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Posts posted by aitor

  1. How can you think his people liked him when most of the population is dying of malnutrition -in fact some day before Kim Jong's death they asked United States for help and food-, there are not human rights, there are thousands of person trying to leave the country at risk of being caught and send to a prison or gulag or being executed, childs go work before going school... I don't think anyone can like a person who is treating them so.

    I think you're one of the few that has believed all the regimen's propaganda with the people "crying".

    I don't like how our goverment is treating us, I know they are constantly telling lies to us, but I prefer really much living and having any of our goverment that living under a dictatorship, and less under one like N.Korean. At least where we live we haven't have to go work before going school and we have at least 3 meals at day.

    North Koreans cared for each other and protected each other, we don't.

    About that, I think is totally incorrect, how can you say the cared and protected for each other, they almost never appear on TV, where have you seen that, if they would try protecting someone from their goverment they probably would get killed, it's true that almost every person will fight for their loved ones but protecting someone from a dictatorship's claws is really hard, and more in a country like that. They would probably shut up and endure and suffer, for not getting killed. I can't explain better...

    Many people I know cares for each other but there are also who don't, you can't say "we" cause many people cares and protect each others, you can't generalize that...

    In my opinion that you've said is a totally thoughtlessly said thing.

    These are my 2 cents.

  2. Then if nobody comments about the modders work they wouldn't release any picture and everybody will be bitching about updates, if you like it "looks good", if you don't like it, well if you don't like it you have two options, go another thread you find more interesting or do a constructive criticism.

  3. Don't forget about those jewels of the construction:

    Lego made... statue?


    Ohh, love it, maybe the ugliest thing on earth.


    Beautiful views to see the dawn:




    Something called Juche Tower, probably one of the few things with lights on N.Korea:



    And don't forget about delivery trucks:


    And an ambulance from N.Korea:


  4. An unmarked highway patrol tank, attempting to pull over a guy on bycicle (since only the goverment employes has got cars...)


    And they also have Baywatch!!!

    Two friendly lifeguards spotting for people in danger


    And here some friendly guys surfing!


    North Korea, What a nice place to leave!


    PS: we will provide you this cool comfortable night suit signed by Kim to enjoy your estance!

  5. North Korea mod!

    Riot Truck whit Water cannon


    But the mod won't work without the N.korean fully designed software:

    Kim Jongs 7 with 3d graphics, you will have to use Kim's pattented glasses (not included, you will get them after some years in our forced labor summer camp)


    Besides if you vote me you'll have a fully comfortable room in of our great hospitals (that's for when the Riot MLRS fails...)


  6. I'm not happy with our capitalist society, they're screwing the middle and lower class, but the rich are increasingly rich. But the communism almost never has worked, if you look at all, or almost all the communist countries that has been, every has been dictatorships and crap countries, with no rights, something they want our politicies.

    The communism has got some good ideas, but are almost impossible to make them work. In this world the only that matters is money...

  7. No, I'll be your opponent, those 99% of female guards have made me thinking in some ideas...

    I wan't you to vote me


    And your campaing has a fail, in N.Korea nobody will destroy houses for just for build a street light post (they've never seen one), we will destroy houses for building this!:


    Besides, if you want to be N.Korea president you've to have a cool glasses like those.


    And we will mummify Kim Jong for watching us with it's fashion look!


  8. Another insane less in the world. Don't think N.Koreans will miss him...

    Good bye Kim.


    BTW, do you hear that he was nuclear arming N.Korea because his dad said before dying that he wanted a no-nuclear N.Korea, so Kim Jong Il started making nukes for set respect and scare the US and after that, he will destroy the nuclear weapons. Making nukes for then destroying them... I read it in the news

  9. There are probably online audio recording programs on internet, but anyways I like how your sirens sounds, with the street noise, the problem I see, like I said before, is when the truck stops all the ambient sounds stops, but I like the touch the street sound give to the gameplay. Would be cool if you could add that ambient sound without having to start the sirens.

  10. I don't think that that you say "cultural diference" justifies that you can go skipping the rules, insulting in other language, because I guess in portuguese culture people don't behave as you.

    And you can't go writing all you think or at least as the manner and words you think, because like INEM01 said, you're not talking your friends, you're talking with unknown people.

    So please, stop.

    And stop posting more bullshit.

  11. nao apetece .

    You don't want? If you don't want to learn what's right and what's wrong you won't get very far here...

    I also use the translater and I don't write all the bullsh*t you're posting here so don't go saying is the translator.

  12. Sim sou fireangel . keres alguma coisa o inem 01 ? passes ser cota de merda já és alguém . tu deveres super herói nao ?

    tu nem programas sabes criar quanto mais mod . és idiota . tinha vergonha andares carros deseres foste fizeste . vai para caranho .

    Man, you never learn...

  13. First of all learn a bit of respect, you're an egocentric, you don't know how many hurt did nazis, plus you're behaving like one, you say you have about 20 years? doesn't seem, you behave like a 4 year old child, "I leave the mod", "I start again", creating at least three accounts for spamming around, nobody cares if you leave or continues the mod because your the way you act is annoying and rude.

    Doesn't care if you write your insults with all the words without separating because we aren't as idiot for don't understand it, the last can't understand here is the way you come rushing.

    I have nothing against the portugese people, plus I think are nice people, but know Portugal is not the center of the universe so stop thinking you're (not referring to the portuguese people, just to our dude Bomberirospeed) here better than us and you can go over the rules.

    And here the only one who has to use a translator is you, try writing something coherent in english...

    fireangel made ??a mistake and human!

    Is said that can be learned from mistakes, but after seeing you're posts I'm starting thinking about that that is also said, some human never learn.

    You're one of those that are becoming this forum into a jungle.

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