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Guest eeó

Replacing HAZMAT with Engine02

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So, I'm trying to make some major changes to the vehicle lineup at FS1 and FS2. First task is to replace the HAZMAT at FS2 with a Engine02. Later I'll place the HAZMAT at FS1, so I'd try not to use the VO_HAZMAT for the Engine02 at FS2. What I'd basically done, was to change the



CreateVehicle(OBJ_ENGINE02, UNNAMED)

and edited the crew, max passengers, max transports and speed to match an Engine02. That made the script spawn a Engine02 at FS2 instead of a HAZMAT unit. So far, so good.

To release VO_HAZMAT for future use, I created a constant called VO_ENGINE06 in both LAFireStation and LAFireStationStart and replaced all instances of VO_HAZMAT with VO_ENGINE06 in both files, which just results in an empty slot at FS2. Have I overlooked something? Maybe about creating a new VO?

Any help to put me in the right directions is appreciated :)

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