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Posts posted by b2bomber

  1. This is the LaZer Phantom A project I did in my engineering graphics class.

    Model Info

    -its a concept bike. It uses a hybrid Gas turbine magnetic Drive-line. Electro-Magnetic braking and Mag-Lev suspension.

    Software Info

    -Made in Rhino3d

    -Rendered in KeyShot

    -sadly the rendering program that I had was only a demo so the quality of the shots suck. (sorry)







    gonna be entering it for a scholarship competition. Any thoughts,complaints, ideas ect.?

    thank you,


  2. Dyson, There will though be more than just that. Copyrights for the game is going to cost some. All the assets, scripting, 3d models, sounds, and stuff will eventually begin to add up ( Doing all that yourself would take years to do) As for the unity game engine, The free version is actually somewhat restricted to what it can do. Shadows among other things wont work on the free version (dynamic shadows).As well as exporting privileges have been a major thing of concern. $1500 though for the full thing with no royalties is a great deal. The free version also puts a limit on how much you can make in a fiscal year to $100,000 ( not sure how the police that). I don't mean to be a Debby downer but that's the brick wall that I've hit working with this stuff. (Its taken me months just working on that crash test facility to get it to do basic stuff)

  3. Rafael I want to apologize for the misunderstanding. What I did was not the correct way about going and doing things and I am sorry. Rafael on this forum as well in other places you are an admired and well respected guy that a lot of people look up to. You are a very very popular person. I don't have anything against that or anyone else who is that way what so ever by the way. Anyway, I misunderstood your concept and got angry because I felt that you copied me. now I'm not crazy, paranoid or anything like that (for the most part I feel that I am normal. Depends on the day :P lol). One issue that I have a problem with is the big guy taking the little guys stuff and walking away with all the credit. As you can tell I really wont settle for someone doing that to me. I did not evaluate and understand the situation correctly. Whether or not you were copying the idea though what I did was inappropriate and not the way I would normally go about doing this kind of stuff (online or in person). I let my anger and my first thought get to me and did the wrong thing. Do take note though that I as well as everyone else are still just human ( thanks captain obvious). Anyway I hope you can except my sincere apologies. I also hope that maybe we can do collaborative works between our projects.

    My sincere apologizes,

    B2Bomber :sorrysign:

  4. I will continue modding, but will be helping out 100% on this project.

    As for 'copying an idea'. Not really bro, I always admired your concept and hoped you would follow it through. But Rafael had been working this concept over several months. Pages of handwritten concept. And come on 2 emergency service game concepts are going to be rather similar.

    You can either just stand down and be cool with it. Or be a dick, and well, what you gonna do? Can't sue us over 'similar concepts'.

    Good day


    Ok listen I agree with what everyone is saying, as for multiple games of the same type yea, yea that true. But their concepts do vary a bit. I really don't have the time to argue this out. Especially like everyone said it will get us nowhere. So either we can work together Rafael or go our separate ways like I said in that PM.

  5. no I'm just frustrated. I apologize for not being around because I have had to devote myself to school. But everything I have stated and yes have been working on and not just a concept anymore (Haven't said anything because its kind of a surprise kind of deal) . its just like everything I have said is being repeated in that one statement above. And you put all this work into something to see that someone else just comes along and starts a clone of the same exact thing ( except slaps a big cities name on it). I have spent months of time working on 3d Modeling to coding this stuff. As well as years just trying to learn how to get to the point where I'm at now.

  6. dude your pulling this stuff from me, I started this stuff a year ago! (I may of started talking in May but have been toying around with stuff since at least the fall of 2010)


    As for B2Bombers Stuff, I Have been A little Side tracked with a project that I have been doing for school.

    Do I have the Experience Now. Yes, Yea I do. Have I been working on stuff when I can yes, yes I have.

    What drove you to your decision to use the unity game engine? (what other engines did you look at?) or did you just copy the stuff to?

    Your Platforms?

    Even some of my team members your pulling...

    - Cops


  7. Don't do intel! Do the AMD FX (Bulldozer) series. They have up to 8 cores in them. And could kill any task that you give it for the most part. Unless of course you are folding proteins or something. people are clocking those things to new levels...



  8. hey b2bomber,

    just kinda checkin in, seein how things are goin. i know this is kinda jumpin the gun here, but im gonna ask anyway cause im curious. do you have any idea right now how many fire stations will be on the map? and possibly their layouts? Now before anyone says, "come on man, hes just getting started." im just curious. thats all.

    and still jumpin the gun, but do you think this game will possibly come with a freeplay mode like 911fr or even an editor? just for the heck of it?

    i know this project has a long way to go, but im just curious is all. and one more question. not a suggestion a question. do you think we will see a unit like the paramedic squad or the light equipment vehicle in the game? or will paramedic units be ambulances?


    Hey, Questions are not a problem ask away. They helps us patch holes. anyway as for the map, we haven't gotten to that point yet. I have been gone for a little while so I havent gotten much done. So I really couldn't tell you what we have in the plans yet. Its really gonna be based off what you guys want in a vote. (when we release a website for the project) I can tell you so far that we are going to just start off with standard units-aerial pieces, pumpers, possibly a tanker and a rescue. I cant tell you though what form they are going to be in (I.E. A quint, or rescue pumper). This will all depend on geographical location of the map and the size of the town/ city we decide to fictionally make up in the process. Its a MMORPG so it will be a free play style setup where each user takes control of one character at a station within the fire department. There will be at least starting out no scripted mission events. Think of it like a real life fire department where they just receive calls. Now as for an editor we have thought about allowing users to post there own maps created with a editor tool that we would build but were not entirely 100% sure yet.

    Hello B2Bomber,

    First of all, I haven't read all the topic (sorry if I say something which might already been said.)

    I voted for the MMORPG game.

    This because of there being quite a few dispatching simulations out there. (Making one myself actually. Source code is already out there. I started over.)

    Tho, a lot of these are German. So it might be fun to have an American version out there.

    But since I like MMORPG more, and I think most people do, (Call of Duty isn't form based is it^^) I think MMORPG would sell better and be more fun.

    Not making an MMORPG myself because I think it's harder.

    I can totally agree. now I know that there are a lot of dispatching sims out there as well. What the plan is, is to provide the best of both worlds. The game will need a dispatcher (starting off it will be AI temporarily so we can script and build a solid manual dispatch system). Although with Cops and RedHawk Talking to us now, we are going to see if they would like to merge there stuff together with ares so we will have a police/fire/little ems system right off the get go. sorry if its a little confusing with what i'm trying to say.

  9. The main problem with 5 years of game design is that there is a lot of changing. Looking back 5 years, you see a big difference in the games from now. So keeping up with the changes would be very hard. Another thing would be the money. A game in this concept would only make probably somewhere around a few hundred thousand.

    Again, I don't want to be really the guy to have to say it, but to make a game from point 0 to the end with just two people is very hard. Hey, if you can do it, more power to you, but I can almost guarantee you won't be a millionaire at the end, or even really a lot of money will come out of it.

    The first thing to do I would recommend is securing an engine for the game, before even getting ahead of yourself with models and all that.

    Like he said you need to find an engine that fits your desires and wants. for me its the Unity engine. Also like I said in the PM game platforms (such as Xbox 360) cost a ton of money to just get the license to build for them. This particular genre of game in general doesn't have a larger consumer base either. which makes it a difficult task to pull in a ton of money (I'm not expecting much out of my project either (maybe several thousand dollars but its not really a big gain for the time and effort put in))

  10. hey does anyone know if there are any file management libraries in emergency's core that I could possibly play with to possibly lower the spec ratings. it bugs me how emergency goes about this stuff cause it puts a cap on what we can do for a mod at once. It should dynamically load prototypes and then reference for models when needed.

  11. Hi all,

    I have had 1-2 years now of scripting experience now and I have decided to try out working with emergency's base. I have two questions for you, one is a bit more specific than the other so here I go.

    Q 1. Ok, well I know this script is missing a lot probably but basically I am looking for an answer of how to get it to start working in the game...

    So here is the error in the log file that I am getting when I start up the editor and load the mod with the script in it.

    ?(_Airhornfc246a): Error: Symbol CLASS_AirHornAirHorn is not defined in current scope

    its saying the the object/class that I have created is not defined in the current scope, is there some where that I need to be defining the script to something?

    here's the script...

    // ///ENGLISH-USA setup///
    // AirHorn.script
    // By B2bomber
    // on 9/16/11
    // Usage of this script in any content is NOT allowed without the expressed
    // written consent of Jacob McKim/B2bomber
    // This script is used to make the air horn effect for emergency apparatus
    // in em4
    // Last Edit : 9/17/11
    // Version #: 1.0.0
    // ///DEUTSCH-Fertig mit Google Translate///
    // AirHorn.script
    // Von B2bomber
    // Auf 17/9/11
    // Aufruf des Skripts in beliebiger Inhalte ist ohne ausdrückliche erlaubt
    // Zustimmung von Jacob McKim/B2bomber geschrieben
    // Dieses Skript wird verwendet, um die Luft Horn-Effekt für den
    // Notfall apparat machen In EM4
    // Letzte Änderung: 17/9/11
    // Version #: 1.0.0

    // Start by creating the object
    object AirHorn : CommandScript

    VcmdAirHorn ()
    SetIcon (Sirens);

    bool CheckGroupVisibility(GameObject *Caller)
    if(!Caller->IsValid() || Caller->GetType() != ACTOR_VEHICLE)
    {return false;}
    return true;

    bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
    if(!Caller->IsValid() || !Target->IsValid() || Target->GetID() != Caller->GetID())
    {return false;}
    {return true;}

    void PushActions (GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int childID)
    Vehicle v(Caller);
    int soundID;

    Vector VPos=v.GetPosition();

    soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D("mod:Audio/FX/Sirens/airhorn.wav", VPos, false);


    Q 2. Now In general can someone please describe to me how the flow of emergency's scripts work. I have worked with several different game engines some object oriented some not (Unity,Blitz,Torque,Unreal Engine). Although I really haven't found a good reference for how the flow of the program works. I can kind of see how it working but really would like to see if someone could clarify it for me. I have been using so far...

    -Modding Studio 2012

    -LA Mod Scripts as comparitive




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