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Posts posted by b2bomber

  1. ...My first post... I think this is a brilliant project... It could even be an alternative for training...Anyways,I aint a developper. I am a professional Canadian firefighter as well as a BLS paramedic. If I could be of any assistance regarding strategies and tactics, standard operating procedures, fire behaviour (although you must have your sources already), I would be more than happy to answer any questions to the best of my knowledge and experience...

    Cheers from the North!!

    Lol, hi! That would be Awsome we do have a couple sources already but the more the better off we are. Tell you what I will definitely pm you with any questions we have at all. :) also thanks for your support we hope to make the best of this project.



  2. Hey, I updated the first post with a little bit more in-depth of our plans, Its under 1.2 the general plan. This is not yet finished but its the layout of all the sub-projects that will be going on within the mod. All these will be tied together in the end to make the system work. But That plan right now Kind of connects the dots on how the whole system is gonna work and is just a glimpse of what we plan to do.

    Anyway like I said thats not yet complete but should be by tomorrow. All right well hope that gives some a little bit more of a visual explanation on the project.wink.gif

  3. Loading strings meta list...

    Loaded lang:commands.xml

    Loaded lang:fail.xml

    Loaded lang:hints.xml

    Loaded lang:missions.xml

    Loaded lang:objectives.xml

    Loaded lang:strings.xml

    Loaded lang:talk.xml

    Loaded lang:mainmenu.xml

    Loaded lang:tutorial.xml

    Loaded lang:poi.xml

    Loaded lang:infotexts.xml

    Campaign: 21 entries loaded

    ?BLFileSystem::Open("base:Save/campaignprogress.xml",BLFM_READ): Could not open

    !Precaching prototypes

    ?Cannot add default animation set to Paramedic Team: incompatible bone structure?

    ?Cannot add default animation set to Paramedic with Injured: incompatible bone structure?

    looks like there is something corrupt with your saved campaign progress? Just out of question have you played the game before?

    This is what A campaign progress .xml file looks like, I could see if you ran it before that the game could have had a glitch and somehow screwed up the file.

    post-6840-057199800 1288218400.jpg

    Just one more thing Do you have all the plugins the game needs to run installed (direct x whatever version) thats required to get anything to run. It will usually prompt you when you install the game for the first time.

    One more thing I would try installing a patch and see if that helps. you can find them in the download section of this fourm.

  4. subway stuff will be up to Dyson as to what he wants to put in as minor missions so we will just be developing the underground system. So if he wants to create things such as a flood, or a train crash, or even just a disturbance its up to him on what he wants to add in. This is true for any modder who will adopt our project. Its just kind of the building blocks for them. wink.gif

  5. haha, you sound so thrilled about that. I do have a fairly high proficiency in AutoCAD which, if i remember right, can be imported into sketch up. I could try and come up with some models for you if you want/need me to, but it may not happen extremely fast as im very busy with classes this semester.

    we can totally use you on our team, uh Trust me Its gonna take a lot of work, and really you do'nt even need to import in sketch-up all we would need is .3ds, thats what I pump it out into in the end. But my issue with sketch up is the high polygon output when you draw anything with a circle or arc in it so in a sense cad is way better! LOL where still getting set up but I will keep you updated on all that. So you would be interested? (where trying to make this mod capable of using both part time and full time Modders if thats what you would call it.)biggrin.gif

  6. Uh so new tow trucks for different jobs, I will have talk to shadowuzuz about that. We have decided to break our project up into sub-projects so that development can be faster and so that we can get more part time Modders involved. Because currently where having a shortage of certain groups that we need. We have been increasing our team size in the last few days sorry I have not been able to announce all that (3-4 people) . But our plan now is to I guess have all the mod " executives" and project managers at the top making sure that the project works in uniform. So right now basically think of all those things listed on the front page as sub-mods of this mass mod. We also plan to pool our resources to allow for kind of a universal system. So say the physics team is gonna need a light designer for the subway system. Rather then going out and recruiting a new member which takes a lot of work they can just go and access a light designer from the light bar branch of the project. So thats kind of an update for you right now, we do plan to have a newsletter as long as things go well after we get the whole team organized completely so that we can output this project to its full. wink.gif

  7. Hi,

    I just got this game, I got 3 as I didnt realise there was a 4. It installed fine, when I open it, it plays the intro movie with the fire engines coming out the depo. then I get - Em3.eve has encountered a problem and needs to close, We are sorry for any inconvenience.

    I am on windows xp but not very technical with pc`s. Ive tried a few things ive read from various forums but nothing has worked. Emergency 4 is in the post and I dont want this to do the same.

    Please can someone help :)

    Thank you


    Hey i forgot whether em3 has a log file but that should at least be able to give you an idea of whats going on, but do you know how to start your windows explore? If you can go to this following directory that would look something like this C:\Program Files\sixteenton entertainment\emergency 3. Somewhere just on that front page there might be something like logfile.txt But I don't remember if em3 has one or not, but if you can find it see if you can upload it to the form or take a photo of it in notpad (defalt text editor it should open in)The log file is what anything that goes on in the game gets reported to such as loading. and when it crashes usually the log file will lead on clues to why it crashed. Such as a hardware incomparability.

    heres a photo of em4's log file

    post-6840-077685500 1288205528.jpg

    I remember that EM3's file structure was somewhat similar to EM4's so it would look kind of similar to that set up in the photo.

  8. That has the potential to make some really great scenarios, gas leak underground, explosion underground, underground crew hits electric lines, and other stuff.

    Your maps will never be the same. This all sounds like tons and tons of work for a group of 4-5 but where making an highly detailed plan currently on how the mod will be successful. So we will keep everyone updated on all that.

  9. It's hilarious, reading from the first post to now. The first page is all full of pessimistic cynicism, and then the later pages actually look hopeful, lol.

    Lol, Well I think as far as I know that all will continue to happen. I am trying to get people interested in it cause I do think that this mod could happen. And it will. Anyways, Right now where starting the process of getting our own mod team section In which we will lay out the structure of the mod. But we will still be updating on both. The team stuff will be for keeping everything organized and so that you can get information on work thats being done in every branch.

  10. +75 new tools? Is this really possible?

    thats what we would like to do. Remember that tools are really low poly so they would be easier to model and skin. The part that maybe will be the trouble is scripting. But even then some of them preform similar functions. Now thats not 70 with our first release but overall 70-100 tools we will try to do.

    That also includes various lengths and types of one tool.

  11. alright I cant get the video to work the way I want it to so for now I just have in game shots so without a further a to do...

    You receive a 9-11 call about a man under the train.

    post-6840-083680600 1288131980.jpg

    post-6840-010769000 1288131982.jpg

    post-6840-021166600 1288131983.jpg

    post-6840-066583400 1288131984.jpg

    post-6840-089377200 1288131985.jpg

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    post-6840-064836000 1288131989.jpg

    post-6840-007971900 1288131991.jpg

    This is one of just the many new revolutionary systems the advanced game play team wants to introduce to you. Open Roof Multi-layer Subway, Basement, Sewer and Manhole system. This is a whole new underground world where all sorts of new missions will be able to be preformed. A long side this underground system lots of new tools will be developed to help you preform your new tasks.

    Alright what do you all think? as always thoughts comments everything. By the way you might see the whole system in Dyson's sub-mod 3.0 thats all up to him though.

    As always,

    Thanks to Hoppah and his crew

    And Dyson

  12. I really like the idea of someone (us or them), finally creating a quint, but the only way that it would work, in my opinion, is if they limit the water supply. Other wise it would just really be a ladder truck.

    quint stuff should be done by the modeling department. We plan to model some various new units with all of them being open roof enabled and I think we might do multiple compartments because of the amount of tools we would like to do. So you would have to go to different compartments on the truck to get 1 tool for use. I would also like to see the tool actually get carried on the truck and instead of just putting a tool down and it just fading away, It would have to be set back on the truck. And also not have the ability to go grab a tool and then go and grab another,It would be limited to how many tools you could get off one unit. Anyway your surprise will be coming latter today as long as things go well. Its all done, I might make a tweak or to the actual scene but My concern is the weather that we are having where I am, Massive winds and rain is what there saying to expect and all of the Internet, and power companies are already setting up the emergency repair stations around the area. But so far the weather has been good so. biggrin.gif

  13. One more thing that I would like to see is a some type of unseen handicapping system with regards to units and their tasks. For instance, FDNY has engines, ladders, squads, rescues, hazmat, and various other units. Ladder companies should be more efficient at forcible entry, making rescues, ventilation, etc. than engine companies. Engine companies should be more efficient at fire suppression, and advancing hose lines than ladder companies. Rescues and Squads are considered elite companies, and should get an edge in all of these duties, as well as be used for any type of technical rescues. The theory being that in game, if I am really strapped for resources, and need to use an engine company to make some rescues, it can be done. Just not as efficiently and quickly as if truck or the rescues and squads were performing the same task. Same thing in reverse. If I need a ladder company to stretch a hose and put out a fire, it can be done. Just not as efficiently as an engine company would do it.

    Something like this would ensure a bit more realism. Perhaps when you click on a person, he is highlighted for the color of the unit he is on. Black for engines, red for ladders, yellow for squads, blue for rescues. The special companies can do a lot of things well, but there are only 12 of them (5 rescues and 7 squads) in the whole city. As the LA Mod plays currently, there is no advantage or disadvantage to calling an engine vs a truck vs a USAR squad other than equipment. Right now, Manhattan has 1 Rescue company and 1 Squad company, so it is not like the special companies would overwhelm the game.

    I would like to see the same type of unseen handicapping used with decision making on the fire ground as well. If I have fire in the fifth floor of a seven story building, (we'll say that we are not permitted to enter the building)and I choose to go with the engine's deck guns, rather than a ladder pipe or tower ladder, than it should take longer to put that fire out. The deck gun should be more effective at lower heights. Things like height of buildings should affect the effectiveness of the firefighting. Again, this would make it so that different units must be used to get the quickest knockdown of the fire. Also the fire boat should have multiple powerful deck guns, but there should only be one or two big fire boats available. I know that it has been mentioned before, but any unit that is flowing water should have to be hooked up to a water source. If an engine is working, than it should either be connected to a hydrant, or another engine that is connected to a hydrant. If a ladder pipe or tower is flowing, than there should be an engine supplying it. No hose lines should be allowed to be driven over by any units. I feel that this point alone would make the tactical game play of this mod incredible. Things like apparatus type and positioning now come into play. If your first due engine is delayed because of traffic, but the ladder truck is there, then the fire will grow. (Realistic!) If you block out companies due to hose on the street, then the fire will grow while you reposition. If you have people trapped on the upper floors, but can't get a truck in due to obstructions, then the rescue operation will be hindered and people may die. We are forced to think about what we are doing, which makes the game much more fun.

    Hey, Really like all of that. Now just want to mention where not exactly developing a mod that will be playable. Think of it more like civil cars corp. Its a mod for mods but in the end it should effect your game play greatly. I think though we could possibly develop a tool that ranks skill based off training. But That would be up to the mod developers to set what the ladder company's skilled at compared to an engine company because every department is different yet the also can be the same at all the same time. So good Idea though. A lot of the stuff we are making will be all done threw lots of animation. And we will have scripts that will control which animations play. I do believe a lot of this could be possible with the right scripts and tools. A lot of this is just using variables and tying them to events and outputs. wink.gif (BY THE WAY: we will try to put out a demo mod and I believe some of us if not all who are apart of the development of this thing will go on and create our own mods after this using our tool. I know I will)

    ALRIGHT big update, tomorrow we will be showing off the surprise. So far no one has gotten anywhere near close with their guess so. But I do need your help everyone. I need to know where I can get a free game cam software to shoot the in game video!



  14. versuch3_48bdy.png or versuch3_5grxo.png


    Hey FFW TUT what if instead of just having one you cycle them every time you load. so you could have one that would be like ladder 110 for example the next it would be squad 18, Rescue 1 and so on every time you load. ( Like 5-6 different units. It would require a script to randomly select one of course to)

  15. I could possibly help in scripting as I have a few years (5 or 6) of experience in various different programming languages and about half a year's experience with C++, but I do have other projects which mean I won't be able to spend that much time on it as I'd like.

    Have to say, though, that if those screenshots are actually in-game shots, then I apologise for underestimating you ;)

    Hey, Its cool. where defiantly looking for a scripter(s) and I continue to refine the plans of our teams goal (In the proses Making In depth layout) but I believe that any of those things are possible. You just have to look at different ways you can do it. For example the 1st person stuff couldn't be done the way I wanted to originally but other mods such as RTS have somewhat of the same concept with a GUI system and it works. Anyways so you would be interested in helping?smile.gif

    Ok heres a Hazmat based of a real call a few months back......18 wheeler roll over and dumps 20,000 gallons of gasoline cause a interstate fir 2 hours. Also maybe a chem where it recats violent to water

    To the best of my knowledge and stuff I believe that can be done. The game stores all the Material data in an XML file so we could probably set up a script that Kind of states how different materials will interact with each other and kind of provide a feedback with choosing different Particle Reactions (Fire, Smoke, toxic gas, or nothing). So Along side a somewhat advanced physics set up We will develop a chemistry set up that should back it up and create many real conditions that would be faced when fighting a fire hazmat Situation. For the advanced Hazmat stuff we will need to talk to some sort of Hazmat technician that can provide us with more information. wink.gif

    post-6840-095335900 1287792886.jpg

    Hey one more thing before I end this post, I have a little sneak peak at a surprise that I need to get done for our fan banner. Tell Me what you think this is...

    post-6840-040776800 1287794338.jpg

  16. versuch2wz08.png

    we need your opinion, you like it? what would you change? we are not sure with the truck at the bottom... maybe we add an other screenshot^^

    but thats the reason why we want to hear you ;)

    FFW TUT, I think that is an amzing loading screen Great Job I would love to see more of your GUI. 12.gif

  17. we will be modeling different particles and actions of the fire based off the weather so in turn you could probably simulate a wild fire. (all this would be based of XML files already in existence in the game and we would create a script that changes fire setup based of XML ) Now I keep going back and fourth on this one but our physics system may not work out as well. I can believe that it cant process thousands of objects even hundreds (under 100). So we will be able to only put a limit on the # of stories that can actually fall. Because usually anyway high rises don't destroy completely easily. So I do think we can simulate houses and buildings under 3/4 stories collapsing. We will still though have sub-wall and roof components for the chemistry systems purpose.

    Anyways so wild fire will probably be possible just based off natural chemistry system. alright well now I want to ask everyone of what they think of what they think of hazmat and such? What Kind of stuff would you like to see? New Tools ( for example Gas readers)? New situations (based of real hazmat chemical compositions using NFPA definitions)

    Please Post any thoughts comments, Ideas, Complaints you probably know the rest. we want to here from you...wink.gif

    post-6840-005232100 1287751537.jpg

    (100th reply on topic)

  18. Hey everyone I need someones help. I am trying to get Dyson his new esu unit but have hit a bump in the road. I need a siknner who is familiar with zmod. I currently don't have the time to learn to skin, (been practiceing a little bit though) I have snap shots from each side and part (got a few to go) but if I can get anyones help with this it would be greatly appreciated ( far as I know one of the last things he needs before release of his mod ver 2.0.1) please pm me if you can help. We also will need a perminate skinner for our mod that can help work stuff for this one as well if anyone is up for the challenge.


    B2bomber, Dyson, and the rest of the advanced gameplay team :)

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