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Posts posted by AFEM

  1. I found something. I had a hazmat call (dead birds), I sended the hazmat truck.

    I picked up the birds. But I still had contaminated people spread across the park, so I caught one men, and decontaminated him. While decontaminating I went to the location of another person, but when the truck stopped, the hazmat fire fighter and the man didn't came out of the vehicle.

    So I tried to send the hazmat truck to the firestation, and got the message: The ambulance has transports, it will go to hospital... AND the message: The helipad is ocupied ... and the helicopter that I had on the helipad flew home.

  2. Well, this is not realy a bug. But when we use the empty fire station command, everyone clears the fire station. (and that's what it is suposed to do)

    So this is like a request. I usualy have one engineer in the fire station, and other at the police station, in order to have my cars fixed!

    Could you make the empty fire station script apply only to firefighters and ambulance crew?

    Or could you make sth like what you did in the FBI truck. Units get healed inside the fire station(s) and police parking spaces.

  3. It's simple. I won't add the AR-15 because I want to keep diversity between the units IN THE MOD.

    I don't even care if it's realistic or not. SWAT can use automatic weapons, police officers not.

    what about shotguns?


    The Ithaca Model 37 Special LAPD is an American 12-gauge pump-action shotgun developed for the Los Angeles police department and has a 5-round magazine.


  4. That brings up another interesting point: even though theres a rabies emergency in freeplay I don't think anyones ever made a unit to go along with it. Maybe it would be more trouble then its worth, idk. Just the first time I've noticed anyone bring something like that up. Cool thought though.

    that is what I thought!!!

  5. Thats true. It would be neat if there were something like the mp5 that the regular police could use. Some cars have shotguns in them, and when I'm doing freeplay I usually don't use the swat team unless its something big.

    I totaly agree with you!!!

    I only sugested this, because I think that it is out of question to make the animal control van.



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