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Everything posted by Horsman4James

  1. I am having the same issue now, after upgrading to a faster PC (R7 7700x, nvme ssd). Did not happen on my old PC (R5 2600x, sata ssd).
  2. Mod looks great. Loving the new scripts. Thanks for all your hard work itchboy, bama1234
  3. Question: Is there a way to edit the callout rate in config file? I feel like the 911 calls are pretty active for a rural town. trying to turn down. Any help is appreciated
  4. Hello guys, How do I implement the map from the L.A. mod mission where the children are abducted and the kidnappers hide out in the woods after they shot the parents into a freeplay map? Would it be hard to assign freeplay events and spawns and whatnot? Thanks for any input. That map is the perfect setting for a small town/suburb police patrol
  5. Hi, I've decided to change my approach. Is there any way you can assist me with adding a new vehicle into fresh copy of the L.A. mod. For example, I do not want to replace an LAPD car, I want to add a completely new vehicle (2020 ford explorer) and lightbar (federal signal valor). Because I am a beginner I want to create a very simple flash pattern, just one half of the lightbar flashing and then the other. No crazy strobing or anything. I'm going to create the texture, a fictional "East Pasadena" police department. Never going to be a public sub mod, just my creative canvass Once again, any replies are appreciated
  6. in the em4 editor it says "MBPD Explorer" instead of what it should say "MPPD Impala Unit 10" . The model and skin looks fine when i spawn in the mbpd car in the editor, but there is no option to spawn mppd unit 10
  7. I've decided to use a police car model/texture from Miami Dade mod, so I will not have to create my own lights for it. I'm trying to replace the two impala units that spawn automatically in the Montana Mod with the Miami Beach PD ford explorer from Miami Dade mod. I copied the model & prototype files for the ford explorer and renamed them to match that of the impala units, and pasted them into the corresponding Montana mod directories. I also edited the text in the .e4p and .v3o files to match the directories and unit names of the Montana mod, not the Miami mod The problem I'm having is, when I load the mod in game, the two explorer models/textures are missing and it has the blue box, but the emergency lights work perfectly fine.
  8. Hi, first time poster/modder (in em4) here. I would like to replace a police car in a mod I have with a model I downloaded off here (2020 ford explorer posted by itchyboy). Im not worried about the textures at this moment, just need help with the car model/prototypes. I appreciate any replies
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