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    Canton, Ohio

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  1. I can't wait to see this released! I've been fortunate enough to play an older version and it's just amazing. It blew my mind to hear that you were actually adding function and features. Please, keep up the amazing work!
  2. I probably said this before but ill say it again: I'm really excited to see this, please keep up the awesome work guys!
  3. Can't wait to see the finished product guys! Can't rush perfection.
  4. Thanks! I guess I'll have to really look for more Easter eggs
  5. If you want to be off duty, be OFF DUTY. if you are ID'd as an EMT or above in OH you are expected to act. Dont be afraid to ask questions or admit you don't know. The squad (what most depts call the ambulance around here) has communications equipment for a reason. If you must, carry a scanner instead of a radio. You dont want to be that guy that hops on the two way every time he sees a fender bender...
  6. I noticed by chance one day a cameraman across the street from station 2 in freeplay. When i had a unit arrest him the message "Mikesphotos: stop the misinformation" popped up. whats with this guy???
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