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Posts posted by focuz

  1. To start of cool mod, have played it alot, but i miss the freeplay map to be more of a norwegian landscape have a hope that you will ad it in a later version cos that will be so cool.

    Please read earlier posts before posting, Chris is working hard for a new map, but good that you like the mod :)

    This is excellent. I only noticed units responding at times got confused in traffic. Mostly south of the police station.

    Yes, thats little annoying. But it is a "bug" from LA Mod. :P

    But if someone have ideas of the mod, let me hear them and we will se what we can do! :)

  2. Have been playing this mod today. And I'm impressed by this. Can not wait to try this in multiplayer. Are some details that still need a fix. But otherwise very good, keep up the good work.

    Sounds good! :)

    Please PM what should be fixed so it maybe could be done!

    Best Regaards

  3. look at focuz xD he is like a little puppy.. Give him a little responsibillity and he goes bananas xD

    well, anyways.. listen to the boy, he's my personal assistant for the time beeing..

    I will be busy working with the update to v.1.2

    So if there are any questions, ask focuz (or Xandarb).. They will be able to answer you as best they can ;) If not, they will forward the question to me.

    haha true! but thats how it should be! :)

    Btw, "listen to the boy" I am 18 not a boy ;) haha

  4. Watch your dirty little mouth :P Norway has allways been a great country ^^ Sweden looks like a giant turd, and Norway look like a mighty club ^^ oooh yeah

    and if you ever say that I am from Finland again I will eat your cat

    I you think so ;)

    Haha i mean Xandarb :P haha!

    Btw, how do you know i got an cat ;)

    Location, hmm, South Norway, is that in Finland?

    Nope, is just a dot in sweden ^^

  5. I do belive most of the hate is pointed at mr. "heyheyhey" atm.... :P

    Don't let it get to you, all countries are beeing "hated" at some point?


    Europe: "americans are fat"

    Norway: "swedish people are dumb"

    Norway: "polish people lives in incomme from strawberrypicking in Norway"

    Emergency-planet: "France has never won a war"( xD )

    Hollywood: "If you are an german, you must be a nazi"

    America: "Canada, well it's just canada..."

    America: "Europe is hary, smelly and full of free minded sex"

    Sweden: "Norwegian People are dumb" (they just copied the Norwegians since they didnt figure something new out... ergo... dumb xD )

    The World outside Skandinavia: "Skandinavia?!? VIKINGS!!!" and "sexy girls" (sadly the last part, is just half true)

    chrisblaalid: Xandarb is swedish!

    So you see, people hate.. that makes us human ^^ we also love, but that's a whole other story ;)

    Chris! Norway copied Sweden ;) You are our little brothers and always a step behind us! :D

    And arent Chrisblaalid from Finland? :P

  6. I downloaded and installed the updated version of the mov v1.02 and still there's no person in security car but when I downloaded and replace files with these from update worked fine. :dry: I really don't know what ot where is the "problem".

    Wierd :P

    I dont have any problems, everything works good. I like this mod now

    Great! :)

  7. 1 day and half! :tongue2:

    Haha :D

    chrisblaalid Can I make a sub mod of you mod??

    About the "terrorist" atacks?

    I know you didn´t ask me but isn´t that a inappropriate thing to do? The 22.07 thing was a horibble thing that happened, nothing i want to see in a game....

    And if you read in earlier posts, Chris are mention that he got exlusive permissions for the Norway Mod ONLY....

    Maybe that can answer your question...

    EDIT: didn´t see Chris last post... sorry!

  8. Its not even that good, the only thing you guys changed is models and skins and just took the scripts and map from Hoppah' LA mod. that sucks. That where you guys need to call it " Norway LA Submod" lol.

    Bit agreed.. i thought there would be different map even.. but still good.

    Shame on you ;) The mod is good, think about the short time that have taken do made.

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