills, and then the crash kills the whole desire to play, and the kids dont get nothing but a few fire trucks going out only to hit a sudden crash, and i am not knowing enuff on a computer to start messing with the files.

i think the game or these posts may be abandonded, as ive asked several times since ive got the game and theres never a responce unfortunatly...

so hope is being given up, just gonna take a $25 loss on what appears to be a $1000000 game...

if anyone hears the cries for assistance, email me at Towboss71@aol.com

thank you

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