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Everything posted by fireballthefiredog

  1. is that picture nwy or old because the rims on the 10 brothers are still red and not silver.
  2. Also will there be mission in which the firefighter actually has to use his oxygen tank. Firefighters do not wear oxogyn bottles. that would just increase the intensity of the fire in case of a leak. If you are talking about SCBA bottles it is just compressed air. It may save your life but it is still heavy as heck.
  3. This may be true but most just use a certian frequency strobe light,(cheaper for the govt. Buaerocrats)
  4. Just to clairify the opticom system is a white flashing strobe light or an led light on the fire truck ambulance or police car. The certian strobe signal or led signal is picked up on sensors that turn the light green, or is suposed to. It is not based on gps, my trucks do not have gps but do have opticom. Just to claifify things.
  5. fireballthefiredog


    Looks awsome, Cant wait to see the fire trucks
  6. I know I am just wondering if thay have figured out a way to fix it
  7. I am am firefighter and i have never seen a car accually blow up. The only thing i have ever seen blow up are the tires, airbags and hydrolic supports and that is because of pressure build up.
  8. Have you figured out a way to make the cars not blow up, because that never happens in real life?
  9. ok thanks just wanted to check. Great work btw, cant wait fot it to be released.
  10. Not shure if you know this or have allready fixed this but ten truck's hubcaps are silver not red. Same for engine 10. Also the Bureau of training's engines hubcaps are red
  11. Can you give us a list of what you have compleated and what you still have o work on? Just wondering, please dont get mad if you wont.
  12. are you going to be putting any more units in the mod or is that it.
  13. Will the vehicles be able to move if no one is in side of them?
  14. Does anyone know if they plan on releasing a beta for this?
  15. When the mod comes out will you have the readme in english? Great job on the mod. Cant wait.
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