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Posts posted by Entonox

  1. Interesting night shift tonight, Part of an ambulance response crew to a plane crash exercise at a major airport for the first part so will certainly be interesting. I'll post more about it later, going to do a case study for it so will share some of that with anyone here that's interested. 


    Also, Taxi drivers in the West Mids are a nightmare, had two try to kill me on the same blue light run..

  2. Alot of interesting occurrences, the johnny crew was really good, but the typical treatment from the ambulance service was apparent. There's not enough recognition and respect towards what the ETA crews do and are seen just as a joke by many. Which is completely wrong.


    I asked the Para that I was working with that day what their impression was, and the first thing they said was their experience of St John was people pretending to be paramedics, and that there's many that have some sort of god complex (Going by what their experience of working along side an SJA crew) 


    I of course explained this wasn't typical and that there's the bad apples in all organisations and that the majority are in it for the right reasons and such.


    Would say around 90% of the calls I've attended since starting aren't what you typically expect an ambulance service to attend. 


    Mostly the elderly community and social care.


    Also, since starting, I've only blue light transported 2 patients into A&E, so certainly what the public perceive the service to do, and what they actually do are far different.


    Also got the inside scoop on why Emergency Bikers don't feature WMAS anymore. Certainly eye opening seeing things from the inside out.

  3. BARC, you wouldn't really peel the roof off unless all other options are ruled out as unsafe. 


    The preferred option is of course, not to get into an accident :P but they'll take the driver out the door in the ambulances as it's pretty time consuming to take the lid off a van and would be a last option and the bulkhead prevents extraction through the back.


    With your bog standard van it would be the same, unless there's no bulkhead then they'll take them through the back and out that way, which is the preferred method for any extrication.


    Also, the response time was 0 seconds on the system as we stopped the clock by being there when it all kicked off. 

  4. Nice one BARC :) 


    dealt with one of our own (wmas) in an RTI/C/Whatever your area calls it. C-Spine tenderness so boarded and the works, went in as a red 2 call, waited an hour and a half for backup and was an ETA St John crew, lovely crew that were top of their game, was stupidly busy at that time so no resources in the area


    Nice to see both organisations i work for come together and work well. Was pretty funny though, a Johnny van conveying a WMAS tech

  5. You're called into a supermarket (superstore). The casualty is at the opposite end of the shop/store. How do you make progress to the patient?


    1) Walk in a calm but fast manor

    2) Have the patient come to you

    3) Run like the super hero you are (wearing a curtain for a cape and your boxers over your trousers/pants)

    4) Race your colleague to the patient using the shop/store's mobility scooters.


    You arrive at your patient. How do you assess your AVPU? (Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive) Do you:


    1) Kneel down and speak to them

    2) Kneel down and nudge them

    3) Shout at them whilst standing

    4) Push their cheek with your boot


    You've established that the patient is un-responsive. Do you:


    1) check their Airways, breathing, circulation

    2) Check they're breathing

    3) slap them to try and wake them up

    4) call it a day as it's time for lunch


    You've established they're in need of CPR. Do you:


    1) Commence CPR/BLS/ALS

    2) Get a randomer to commence CPR

    3) cut the kettle wire and shock them

    4) check their wallet for money, it's time for a free lunch!


    You've managed to resuscitate them. You've forgot your stretcher! Do you:


    1) Send your crew mate back to the truck to get it

    2) Go yourself and get it.

    3) put them in a shopping trolly/cart and improvise

    4) Drag them by their ankle 


    You've got them in the Ambulance, Time to move. Do you:


    1) Drive rapid and smooth to the most appropriate facility

    2) Drive them Rapid and Smoothly to any hospital

    3) Drive rapid and smoothly past McDonalds drive thu then onto hospital

    4) Drive it like you stole it, GTA Style!!!


    How did you score?


    6 - 12: You did good. They will survive!

    13- 18: Reduced chances of survival, but hey, you're happy with that

    18+: Wow... you really didn't like this person eh? well... good job you were only on a "Be a para for a day" coupon day! :)

  6. You'd see the family like group of people around your age for starters.

    What I run on taster sessions, is First Aid teaching, so a subject, then a scenario where we practice this. Then we have another fun activity and if we're doing a grand prior subject, we'll do a bit of that. So there's a variety of information you can get from what happens.

    SJA cadets aren't like scouts to the extent of what they actually do. with life skills, we teach things such as communications skills in emergency situations, and treatment situations, but those that also will benefit you out in life. We do personal safety, again which covers safety whilst on duties, but also cover you for every day life.

    We don't do subjects that don't have relevance to our focus, but they do benefit your daily life.

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