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Posts posted by salvadorc

  1. i find a waay to the swat officers use M4A1 it is when you go editor go to swat officer and add all the comands about M4A1 and you dont need army vheicles you can call a swat suv whit 4 officers and send u«one officer to 200 meters of his vheicle and he can atatche a M4A1 just click aim and gona apear a M4A1 and you can shitch to pistol whidout drop M4A1!!!!!! you can use 2 guns at the same time!

  2. thanks anhoter question not about this topic bit i think you can help me. . .

    how can i reslin a vheicle e have all the programs and plugins to do that bue someone say that i need to unlock the vheicles in editor how can i do that?

    sorry my bad english :sorrysign::1046275976_nospam:

  3. Well.. They work as the sniper rifle, I think that you need to look what's diffrent in the commands to the MP5 for example and the normal pistol.

    And might change the commands or something (I actually don't really know but why not give it a shot?)

    yes try to change the comands i gona try it today and them i tell you :D

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