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Everything posted by nicos

  1. and for other events such as : radioacive cloud, homicide, missing person, sniper, hydrant damaged... I have EM4 Deluxe.
  2. another question, I noticed that there were several events in the file "freeplaybase" but in the "fp_params_endless" file as a zombie attack, how to activate?
  3. Thank you for your help "ENDLESS" is free games, single player mod? I saw that there are several files to "ENDLESS" fp_params_endless fp_params_endless_2_mp fp_params_endless_3_mp fp_params_endless_d fp_params_endless_mp what does it fit? and "freeplayparameters" file, it used for?
  4. Hello, I saw that there are several events in the "Specs" folder. when I play or EM4 EM4 mod any of its event appears in the games. I wanted to know how to enable events? (Zombie, Damaged Hydrant, etc ...) and how to turn them off? and ensure that its event last longer? Thank you in advance.
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