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Posts posted by Mrtucker555

  1. here is a question. i noticed in game for la mod there are 4 or 5 ambulances. why do we need that many? i know that i only use one, but why 5?

    also, is the light equipment truck going to be carrying the emts? i know in the 70's, a vehicle like that called teh rescue squad carried paramedics and they also functioned as firefighters. Is that how it is now in la? Cuz i was thinking that make the light equipment vehicle carry all those tools plus the medic bag, and then the paramedics or whichever one heals people, ride in that squad. it would be interesting to see one station to house that squad so that it can get on scene faster before the ambulance.

    i might be completely wrong because i don't know much about recent la fire departments. mike, any suggestions?


    the squads i think still do have paramedics atleast thats why im putting the FF/PMs in mine

  2. You know what I don't understand, why you are so bitter? You bang the "realism" drum all the time, but when someone makes a suggestion based on the fact of realism, (not just my recent staffing suggestion), you act like a 5 year old and stomp your feet.

    Is the mod supposed to be real or easy, tell me that - then I'll know what suggestions to make or not.

    yea that is alittle uncalled for look at how much hoppah has done so if you dont like somthing thats in the mod dont take it out on hoppah like that you find out how to change it and do it yourself

  3. I agree, what was even the point of posting that???

    Anywho, back to topic now:

    So Hoppah, are you getting rid of the regular paramedic and replacing it with the FF one? Or are you just adding more to the mod? Awesome either way :1046275747_biggthumpup:


    he is replacing the medic with the ff/pm

  4. How bout Hoppah makes a LAPD K-9 Unit. It could search for bodies and it can also run after a Suspect (Faster then a Officer) And then he would bite them wich would stop them and make them fight with the dog. Also the dog will be able to enter terains wich Humans cant enter not like water but other areas

    look through the forums there is not a way in witch we can make a police dog

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