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Everything posted by Juancg

  1. Thank you for your time, I will try to modify the file you said. Anyway, I would like to know if someone has dealed with the saving issues, I alway play freeplay rather than challenge mode, so my problem appears after saving normal freeplay game. Also, I want to ask about mods with the parking script, because I found it so useful during emergencies, in order to set the vehicles properly...is there any other mod with that script built in? Thank you all.
  2. Hi all. Just a quick question. When I'm playing this mod, I can't buy more units than the ones that I have when I start the game. Is it possible to buy more units? Is it necessary to edit some files? EDIT: I also want to know if there is a problem with time between events edits. I have set a 6 minutes time between events, which works great when starting a game, but when I save that game and load later, the param doesn't work properly, because events hapen faster than 6 minutes, even together. Thank you all!
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