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Posts posted by Ale

  1. Now it says:

    [GTA IV] File check fix error

    Sorry, but this version of gtaiv.exe is not supported.

    Suported versions: 1.0.1us, 1.0.2us, 1.0.3us, 1.0.4us,

    when you execute the patch, has the patch deinstalled social club? It should de install it

  2. From now on I won't be a team member . I will be more like colaborator that helps sometimes. The reasons are my own

    OfficerMAx do you want to be a team member?

    The team needs more modelers and a scripter. And also a person to do general edits.

  3. Ok, I tried it and gives me this error:

    No se encuentra el ordinal 5367 en la biblioteca de vínculos dinámicos xlive.dll.

    And translated:

    Can not find ordinal 5367 in the dynamic link library xlive.dll.

    THe same error as my friend. You can fix it ;)

    After installing the patch , download xliveless( http://public.sannybuilder.com/GTA4/xliveless-0.999b7.rar )

    Extract it and then copy the xlive.dll file and paste it in the game directory

    Hope it helps

  4. No, since I installed the update the game doesn´t launch, appears the social club, I press play and the game doesn´t starting, I instaled a backups I had but nothing so now I´m searching for the saved games. And it doesn´t give me any error.

    Then try this: go to the game directory and try to launch the game with gtaiv.exe . CHeck if it says any error or something.

  5. Nothing, installed the patch and the game does not launch, so I´m going to copy the saved games, cd images with mods and reinstall the f***ing game. Thanks for your help guys.

    Don't worry. You're not the only one. I have an error called SMPA60 :mad: I hope that I can fix it

    Does it work now for you?'cause today I helped a friend to install GTA IV and he had the same problem.

  6. Nice mod so far

    Btw CV's is old v by Rihis , i know for shure :P

    Looks good but the CV would be better of NNICO´s model.

    I know. Maybe in the future i'll replace them. From now to future i'll use NNICO's model. Thank you for your opinions ;)

    Hey guys, i can do buildings for this mod en also new models making skins for the models, and uv map it and i could do some siren scripts and bluelight script etc. hope i could help you guys, if im getting accepted could u all send me youre msn via pm! thanks ;)

    Unit 42 is our modeler right now. I add the siren and the flashing lights scripts. I'll have you in mind in case that we need another modeler. Thanks anyways.


    Check the first post: New Impala :) and another screenshot

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